Grow Mediums First DWC - Mephisto and Dutch Passion

yup yup deffo that's fine and yes vids make it wayyy easier ;). They look much better. whats your ppms (and scale) at the moment?.. not that it matters as they look perfect.
thanks @IndicaIVoz I am really glad that you are here my dude preaching the love of the max DO theory, I love it!! Also @Bum they look waaaaaaaaaay better and that was only after a few hours, just wait bro these things are going to go NUTS. @witchyhour this is a good thread to watch the progress of what max DO will do for your hydro babies
thanks @IndicaIVoz I am really glad that you are here my dude preaching the love of the max DO theory, I love it!! Also @Bum they look waaaaaaaaaay better and that was only after a few hours, just wait bro these things are going to go NUTS. @witchyhour this is a good thread to watch the progress of what max DO will do for your hydro babies
Thanks, what's Max Do?

BTW, did you like the root shot from my last harvest? [emoji16]

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Max Dissolved Oxygen, just the same thing I am always sayin(and I know it probably gets annoying, but I cant help it) morrre AIR lol
Gotcha. Now, have you seen the root shot??


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Thx @IndicaIVoz Im not 100% sure about ppms, probably alot cuz of the Rhizotonic and Voodoo Juice.

Do you measure ppm only with the base nutes that can cause burns etc? Or with all the additives?

@derek420colorado welcome back bro, didnt see you here in a while :D yea man lets hope they take off real good now!

How could you even tell they looked better in the vid i cant see it lol
Thx @IndicaIVoz Im not 100% sure about ppms, probably alot cuz of the Rhizotonic and Voodoo Juice.

Do you measure ppm only with the base nutes that can cause burns etc? Or with all the additives?

@derek420colorado welcome back bro, didnt see you here in a while :D yea man lets hope they take off real good now!

How could you even tell they looked better in the vid i cant see it lol

the leaves are perkier and just look happier lol
Thx @IndicaIVoz Im not 100% sure about ppms, probably alot cuz of the Rhizotonic and Voodoo Juice.

Do you measure ppm only with the base nutes that can cause burns etc? Or with all the additives?

@derek420colorado welcome back bro, didnt see you here in a while :D yea man lets hope they take off real good now!

How could you even tell they looked better in the vid i cant see it lol
Yeah leaves go limp dark blemishes in places and look DO deprived and yours were laying on the bucket lid :) you will get used of it all over time my plants cant even russle there leaves without me knowing what direction and speed and how it will effect them tommorow, it takes attention to detail big time but after awhile you know it when you see it if that makes sense.
Also the roots take on a darker appearance due to toxins the roots start to leach out and suffocation . a lot of people like to think its there nutes but 99% of the time its actually the DO in the solution and by the time they realise its to late or they never know and are just happy with whatever harvest they get and call it a success which it is to a degree, it just depends on how high you've set the bar for yourself.
roots should be almost white regardless of the mix but can take a "slight tan" if using organics or a dark fluids like b52 for example are being used.
One other thing is have a look into 8" disk diffusers like this..

If you clean them everyday with a fairly good scrubbing brush i use a fry pan brush like this

they have a white wall of air blubbles like this ;)
Thx @IndicaIVoz Im not 100% sure about ppms, probably alot cuz of the Rhizotonic and Voodoo Juice.

Do you measure ppm only with the base nutes that can cause burns etc? Or with all the additives?
Everything can cause burn to the roots its the whole nutrient profile that needs need to know your all inclusive ppms to have any control over it bro ;)
it dosnt hurt to actually test it all as it go's in ..IE get your base with calmag to 150ish hanna then go from there.
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