New Grower First Auto-grow.Week 6 - Automaria #1 (Paradise Seeds) - 90 Watt LED UFO 7 Spectrum - 15" by 20" by

Just a little update on Automaria #1. She is 2 foot tall now. She seems to be getting greener and recovering from the calcium/nute deficiency she developed pretty rapidly last weekend. The leaves dont seem to be getting any worse and all the new growth is fine! The leaves that weren't effected before are still fine the only visable remains of the damage are on the leaves that it effected over the weekend so its looking more positive now :bow: Thank you Jeebus! lol.

When i got up this morning i noticed some of the calyx's on the main stem had almost doubled in size and suddenly theres visable frostyness on alot of the young bud formations. I got some pics of her today inside the closet and some closeups of a couple of the calyxs on the main stem. Do you think the yellowness on those leaves that took the the damage will get greener as time goes on? Im thinking i should have maybe topped the main stem now a couple of weeks ago to keep it all the same height. The top of the side branches are like 6 inches further from the light compared to the top of the main stem........can i slowly bend the top of her over to try and bring that down to same level as the rest or should i just leave her since im a nood and kinda paranoid about breaking it?lol

Can't wait to start a new seed once this is over,i have got Auto Wappa,Auto Whiteberry,Pandora,Vertigo and 3 free Red Dragon seeds from Paradise Seeds and wont make the same mistake of not feeding or using the right soil with proper drainage next time! I originaly potted her in some Van Egmond soil (the one with the butterfly on the bag). It said the PH was between 5 and 6 and it didnt have any pearlite in it. The new soil it was repotted into has a good enough of pearlite for drainage it has feed in it already and the guy at the growshop said it should solve my problems and to feed her 1/4 strength of the Hy-Pro Terra "grow and bloom" nute the first couple of times then build it up to half strength after that. Should i progress on to full strength eventualy? I think full strength works out to 5ml per litre of water.

Here's the new pics


Hi again cool people:cool: I got some more pics today of my Automaria #1. She seems to have stopped growing verticly as much and the buds are getting fatter by the day and THC production seems to have dramaticly increased:drool:. Overall more green looking now as the soils drying out from the last watering. I reckon she'll need more not tomorrow but the day after(still feels a bit damp if i stick my finger into the top soil and almost dry at the holes on the bottom of the pot.

After viewing the pics i noticed something a bit worrying about the very top bud on the main stem. It seems like the very tips of the leafs are very dark. I was thinking it might just be the same problem as before with the lack of calcium/fertaliser and that its recovering but not quite there yet? What can cause the tips of the leaf to go dark? I'll put the pics here and let u have a look for yourselves. The 3rd 4th and 5th pics show it pretty clearly. it's only this top budsite that seems to be effected. Maybe the lights too close?


Hope nothing is seriously wrong with her and that i can get some help with the issue on the top bud! Thanks for looking!

Hello again :) I just took some more pics today of Automaria #1. The buds seem to be growing just fine but i had another couple of leaves get worse with the brown/orange around the edge. These were lower fan leaves that had already been damaged before. As soon as i watered the plant with some fertaliser it started to bring life back to the leafs so im wondering now if i should have given it more fertaliser last week.

I have given her 50% strength nute this time and next time put it up to 2/3. Im guessing if i use the good soil i got with the pearlite and feed the next one properly i shouldnt have any problems like this :) Here's hoping!


Gonna get high on some bubblegum now, peace!:Hookah:
Damn, she's really getting ready to fatten up!

All she will care about is eating now so you'll see tons of leaves yellow and die off. Don't worry. Just keep feeding her lots of P and K!

As a reference, those using the lucas formula will have given their plants 16 ml of bloom nutes and 8 ml of micro per gallon of water for a long time at this point. She can handle hefty amounts at this stage.
Man she's loving the LED...

When I get the fundage I'm deff gonna get hold of some type of LED system to play with. Who knows, Maybe I'll be converted...???
Damn, she's really getting ready to fatten up!

All she will care about is eating now so you'll see tons of leaves yellow and die off. Don't worry. Just keep feeding her lots of P and K!

As a reference, those using the lucas formula will have given their plants 16 ml of bloom nutes and 8 ml of micro per gallon of water for a long time at this point. She can handle hefty amounts at this stage.

Thanks for the tip! I don't feel so worried anymore about the couple of leaves that croaked or yellowed! Im thinking now after what you said that im going to give her the full strength of the HY-PRO veg/bloom nutes with the next watering. It says on the bottle N-P-K: 2-5-5 + 0.5 MgO so it has more than double the P and K than it does nitrogen. I think i could tell the day before and the day i watered her last that she needed food. To me it looked like it was sucking some of the life out of the biggest/oldest lower fan leafs and just 1 hour after feeding her i could see those leafs having some of the life restored back to them.

They didn't die off but the outside edge of them did, the middle parts were still fine so i cut the dead parts off from the edges and kept the green and tried to make it the same shape as a regular leaf as i was cutting being carefull not to cut any of the living parts off lol. I don't know if i should even bother doing that or can i get away with just letting them do what they gonna do naturaly? I just thought it might be a bad idea leaving dried up dead plant material hanging around the plant and on the outside of the leafs?

BTW i walked out of my room today after waking up and was hanging around in another part of the house for like 10 minutes then when i went back to my room i was like OMFG IT SMELLS LIKE WEED IN HERE!!!! She now stinks the whole room out and i have to keep the door shut so that the smell doesnt travel around the rest of the house. Today when i look at her she looks even fatter than she did yesterday im sure i can see the buds getting fatter day by day and i love i!.:woohoo: Now im wondering how much bushier and how much quicker it would have grown if i had it under that LED from day 1 and had given her nutes when she needed them.......she must have been a little bit stunted being started in a puck and left in it for 3 weeks and then the only light she was getting was from the windows and a small 50 watt halogen bulb at night time and then later on the calcium/nute deficiency must have slowed her down a little aswell.

Im very very surprised she got so big considering everything i done wrong and the fact that she was just a 10 inch stem when she started to preflower with no branches at all. When i saw those white hairs weeks ago i was like "damn that wat a complete waste of time!". I measured her last night and she's just over 25 inches tall. She done the majority of her growth during the preflower phase when she was showing sex and im wondering is that normal because when i grew a photo cheese from greenhouse seeds i switched to 12/12 when it was a similar size and they didnt grow any branches at all and i just ended up with a little 12 inch stick of bud in each pot they didnt grow any new vegative growth at all but that grow was also a big disaster so i really cant use that as a reference for anything.

Time for a wake and bake of bubblegum,peace!:Hookah:

I took some more pics of her today she seems to be getting chunkier.



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That 90w LED seems to be doing an awesome job but it takes a good grower to get them to that point so well done and hope it fattens up even more.