Indoor First grow 23w cfl's, Ak47 and White widow

Hi Cat, I did Sensi's Northern lights last year, but being a total noob to autoflowers (had no idea there was any kind of an auto groundswell) the conditions I provided were far from ideal; small pots, temps too high, and kept too dry for the most part. how tall is your tallest and how small your smallest?
Hi @Oldbie The oldest plat is 41days @ 10" but with lots of bud sites. The younger plant is 29days @ 17" with lots of new buds. You can see pics on my grow journal, which is on my signature
Here a pic of the nutes i use for veg then bloom,the two bags would take a plant from start to finish as long as heat ,air, and pH is taken care of
@comet I can understand the discouragement, but judging by what others say, it sounds like they will recover quickly. I watched your grow and learned so much for my own first grow. Hope you don't quit.
Heres the best advice i can give in a situation like this..dont kill the plant,use it as a learning experience,continue to work with it and get it to harvest,the yellow leaves wont recover but all the leaves are sacrificial lambs ( so to speak) to ensure the flower makes it to the end,as you continue growing and learning ,reading what stage the plant is in and what it needs will become easier..and yes you are correct,breeders completion times are usually never correct
Hi @Oldbie The oldest plat is 41days @ 10" but with lots of bud sites. The younger plant is 29days @ 17" with lots of new buds. You can see pics on my grow journal, which is on my signature

without digging up, hang on, Hi Cat:smiley1:, as I was writing, without digging up my grow diary, I can tell you that I had several shorties (it was a 10 pk of feminised seeds), that didn't get any bigger than 10" a few that reached about 20" and a few in-between; none got anywhere near the full height , but I blame myself for that ; I was unaware of the autoflower basics such as no transplanting, big pots, low temps, or at least no huge min/max fluctuations; it was an attic situation (since abandoned; all that conversion work for nothing; boo-hoo, poor me). never mind; worse things happen at sea. thanks very much for the rep; I'm off to update my "stinky ballast" thread in grow equipment section now.
see ya around
@comet79 are you there? Okay,i think i read where you say the water/nute going in is 7 this is too high,soil needs to be 6.0-6.5 so try and get it a little closer,for now dont worry about in soil or runoff ph because its a little iffy to test even with a meter...when possible if you dont/cant invest invest in a ppm/ec meter try using the AN pH perfect line of nutes this will give you a bigger pH window...the nutes you are using are pretty high in N which is good for green/veg growth but this may be part of rhe problem also,the plants use less N in flower and more P and K ,lets work on getting those things taken care of and we should see some significant improvements..i use General Hydroponics maxi-grow and maxi bloom powders( separate of course) ..they are pretty cheap,hold on ill send a pic
Watering going in isn't 7...its around 6.6-6.7. I will get a meter for next grow if I do it, ph and tds. Yes the fert is high in n, its why I gave so little. but I honestly don't think this yellowing is anything to do with phosphorus or potassium. From the countless pics and vids ive watched..this doesn't look anything like either of those seems to be nitrogen quite obviously. Since feed, I notice this morning that the yellowing isn't expanding anymore since, and I see a slight green hue on one of the yellow leaves on the bottom. Its not surprising..again only two tiny feeds prior to this one on Thursday (day 15 and 29)..and the two together amounted to maybe 1/3 strength. First was a third at best and second feed I cant even count really as it was less than 1ml (Less than quarter strength), and then the plain watering Saturday I think leached the little bit that was in there out and it went into starvation mode. I will get a flowering fert this coming week prior to next watering and will give more than 1/3 strength of this veg feed, if flowering fert is too low in N (last time for that), and introduce a quarter feed of bloom at the same time. After that, may feed bloom feed again, slightly higher dosage in following water and/or be adding molasses every second watering. I actually didn't think much of nutes for auto's as I read they don't like nutes and very little if one does feed them maybe at flowering. The first feed and subsequent claw 3 days later on the widow scared me off from feeding 3 weeks ago so I waited till last weekend to give that tiny second feed. I guess starting flowering is when they get hungriest and the appetite picks up during flowering.
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Heres the best advice i can give in a situation like this..dont kill the plant,use it as a learning experience,continue to work with it and get it to harvest,the yellow leaves wont recover but all the leaves are sacrificial lambs ( so to speak) to ensure the flower makes it to the end,as you continue growing and learning ,reading what stage the plant is in and what it needs will become easier..and yes you are correct,breeders completion times are usually never correct
I learnt a ton before starting and even more during!!! I didn't want to over do anything and went with less is more..but I went so less that they got virtually nothing lol.
Okay sounds like you have a handle on it then...peace...
I learnt a ton before starting and even more during!!! I didn't want to over do anything and went with less is more..but I went so less that they got virtually nothing lol.
I did the same research before starting a grow (of one plant!). It got to the stage when I couldn't absorb any more info without some hands on experience and I still made some of the most common mistakes. I think less is best coz you can simply increase and if it is a deficiency, then they might recover within 3 days. Since reading about this problem, I increased my nutes, especially calmag and they're looking a little greener. Once your babies start to recover, I hope you'll feel a little more upbeat about it
I did the same research before starting a grow (of one plant!). It got to the stage when I couldn't absorb any more info without some hands on experience and I still made some of the most common mistakes. I think less is best coz you can simply increase and if it is a deficiency, then they might recover within 3 days. Since reading about this problem, I increased my nutes, especially calmag and they're looking a little greener. Once your babies start to recover, I hope you'll feel a little more upbeat about it
Ya my interest has kind of gone away from it. I expected the plants to be bigger, I don't even think i'll get an ounce combined from the two. I did learn about growing, but it doesn't seem worth it. its a whole lot of work and inconvenience to get such little bud. In the end it costs me less than twice as much to buy it and I don't have to worry about what lights are on when..and when I left a window open and its too cool or too humid. In the end to save like 50$ over a span of a thinking its easier to let someone else do all the work and I buy it. It was an intresting experience, but unless one does this on a much larger scale, for me it doesn't pay to go through 3+ months of this for 100$ worth of weed.
im gonna finish this grow, I have 2 seeds left, one is bagseed from a co worker the other is an 'easybud' from royal queen seeds. Easybuds produce very little, even according to the breeder, and the bagseed I don't know if its female. So this likely is my only attempt at a grow. I do wish everyone the best though and I thank you all for your input and help along the way!!!