New Grower First Ever Grow Mephisto Triangle Kush!!

I'll check on it in a wee bit. If still no cracking in the glass I'll get it in paper towels.

Just want to get growing!
You have to watch you don't drown the seed. I would take it out of the water and either put in towel or in final pot. Since it's been 2 days in water I would do the paper towel method, should sprout in a few days, then drop in soil. I drop in water for no more than 24hrs. The seedling needs air and water to survive. All IMO.

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It's a pretty common technique to put seed in glass for 24hrs, then paper towel.. I use water that seed has been soaking in to soak paper towel and just put it on a plate with another plate over the top for humidity.. then place on window sill..

@Dudeski @Unique ... Hey guys, is this similar to how you do it?
I do same exact way:pass::bighug:
Pink glasses on but there is a tiny bit of light.

Just checked the paper towels and about 1mm of tap root is showing!

Don't let the tap roots get too big or you run the risk of micro-hairs on the root getting trapped in the paper towel fibers. You can damage the taproot and slow the plant down slightly if you do that.

1cm - 2cm is fine
I haven't really found a consistent answer on this online.

When transplanting the seed to your pot, how should the soil be watered? My guess is watered to runoff then dried a little and then plant the seed with a wee sprinkle of water to bed it in??
I haven't really found a consistent answer on this online.

When transplanting the seed to your pot, how should the soil be watered? My guess is watered to runoff then dried a little and then plant the seed with a wee sprinkle of water to bed it in??
I soak my pot 12 hours before planting. Then store in a place at room temperature with a make shift dome over seed location. Mist dome once a day until she comes out the ground.

Sent from my comfy chair. Link to my grows.
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OK Guys, we still have 1-2mm tap root that is not advancing further last day. Is this seed a goner? Should I keep it in towel for a day longer or try it in the soil?

Other option is to admit I screwed it up somehow and germ my Northern Lights and call this one a shocking start?!?

OK Guys, we still have 1-2mm tap root that is not advancing further last day. Is this seed a goner? Should I keep it in towel for a day longer or try it in the soil?

Other option is to admit I screwed it up somehow and germ my Northern Lights and call this one a shocking start?!?

Seems like you drowned it to me. Next time just put in water until it sinks , 12 to 24hrs. If it hasn't sunk, poke it to see if it drops to the bottom. Then you can drop in soil and sit and wait until it pops up, anywhere between 2 and 5 days or put in paper towel and keep moist. Good thing with towel is you can check on progress, down side is you can damage root when planting, although, imo, this is hard to do.

Sent from my comfy chair. Link to my grows.
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