Indoor First basic grow - White Widow Auto t5 soil

Check out the white... fungus?
I sprayed milk mixture yesterday's and then evening did a baking soda mixture.. but now have these brown spots!! @jingo
So we're you spraying the milk mixture to stop powdery mildew? That spot on that one leaf could be powdery mildew? The simple way to find out is to wipe it off with something like a wet paper towel and if it's powdery mildew it'll be back tomorrow.

I would wait a couple days on those brown spots before I worried about them. I have a feeling they're really more a matter of the alkalinity do to the baking soda than anything else. But it's one of those things you're just going to have to wait to see a little bit more growth before you can figure it out.


Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
I tried wiping off and came back so figured was the fungus. I did the milk mixture after these pics reading that helped build up immune system and something with proteins and bacteria actually kills the white mold. Later in the day I did the baking soda mixture just to cover all basis. Have a feeling you maybe right on the burn you mention from that! Thanks!
If your temperatures are up high enough and you got enough air movememt you shouldn't have any problem with powdery mildew. One sure way to knock it out though if you're in the United States is to get some sm-90 and just mix it up following the label directions and spray that on.

You may want to run this plant over in the infirmary until you get things sorted out.

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
If your temperatures are up high enough and you got enough air movememt you shouldn't have any problem with powdery mildew. One sure way to knock it out though if you're in the United States is to get some sm-90 and just mix it up following the label directions and spray that on.

You may want to run this plant over in the infirmary until you get things sorted out.

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.

Be real careful with SM-90 it's potent and has to be used appropriately as described on the bottle. I've read people's diaries where they've had major PH fluctuations with SM-90 from over using it, ie; 9.5
@jingo I finally got a PH meter and reading my tap water is at a 9.1. This is what have been using for most of the grow except early on when used Poland spring.. Think this may be slowing the grow? Should get something to reduce? I can imagine that by adding flora nova bloom it only increases it. Hmmmm
@jingo I finally got a PH meter and reading my tap water is at a 9.1. This is what have been using for most of the grow except early on when used Poland spring.. Think this may be slowing the grow? Should get something to reduce? I can imagine that by adding flora nova bloom it only increases it. Hmmmm
I seriously doubt you have pH of 9.1. Did you happen to get two calibration mixtures? I like to calibrate at pH of 7 and 4. Once I'm sure I have it dialed in then I just calibrate at 7 since I leave my meter sitting in reverse osmosis water which is 6.4.

With the pH of 9.1 you would have to have so many buffers in your water that it would be just about be impossible to fertilize your plant.

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.