@comet79 are you there? Okay,i think i read where you say the water/nute going in is 7 this is too high,soil needs to be 6.0-6.5 so try and get it a little closer,for now dont worry about in soil or runoff ph because its a little iffy to test even with a meter...when possible if you dont/cant invest invest in a ppm/ec meter try using the AN pH perfect line of nutes this will give you a bigger pH window...the nutes you are using are pretty high in N which is good for green/veg growth but this may be part of rhe problem also,the plants use less N in flower and more P and K ,lets work on getting those things taken care of and we should see some significant improvements..i use General Hydroponics maxi-grow and maxi bloom powders( separate of course) ..they are pretty cheap,hold on ill send a pic