First ever grow. Promix HP THC bomb auto 600w hps.

I feel like I'm moving along so good that my girls will exceed my expectations of what I originally thought I would get from this grow. The more I study and the more I learn from others the more worried I get about my space. I'm probably going to b best off LST. I kno there is multiple ways to do this as well... My main goal is to get from start to finish on this grow and have good product with a yield that will pay for itself at least. Looking for more than personal but not looking to get rich. If honestly just like to even out my grow to where I can have my own medicine and make a couple bucks or break even for each grow. I would prefer quality over quantity as I can learn quantity later. Right now I want the best meds possible. This site is great. Thank you every one.
Good to kno A4!!! I'll keep feeding the clonex for now :) I'm probably going to need guidance of when and how much nutrients to use when I start. Today when I fed I gave about 2 liters of water solution per plant and had just a few drops of run off. I check my soil with a finger test through the bottom drain holes as opposed to the top soil. Learned this from my brother who did landscaping :)
Yea I've looked at one of his threads under organics and his girls looked amazing. I'm looking forward to learning about LST from some one who has experience. He's already saved me from an anxiety attack from thinking about how and what and when to feed my girls. I'm scared of the nutrients and not as anxious to use them as most newbies
For my first grow I'm more interested in getting from point A (a seed) lol to point B (beautifully hearty tasty finished girls that I learn to harvest and cure properly for the best of medicine). Potency is most important right now.... While I would love a large yield as well, I can't expect both first round lol. If it happens I will have this site, these threads and an amazing new community to give credit to. Everyone here has been amazing and very welcoming and I find almost everything I need is here. Thank you all and happy farming :)
LST is actually pretty fun and simple, you'll see:biggrin: A4 is 100% on though, younger plants are better. I've got some outdoor plants I had to bring in, and keeping them out of the lights is nerve wracking. I'm surprised I haven't broken a stem yet... it's been close.
Don't fear the nutes:rofl: You've got a great mentor, Pete, stay on track and not only will you have a good harvest, you'll come out of it all will the Big K, knowledge.
Meanwhile, enjoy your gals!:peace:
Lol I was scared of germination because I put beans directly into my medium and everyone i kno recommended other means of germination and i declined and stood by my option of germination. that worked out great. Now I fear feeding because I won't have a schedule till after this grow and that's only for this strain.... So much to learn and try... And after feeding I'm freaking out about harvest and curing. From what I've gathered this is almost as important as the grow itself. I've seen so many different methods and have a plan set but since I've never acted on this plan it's scary. Lol
Looking good, Pete!
I'll repeat, A4 has some amazing skills:thumbsup:

You are too kind, my skills are always lacking if you ask the person that :0

Pete, the plants will grow themselves if you let them. The biggest mistake most new gardeners make is reacting/over reacting to every little hiccup. There will be learning bumps along the way and the one thing you need to remember is don't compound your problems by trying to correct every little thing.

The biggest defining factor in quality of flowers is genetics, second is environment(RH, Temps, Air Flow), third is curing and fourth is feeding regimen. I have seen even the most miserable looking plants that were abused still have some awesome looking flowers. Granted, the yield wasn't there but the quality was still good. The better you take care of them, the better the yield but the quality is pretty much set for you from the genetics. From the sounds of it, as much as you have done your homework you should be fine and get through the grow with a breeze.

For drying/curing, there are several ways of doing it and none of them are wrong. I cut mine off at the stem and hang dry the entire plant. Most people don't have room for that and prefer to dry in paper bags or cardboard boxes and that works fine. I don't like that because as the flowers dry laying flat they compress and loose their nice symmetry. It is more aesthetics that anything but if you are going to make a few dollars on them then aesthetics is important. No one wants a squished flower. At least not at retail prices. Slow and low like barbecue is how you want to dry, the longer it takes to dry the more time to off gas the chlorophyll and the better tasting the flowers. I keep mine indoors so the temps are at 70F and the RH is around 50%, the entire plant takes about 5 days to dry enough to jar. Once you jar, you need to find some way of checking RH inside the jar. I use Caliber IV Hygrometers, throw one in the jar and try to keep the RH around 55%. Link below, they are cheap and do an excellent job.

That is it for me tonight, I will check back with you once a week or so. If you have a question, PM me.

Last edited: Local pet store probably has these. Not sure if the accuracy is the highest but it's definitely a very cheap alternative to a digital hygrometer. I'm going to post pics every three or four days of the girls life. I do have a 30x microscope for bug identification and to check my girls when needed... I'm pretty confident in the grow and won't feel so worried after I complete the process all the way through for my first time.... Stay tuned for updates.... Humidity has risen to the high 50s now and girls had a nice spurt after watering yesterday.... So far so good :)
Local pet store probably has these. Not sure if the accuracy is the highest but it's definitely a very cheap alternative to a digital hygrometer.
I still use fairly cheap hydrometers, Pete, they just bear watching. Flukers is a good happy medium, most pet stores carry them in the reptile section. Calibrate the thing!!! :biggrin:
I use a fine Sharpie and write + or - X % on the face afterwards. Those are just for my cure jars. Caliber lV's are great, but my lizard is using it right now:biggrin:
For the grow room, at under 10 bucks, this does me well
Thanks redneck, I got one for my tent that does pretty good so my next investment would b ones just for the jars during curing. I kno how to calibrate a thermometer as I've cooked for years but never learned to calibrate a humidity sensor.... Do you kno how our possibly have a link to guide me in the right direction?