Was going to do some LST. Best link for learning how? I was planning on using plant twist ties that i have for tomatoes etc and saftey pins secured to the edge of the smart pot. Other suggestions and when do you think should start? Again I will try to keep up with daily updates although some weekends maybe away.
I would go for pipe cleaners or the thick rubber covered wire for gardening (which is what i use). i've read plenty on making sure your wire is not thine, could cut into ya branches, they do put a lot of stress on those tie's. I top and train due my space and height restrictions, got gorilla glue and a jack herer in the wings ready for strapping in couple of weeks. Be brave and go for it, its a trial and error thing, it didn't take me long to get the idea sorted.
here's a link to my grow, I start the training from this page.