New Grower First auto after 22 year break!

@Nosias, I see now, I had to open up this page in a different browser to see the link to the microscope. I have ordered one. Strangely enough the buds are definitely looking like they are finished but yet they are still remaining clear! The tops of the buds that are still on the plant feel hard and almost dry! Strange. I might take a few more branches down just because I'm a bit worried about mould. But otherwise all good.

I might flush because I have access to a zero ppm tank of water, and flushing just means cleaning the reservoir.
The trichomes and pistils are somewhat related. If the lady is still producing new white pistils and producing a lot of them then the trichomes will be clear and cloudy and not ready , in my mind, to harvest. I want all of the pistils to be dead and only an occasional white pops out. Then this is the waiting game to all cloudy, well maybe a few clear trichomes, and some amber trichomes. It is the lady knowing she will not be pollenated, so they die. The whole plant is entering her last dance.

I have my scope taped to a tripod. This way I can get a steady pic.
Greetings for 2019! OK I have to sheepishly apologise for the lack of updates. I got into the holiday spirit and I've been in a velvet fog the past three weeks. Anyhoo so I took a couple of branches off at about 12 1/2 weeks, then at 13 weeks I chopped a big pile down, but it just kept on coming. After another week she was beginning to look like she was going to go downhill, very many of the pistils were orange no more growth however a lot of the trichomes were still clear but I knew it was time. There are pockets of amber occasionally.

Those purpley shots of the canopy below are after about 1/2 has been harvested.

@Nosias, got the microscope working well but it's been more useful for examining the micro drilled mesh of my Firefly vape. But I'm still working it out. I can see this 1000 x zoom? It appears to have two spots one at about 40 x and one at 120 x at either end of the zoom/focus control. Anyhoo... micro shots to follow.

The nuggets are heavy and dense although they don't always look it. All the small buds were also fully developed and firm which was a big surprise, probably a result of the defoliation. The estimation kept going up and I'm amazed to say that there was at least 9 oz probably 10 maybe more but I don't know for sure because I wasn't expecting more than 5. The two chops both had 10 days to dry in air conditioned room before being put into jars to cure. Everything all jarred up a couple of days ago and I ended up which 7 1/2 oz but that doesn't count what I've been smoking the past 3 weeks which I've lowballed at 1 1/2 oz but I've been using more than that. So 9 as a min prolly more like 10. All buds even way down deep are well developed and a whole bunch suddenly appeared on previously stripped branches too. Everything covered in trichomes.

Rootball was massive and springy and some of the main roots look like parsnips. No additives were used during the grow just GH Flora series. No cal/mag, I never ended up flushing but it's seems pretty clean. For most of the late flowering I just had the Red and White LEDS on and maybe 10% Blue so running at say 250W. During the final 10 days I had the blue back to 100% so using the full 320W. Growing area was 60 x 75 cm so 0.45 square metres. If I allow 250gm that would be 555gm/sq meter. Reports of this plant are between 100 and 200 gm per plant or so I'm pretty chuffed with this result, and I put it down to the healthy root system.

I've got my new grow with a different set up started and I'll open a thread for that soon. I'm glad that this grow is over and all the nervousness and unsureness is gone, especially about this viparspectra light, it has way over exceeded my expectations. I will be getting some supplemental lighting but I won't need that for another 6 weeks.

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Ha, thanks guys (and gals) for enjoying the show she has put on, I can't believe what a worry wart I was, I still look at that day 50 scrog and I still don't believe how this girl has turned out which is strange because how she looked in her final form was *exactly* how I visualised her in my mind's eye some 3+ months ago, including at least 8oz!

@Iriee Vibez thanks for the rep, I was hoping for that top shelf finish. I haven't fully finished the leaves because it's just for my own consumption and I try not to rattle the trichomes off.

Here's some crazy microscope shots.

Photo on 1-1-19 at 10.21 am.jpg
Photo on 1-1-19 at 10.23 am.jpg
Photo on 1-1-19 at 10.25 am.jpg
Photo on 2-1-19 at 3.56 pm.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.02 pm.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.07 pm.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.08 pm.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.08 pm #2.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.30 pm.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.30 pm #2.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.31 pm.jpg
Photo on 28-12-18 at 7.31 pm #2.jpg
Photo on 30-12-18 at 1.07 pm.jpg
Photo on 30-12-18 at 1.11 pm.jpg
Photo on 30-12-18 at 2.14 pm.jpg
Ha, thanks guys (and gals) for enjoying the show she has put on, I can't believe what a worry wart I was, I still look at that day 50 scrog and I still don't believe how this girl has turned out which is strange because how she looked in her final form was *exactly* how I visualised her in my mind's eye some 3+ months ago, including at least 8oz!

@Iriee Vibez thanks for the rep, I was hoping for that top shelf finish. I haven't fully finished the leaves because it's just for my own consumption and I try not to rattle the trichomes off.

Here's some crazy microscope shots.

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Great lady. Such a beauty. As far as the mini microscope ... I have to hold the lens very close then turn the grey center tube. I have mine mounted on a camera tripod. I find my hand is not steady enough :vibe:. But your pics are just like mine so NICE to see the "water tower" trics. Great job.