First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

What else do I have on timers in your grow? Only thing I have on a timer is my light I believe. Everything else stays on 24/0 to keep my air constantly moving and refreshing the tent and also the room the tent is in. I have central air too which helps alot in climate control of my house. Room and tent in my room lol
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My first spot!!! First sign of call deficiency? Or newbies syndrome? Not freaking out just catching problems before they arise hopefully. Only used RO water and clonex at 1/4 strength... Have not gave calimag yet....
sorry to b so anal but I chalk it up to newbies syndrome and my passion and thrive to give these girls the best life possible for the short time these autos are here in their life cycle :)
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I have my light on 16/8 as I mentioned, and I have the extraction fan on 16/8 with the lights, and then on for only 5 minutes/hour during the night cycle to vent, I have a tiny tent, and a small desk fan moving the air around all the time so figure she's getting plenty of air.
Haha yeah, I get newbie syndrome too, I don't know about your spot there, from what I've read it would be a bit early for calcium deficiency, as she's still not really touched any of the nutes in your medium yet, and in my case with a similar mark I figure I'd maybe caught the leaf in something one time, I am quite careless and have dropped the string from the light pulley on her a few times >.<

Absolutely better to be safe than sorry, but don't worry, give it a few days and see how she does would be my advice :D
From what I've gathered it's highly recommended to leave that extraction fan on because as you pull air out of the room you create what they call a passive intake which flows new, clean air with fresh co2 helping keep your ppm in a happy range for the plants. The small pores in their leaves open to release water and intake oxygen and co2. I am also a noob so don't quote me on that but it makes sense to keep air flowing constantly to help feed through the leaves. I assume each environment is so different though that I can only add in those thoughts as I don't know your environment as well as you. I debated with myself for a long time about keeping my exhaust fan on a timer or not. Maybe I need more research and your way may b more economical and save some money while still completing the job.... I'm curious to see the results on both our ends :) I'm going to follow your grow. What's your link good sir?
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Yeah absolutely, it's more a case of noise over night really but you're 100% correct about the plants needing airflow... I'd doing it this way because the misses would get a bit miffed if there was a constant low buzz from the extractor all night, so I compromised and went with a full exchange once an hour, as I say, it's a tiny tent, and there's no standing air in there.

I firmly believe there's no wrong answer as long as the plant enjoys herself, which is the only goal I can see, as happy plants give us the best medicine! :smoking:
Nicely said sir! Happy plants equal happy harvest!!! I'm astonished at the growth I've received thus far and feel safe saying my girls are happy. I check on them too often probably but it's for their own good at this age. Lol hopefully this grow will teach me the things I need to know to progress further and onto larger grows consisting of both in and outdoor when we move...
And I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how you get on!

Did you find my grow journal? It's down in my signature if you haven't had a look yet :) Best wishes man, and all the best!
Just took a look through it. Things are looking great so far. Very interesting day coming up soon she should start to really explode
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Hey discrete welcome, you found an excellent place to grow and learn. Don't worry about one spot on one leaf, especially when their this young. May I ask what's in your soil? I'm only curious as I recently switched to organics(about a year ago) and have ordered my soil amendments and just waiting for all the boxes and bag to arrive. Anyway good karma to you