Indoor First basic grow - White Widow Auto t5 soil

I've never heard of a place that does that on purpose. I wonder what the heck they use to raise the pH? Oh well, I guess you may have to contact them and see if they can tell you what the average total dissolved solids are in your water. If they're not too high you can pH Down really easy. If they are high then when you PH down you may have some issues. The fact that they say they raise the ph because it doesn't cause the metals to stay in the plumbing or whatever excuse they use, tells me that there's probably a lot of minerals in your water.

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.
Oh it's stretching!!!!

Day 47, it's growing quick now and did some training today and some defoliating of some under growth. A feeding with floranova bloom and molasses in Poland spring water!
@jingo once get my camera back will get better photos. But I just planted lost coast skunk, dark devil, and Pineapple.

Image order, Pineapple, dark devil, lost coast.

What is going on with the Pineapple!!?
Looks like that Pineapple Express is a two-for-the-price-of-one. Usually what happens is one of those seedlings will just wither and die or break off and die and the other one will keep on growing. It's possible you might lose them both.

If neither one dies off then in about three days I would just cull the weaker of the two, just snip it off.

Your other seedlings look like they're in just a little bit too strong medium at this point. But, they should do okay.

Current Diaries

Jingo grows zambeza white widow and supper silver haze

Jingo does Remo nutes, Dinafem white cheese and portal kracken.

Jingo grows Dinafem White Cheese, lumigrow pro 325, gh and remo nutes

Jingo'scontinuous cbd grow, lumigrow pro LED, GH nutrients in coco, with test results.