New Grower First auto after 22 year break!

ook a few more leaves off but I think I'm done with the defoliation for the time being.

Ha, famous last words, took the most amount of leaves off today, it looks so much better. Better ventilation and easier to see how I want to train her.

She will grow more. You'll love it.

You were spot on, I cannot believe the growth in three days, it's mad. I'm not sure why it hasn't flipped yet, but if the defoliating stopped it, and I do not know if it did, but if it did yet it does not slow down the growth, then that is a good thing. But this is all conjecture, I'd have to do a controlled grow, and after seeing an auto not flip till 8 weeks, I guess anything can happen.

This is what came off today. trim.jpg

I'm thinking of maybe taking a clone of this just to see what happens.


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OK I'm super thrilled, I've just been closely inspecting and I have discovered the first actual pistils, this is a big day for me. And I cannot resist sharing a shot of her. Week six begins tomorrow. I'm expecting the next two weeks to do the big growth spurt now. I can finally relax, I must admit I was getting a little concerned. I'm really pleased I decided to give it a thorough defoliation yesterday. Now I can kick back for two weeks and give it another defoliation then.



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Looking very good man, yeah next 3 - 4 weeks should be rocking. Day 30-35 is normal for flower start find
Looks like you snap the leaves close to the stem I read somewhere if you leave the leaf stem whatever food is in it will be recycled. So that's how I do it, dunno if it makes any difference but it's a good excuse for and much easier to just snap the leaf. The stems just shrivel to nothing
Waiting 2 weeks to defol again haha , I don't think that's a good idea unless you want to grow a lot of foliage, I would keep at it, anything 8-10 cm long and or shading a bud site are goners on my plants

Here an amnesias I just harvested, grown in a 6 L hangpot with a 2 L reservoir, been plucked all the way, cut down day 95, could have been earlier but my experience is going 75 days is ripe, but they swell and pack a lot more given another 10-20 days depending. Yield was 1,25 kg wet, so I think plus 250 g when dry to 50%, another week will tell.
Nice tall plant, 150 cm tall with 8 main colas

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Yeah, thanks for the encouragement Tony, I used to subtract 80% so 9oz sounds pretty good. Those buds look tasty and sweet. I'm hoping to harvest on xmas day, I'm guessing but over on seedstockers reviews, like you said, it looks like this OG will fatten up given a bit more time. I'll keep plucking those leaves then, depending. Feel free to come in at anytime and tell me that I can take more leaves off if you ever think I've not gone hard enough.
Day 38 and hopefully I'll be seeing some baby buds appearing by the end of the week. However I am having some trouble working out what to do about defoliating. She replaces the leaves and closes up so quickly, I'm wondering maybe it's best just to leave her alone don't worry about and maybe give her a bit of a stripping at the end of the week. Or should I continue to just keep taking off the occasional leaf here and there continuously.

I'm also wondering about all the small sub branches. Probably best to leave it and learn and then by next grow I'll have a better idea.

Anyway so here are some shots 4 days after the last defoliation plus there's been a few extra leaves picked off. Also I took some shot of the red, blue and white on their own. I never realised how red the red was because on this light when you turn it down as low as it goes it's still on unless you go a bit more and click it off.

Day 38 top.JPG

Day 38 side.JPG


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I am all in on major defoliation during the first week of flower. I would let them grow until then.
So give it another week, and then go big?

That would be my plan of a tack with that monster! Maximize veg growth, and open up all budsites when they need it. Of course, it is controversial and the source of great debate here. There is a strong anti defo camp.
That would be my plan of a tack with that monster! Maximize veg growth, and open up all budsites when they need it. Of course, it is controversial and the source of great debate here. There is a strong anti defo camp.

OK, looks like I'll do that as difficult as it may be, I might just sneak in and nick the occasional fan leaf. I'll let her go for a week and then strip her to within and inch of her life. Ha, take that antidefolers. The root system looks like it could power a small tree.

If this was an photoperiod, I know I'd go in there and strip out quite of lot of undergrowth including many bud sites, but I'm clueless with my first auto. I guess it's ok as long as it's opened up before the real bud build up happens?

It's a jungle in there...

Day 39a.jpg
Day 39b.jpg
This is tough. I've feel that my hand is forced and that I have no choice but to thin out some spindly branches that look like it will be a struggle for them, it may be an error but there's a lot that have made it to the top and I'll at least learn something from this. This is not going as well as it seemed to be.