New Grower First Auto-grow.Week 6 - Automaria #1 (Paradise Seeds) - 90 Watt LED UFO 7 Spectrum - 15" by 20" by

Hi AFN! Well she's only dropped another 2 leafs it seems the rest are dying off at a slower rate than the first batch did. The crystals are looking to be a mixture of clear and cloudy but still verging more on the clearish side. I cannot see any amber trichromes at all not even 1. Are the amber ones easy to spot? Im using a 20x jewellers loupe to view them and my eyesight is not what it used to be and my hands are not as steady either lol.

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Hi AFN! Well she's only dropped another 2 leafs it seems the rest are dying off at a slower rate than the first batch did. The crystals are looking to be a mixture of clear and cloudy but still verging more on the clearish side. I cannot see any amber trichromes at all not even 1. Are the amber ones easy to spot? Im using a 20x jewellers loupe to view them and my eyesight is not what it used to be and my hands are not as steady either lol.

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Well done, beautifull plant.

She will reward you nicely, I do not know this strain, but as you can see, she has foxtailed because of some stress earlier and now she only prolongs these tails and not fattens buds, most probably you have noticed that. The same happened to my plants in my recent grow.

Amber trichomes are easy to spot, they appear at most exposed and biggest buds first. I grow another strain, but I have never seen many of them, even when plants were obviously to cut down.
It is hard to tell when an auto is done, so we use colour of leaves, amber trichomes, milky trichomes, water consumption, browning of pistils, vendor recommendations, overall look and maybe something else, like our experience and our preferences, to choose the cutting day.

In my opinion, it is time to cut her and start a new grow, but you will take your decision, just do not trust amber trichomes only.
Well done, beautifull plant.

She will reward you nicely, I do not know this strain, but as you can see, she has foxtailed because of some stress earlier and now she only prolongs these tails and not fattens buds, most probably you have noticed that. The same happened to my plants in my recent grow.

Amber trichomes are easy to spot, they appear at most exposed and biggest buds first. I grow another strain, but I have never seen many of them, even when plants were obviously to cut down.
It is hard to tell when an auto is done, so we use colour of leaves, amber trichomes, milky trichomes, water consumption, browning of pistils, vendor recommendations, overall look and maybe something else, like our experience and our preferences, to choose the cutting day.

In my opinion, it is time to cut her and start a new grow, but you will take your decision, just do not trust amber trichomes only.

Hi Gonzo. Thanks for the complement on the plant im very happy with her she's turned out way better than i ever imagined she could. If somebody was to show me a photo of what she looks like now when i had first started to grow her or just joined this site i'd have been like "noway is it ever gonna be as nice as that" lol. It's made me very optimistic about the future of my grows! I saw other people saying they grew the same strain and it was only like 8 inches or 14 inches etc and i even saw a review on the new "improved" automaria #2 saying the bud wasnt good quality but when i look and smell her i know this is better than the stuff thats commercialy available to me where i live and she's like 30 inches tall!.

I did notice the foxtailing and was wondering about it but i think i may already know what caused it. I reckon i had the light a little bit too close to the top of the plant because the very tip of the top bud on the main stem was bleached completely white. I just noticed this one little leaf was pure white lol. It didnt even grow anymore bud ontop of that spot after that. The nutrient/PH stress wouldnt have helped it either. I noticed that all the side buds look much fatter in comparison to the buds at the top of the main stem. The buds at the top are a slight purple colour aswell probobly due to the stress etc.

Theres not many leafs left at all now and im getting impatient as i just ran out of weed lol. The ones that are left on it are yellow or yellowing and the trichromes look cloudy mainly with a few clear ones still kicking about. Im not seeing the bud changing or getting bigger now and i reckon its as frosty as she's gonna get it looks like theres been sugar thrown all over it and my hands are sticky as hell even if i've gently handled the leaf. I was going to wait untill all the fan leaves had fell off and saw at least 1 amber trichrome before i harvested her but something is telling me to do it now!

Im gonna take a couple of pics of her just now and post them up soonish. Im just wondering about something i give her a final watering/flush or do i just let the pot dry out then leave her in darkness for 36 hours before chopping her down? Im gonna have one more hard look at the crystals to see if i can see any amber ones and try to work out the percentage of milky/clear trich's aswell before i fully commit to terminating her beautiful life cycle.......kinda makes me sad hearing those words in my head lol. R.I.P Automaria #1 :bong:
Here's what she looks like now. Looks a bit greener from my memory earlier but still looks finished to me. The only thing bothering me is that i cannot see even 1 amber trichrome. I like uplifting highs but i want it to last a little and give me a good nights sleep lol. What should i do?!?!?


The soil is still a bit damp at the i let this dry out first before keeping her in darkness for 36 hours? Are you meant to do a final flush before putting her in darkness? This is the only part im confused about right now is what exactly to do before you chop. Hmm. If anyone can help point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated! My mouth is literaly watering with anticipation lol.
Hello. I've just taken a couple of quick photographs of her before i chop. Not the best lighting but theres nothing much changed since last time exceptr for a couple of small buds removed from the bottom for "testing" and some more leafs fell off. I'd like to thank you all for your help and encouragement with this grow and for teaching me a couple of things i wont forget that will hopefuly improve my next grow! Cheers!

I'll put the pic's up later just now im gonna chop and hang her upside down in the closet with the fan blowing and i'll take another couple of pictures of that aswell to add to the mix,have a good day/night guys!
Hello i've not updated in a while because i got stoned off the automaria #1 lol. I currently have 2 lunchboxes full of bud and its almost dry and i've smoked a fair amount already aswell so im very pleased with it. It seems to have dried out quicker than id expected but its not lost any of the aroma. It has a spicey taste but also kinda fruity and sweet its very nice and its not even properly cured yet! I took some of the buds from the top part of the plant they are very long and thin/airy because of the foxtailing but they are really nice and dried out faster than the rest and have got me very very high right now lol.
Great to hear the good work paid off!

I'm smoking the last of my first grow and I've never been this happy with myself. Even though I only had about 8g (gave half to a friend who helped me out with the grow) it has lasted me and a few other ppl 3 months of occasional smoking. After 3 months in the jars and ~60% humidity, it's insanely good!

:Sharing One:
Hi Weinerwoods! I weighed it today and i still have an ounce and 3/4's and i must have smoked at least 1/4 from it already so in total i have got like 2 ounces from this wtf its amazing! The weed tastes very nice and isnt harsh at all even though it has only been curing for a week so far and it gets me really high it's totaly covered in crystals and resins and smells really nice. I already have a Vertigo seed in the process of germination and hope i can pull it off again!
Hope you kept the trim! I just tried making ice hash the other day from a super small amount of leaves I had and wow was I surprised! Def. worth looking into if you've got a pile of very decent leaf. Hang on til you can get some decent bubble bags. You'll be amazed at whats left... good luck and congrats man.
Hope you kept the trim! I just tried making ice hash the other day from a super small amount of leaves I had and wow was I surprised! Def. worth looking into if you've got a pile of very decent leaf. Hang on til you can get some decent bubble bags. You'll be amazed at whats left... good luck and congrats man.

Yeah i stilll have it. I was planning on saving it up each time i do a grow then make ice hash from it! I know theres still alot of cystals left behind on those leafs........

Here she is right before i cut her down.


And here she is now sitting in a lunchbox lol.
