New Grower First Auto-grow.Week 6 - Automaria #1 (Paradise Seeds) - 90 Watt LED UFO 7 Spectrum - 15" by 20" by

im not sure, those orange spots don't look great at all, might be worth posting those pics on one of the help threads. I doesnt look like it is being caused by the lights being to close
you dont really want to back of our feed to much at this stage, you need to be pumping the bloom to fatten your buds, though in a pinch of Epson saults
I don't think the purple is much to worry, with a it of luck you might get some purple n your buds
remember or at the stage of fattening buds, in the end the leaves are just the leaves
What are you feeding bro? Looks like she could take more, got a few tiny bits of deficiency going on I think, maybe some P&K and calmag would help out. Hitting the help thread or infirmary will get you the help you need bro.

Nothing to worry about though, she's looking great maybe just a bit hungry, see what the guys in the know say.
from the quick research I did it could be caused by a boron deficiancy
What are you feeding bro? Looks like she could take more, got a few tiny bits of deficiency going on I think, maybe some P&K and calmag would help out. Hitting the help thread or infirmary will get you the help you need bro.

Nothing to worry about though, she's looking great maybe just a bit hungry, see what the guys in the know say.

Im feeding her with HY-PRO Terra grow & bloom. N-P-K is 2-5-5. It's states the commodities as being HNO3/H3PO4/KOH/MgSO4/NH4NO3/Fe-DTPA and H2O.

from the quick research I did it could be caused by a boron deficiancy

The HY-PRO nutrient im using says it has trace elements of boron, coper, iron, manganese, molybdenium and zinc.

Here is a link to their website.

The soil i started with is 5 litres of "Van Egmond universele potgrond". On the bag it says its got all the nutes and trace elements for 4-6 weeks of growth and a PH between 5.0 and 6.5 + a EC value between 0.8 and 1.5. I started to get what looked like calcium deficiency wich i posted pics of near the start of the thread and then i repotted her in new soil in a 10 litre pot so i had to add 5 litres of the new soil at the bottom and around the rootball. I had not gave her any food at this point. The new soil is BioBizz all-mix. I started on 1/3rd strength of the hypro the first couple of times then half strength then full strength for the last watering and back to half again for the water i gave her this morning. I was worried it could be nute burn so i thought id play it safe and give her a smaller dose this time untill i can figure out what the problem most likely is. I'll go on the infirmary and see if i can get this baby nursed back to health! Cheers guys!
just read back your entire thread and you have a any problems, after what muddy said and looking at the whole thread it appears you have been experiencing nute lock out for while due to poor ph.
but you have shown great persistence and will have a good yield considering all the issues.

your gonna have to put more study into your soil selection in future, avoid cheap, perhaps aim for organic, many soils make a lot of claims about benefits and blah blah this often stanslates into poor and unstable ph levels and/or too hot for autos.
this site has some threads dedicated to soil, im sure you can find some brands here that will be suitable to autos start to finish, or perhaps look into growing I coco, you can choose to treat it like hydro or treat it like a soil grow and is great for both, best part is it has no nutes, you have 100% control of feed and is easy to maintain a steady healthy ph as you set it from the beginning and dont have to wrestle with whatever is in the soil

but for your first auto you have done amazing, they are sensitive little fuckers, my fist auto yielded a massive 2g.
with a willing to learn attitude trial and error eventually leads to no error soon enough and from that point on it can be a breeze

ive rambled on, obviously im high :)
Hi thanks for the input i ran 5 litres of water through her last night and was getting alot of it coming back out the bottom of the pot but i didnt have anything to test PH with so i thought id wait till today to get a testing kit and managed to get one for £5. it's not a digital one its one of those little kits u add the drops to your water/run-off it changes colour then u match it to the card. So far the PH for my tap water seems to be 6.3.

The plant seems to be going ahead as it should and fattening up and becoming more stinky and sticky and the damage doesnt seem to be spreading or getting any worse and i hope it continues to be like that!

I asked muddy's advice in the infirmary section on whether i should just put another 5 litres through the pot tonight and collect the run off from that and test it or put the full 25 litres through it like he suggested yesterday. I put 5 litres of plain water through the pot last night and was getting alot of run-off because the soil was still pretty damp from the last watering but stopped at that because i didn't have the PH testing kit at that time so thought it would not be a good idea to keep flushing it untill i could tell him what the PH was.Im just overly paranoid about watering too much i seem to have a phobia of overwatering lol. Hydrophobia? Maybe i got rabies!?!
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Thought id post some more pics today to show how she's doing after the flush.

For a first Auto grow I have to say....Top job. You will have learned so much and the next will probably be jaw dropping. Well done to you and the AFN support you received.
Makes me proud. Well done !

For a first Auto grow I have to say....Top job. You will have learned so much and the next will probably be jaw dropping. Well done to you and the AFN support you received.
Makes me proud. Well done !


Cheers mate!:Cheers: As far as im concerned auto's and autoflower network are the way to go! I've learned alot about them over the past couple of months but still tonnes and tonnes more stuff to learn over the course of my life i don't expect to ever know it all about anything. The last time i'd read into auto's was early 2000's after a friend of mine told me about them and at that time Low Ryder was making a name for itself as something special and a preview of things to come. I felt some kinda mystical magnetic attraction to auto's ever since i heard they existed."MysticMossy"

I already have some Auto Wappa, Vertigo, Pandora, Auto Whiteberry seeds from Paradise Seeds Auto strain collection.:woohoo: They gave me a few Dutch Dragon seeds for free aswell with my order but thats a photo and a sativa so i don't think i'll be starting that one untill later because i have a plan for that! I want to breed it with an auto. I don't know why i just have an urge to do it and i don't know what auto i will breed it with. Im hoping one of the Dutch Dragon seeds will be male so i can colect some pollen. I would only keep the auto offspring and then breed those together a couple of times till i get the one i want. This will obviously not be happening any time soon though!. I just think it would be cool to one day in the future have my own cannabis plant breed that nobody else has with "dragon" in the name.:Red Dragon: Of course id share it if somebody wanted one lol.:Sharing One:

I like the look of Vertigo and think this will be the strain im gonna choose for my next grow i like the purple colour it has in the picture on the paradise seeds website and hoping i can get one that turns out looking like that.vertigo_1.jpg

Im glad i found this website it seems to be full of really friendly people i've not seen any negativity at all wich i think is rare for any forum and i just pickup :vibes: from the place in general. It's like an encyclopedia that knows how to party lol.:dance2: I love looking through people grow journals and seeing their plants start of as tiny sprouts and finish off covered in sticky buds.:Growing: All the feedback and help i've gotten has really encouraged me, helped boost my confidence and made me not worry about the grow as much. I didn't expect it to be so stressfull i was always worrying about it becoming sick and didn't have anyone to help me if i had a problem untill i found this place!:thumbs: Thanks alot everyone yer great!:Gold:
I was bored today and took some pics:niceshot:


I got some molasses and was wondering if i should use it next time i water the plant and if i do can i mix 1/4 strength nutrient with it?:Hookah: