Indoor First grow 23w cfl's, Ak47 and White widow

I'll ask the stoners in LS chat if the molasses and coconut water are still effective with a chemical nutrient. I'll tag you in it, so you can check it out when you get home tonight. :pass:
Thanks! Very nice of you! :) I picked up the fert I posted in the pic above and the coconut water. I used the fert (8-14-9 with added iron, zinc and manganese) at half strength as I noticed once again the yellowing was starting on the widow since late sunday, the leaf that was getting the green hue from prior yellowing was now yellow. Also added maybe 10% of the veg feed 25-10-10. Added one tablespoon of the molasses and 4 tablespoons of the coconut water to 5L of water. Watered each plant 1.5L until slight runoff. Ph was between 6.5,6-7 for the water with everything added. Still no odor from either plant. Leaves near the buds, especially ak are showing 'crystaly' leaves around buds, but no smell. Also cut off all yellow leaves on both plants. Im thinking it should still be a month before harvest?


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Oh, and I read 2 or 3 articles last night that say, apparently it doesn't matter if you use chemical ferts with molasses, its a myth that chemical ferts destroy bacteria in soil, what happens, according to what I read is that chemical ferts feed the plants directly..the organisms in the soil aren't needed to break it down..thus they're not fed and eventually die off from starvation...even with chemical ferts, you need a healthy culture of microorganisms in the soil to help the roots gain strength and become robust and better at aiding in the transport of water and nutes, even if chemical, from the soil to the plant. Yes organic is obviously more efficient, but apparently a chemical fert doesn't negate the benefits of using molasses. It was my exact search last night before bed lol:)
Your plants are beautiful.
Your going to knock it out of park first time bravo.
Sorry I'm late but will tag along to see how it goes.:bravo:
Thank you so much!:) I don't know about out of the park, hopefully its not a foul ball lol:) I just hope they go about a month to add on as much weight as possible..the cola on the ak especially is growing wondering if I should tie just the 2 colas down to bring it back to more even..we'll see later today. If it is done in a week or max 2 as the breeder says..the buds wont be big.
Thanks! Very nice of you! :) I picked up the fert I posted in the pic above and the coconut water. I used the fert (8-14-9 with added iron, zinc and manganese) at half strength as I noticed once again the yellowing was starting on the widow since late sunday, the leaf that was getting the green hue from prior yellowing was now yellow. Also added maybe 10% of the veg feed 25-10-10. Added one tablespoon of the molasses and 4 tablespoons of the coconut water to 5L of water. Watered each plant 1.5L until slight runoff. Ph was between 6.5,6-7 for the water with everything added. Still no odor from either plant. Leaves near the buds, especially ak are showing 'crystaly' leaves around buds, but no smell. Also cut off all yellow leaves on both plants. Im thinking it should still be a month before harvest?
For some reason, I wasn't receiving alerts to your posts. They look amazin
For some reason, I wasn't receiving alerts to your posts. They look amazin
If they keep growing and wait another 4 weeks, then they should be decent:) My goal to start was the 3 ounces combined..if I get close to that i'll be happy for a first time auto cfl grow:) Close to an ounce and its a disappointment!:)
Oh and btw, today when I walked in my place, was the first time I can smell a sweeter, marijuana smell. Not much, but it was evident when I opened my door:)
Day 46. Retied a couple branches to pull them away from each other and pulled the main cola down a bit. Yellowing seems to continue on fan leaves only. I don't think its starvation really just may be that the plant..even though flowers are not completely ready, is almost at the end of its life? If they are on a 'time limit', and ak is supposed to run 5-7 weeks, widow 7-8 weeks, then one is almost finished and the other has another 10 days. Im gonna grow the last auto I have, the free one I got with my order, but im likely done with them if I continue to grow down the road. Too small, cant do anything with them. It was an interesting experience, but I'd prefer something I can grow to a specific size and shape and flower it properly. This is a countdown and nothing you can do. Just hoping to keep them alive long enough to get a small yield.


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If they keep growing and wait another 4 weeks, then they should be decent:) My goal to start was the 3 ounces combined..if I get close to that i'll be happy for a first time auto cfl grow:) Close to an ounce and its a disappointment!:)
Oh and btw, today when I walked in my place, was the first time I can smell a sweeter, marijuana smell. Not much, but it was evident when I opened my door:)
I could smell mine at early flower, but they are not so stinky at the mo. thanks for the rep
I could smell mine at early flower, but they are not so stinky at the mo. thanks for the rep
Ya, that's what I read too at the start..the smell will come around week 5. End of week 7 this sunday and again..smell is very very faint if any. I heard someone say in this thread that their widow had no smell either..but surely the ak is supposed to stink..ive seen a few mention that their odor is especially strong!