Indoor First grow 23w cfl's, Ak47 and White widow

This is the AK.


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I'm not sure if @budelee is still on for tonight, but I'm glad they're still standing, and I'm sure he'll get with you tomorrow if not tonight. Just hang in there. Budelee is awesome and will be able to help you! :pass:
Ah yes they are still standing..thats tell me some more info...coco/soil ,how u checking ph,how u checking ppm, what exacly are ya feeding
Ah yes they are still standing..thats tell me some more info...coco/soil ,how u checking ph,how u checking ppm, what exacly are ya feeding
Using soil, im checking ph with a pool tester..phenol red drops. ppm's I cant check as I don't have a meter. I fed it 25-10-10 orchid fertilizer..water soluble with added micro's. I have a pic in this thread when I first fed it.
Eeek, that happened fast... I'd better dose mine with N and calmag. I'm inexperienced, but I'd say they need a lot longer than 2wks. According to Sensi seed, my eldest plant is due to harvest in about 3-4wks, but I won't be surprised if she takes double that time. Can ya hear me drumming my fingers impatiently?:coffee2:

Hi Cat, I did Sensi's Northern lights last year, but being a total noob to autoflowers (had no idea there was any kind of an auto groundswell) the conditions I provided were far from ideal; small pots, temps too high, and kept too dry for the most part. how tall is your tallest and how small your smallest?
Still wondering how come they don't have a smell at it still too early for that? When I turn the lights off..within 15 seconds u can smell the plant..but not really a weed odor..but while lights are on..nothing
Hi Comet, are you talking/writing about all of them?
if you recall, we have WW in common and I have Pryramids re-working of an AK, but I ended up with the photo version.
my WW was virtually odour free too, but stem-rubbing reveals some nice hints of the Brazilian mother in the original WW.
got a stack of dried banana peals (organic of course-don't want to be spraying any pesticide residues on my ladies) as well as free-range egg-shells.
happy chickens=healthy chickens=better egg-shells. any sign of aphids and I will be putting the spray to the test.
had to LST my WW; growth rate phenomenal day 36 and already 30 ".
oddly they're both yellowing at the same time..though widow went faster..doesn't seem to be getting worse since feed yesterday..still unsure. Yes if I rub the leaves or stem..there is an odour.but I thought they were supposed to smell of weed as they grow..i don't know:) I cant measure mine in height really as I started lsting a few weeks ago, so I don't know the true height of the plant..i released the ties a few days ago. Oh and is better if u can get it. I wonder if the plants miss the flies lol..they started yellowing since the bugs left lol. But ya..not one has come back since foliar..this was little black flies..gnat flies? I saw only 1 red spider a few weeks ago along the pot..inspected closely and there were no more and haven't seen anything since. Apparently what aphids hate are chives!!! Ive seen people grow a chive plant in their grow room (companion planting), and aphids wont come near the smell of them!
Good idea!, I might squeeze in a small pot-full of chives.
on the subject of odours, I just posted "stinky ballast" in the grow equipment section of the forums. cant smell my plants at all now.
@comet79 are you there? Okay,i think i read where you say the water/nute going in is 7 this is too high,soil needs to be 6.0-6.5 so try and get it a little closer,for now dont worry about in soil or runoff ph because its a little iffy to test even with a meter...when possible if you dont/cant invest invest in a ppm/ec meter try using the AN pH perfect line of nutes this will give you a bigger pH window...the nutes you are using are pretty high in N which is good for green/veg growth but this may be part of rhe problem also,the plants use less N in flower and more P and K ,lets work on getting those things taken care of and we should see some significant improvements..i use General Hydroponics maxi-grow and maxi bloom powders( separate of course) ..they are pretty cheap,hold on ill send a pic