FD's Guide to Growing Hefty Autos in Small Places.

Ok guys i have been dragging my knuckles on this for too long. This thread will be dedicated to my actual grow technique. I will have everything in here from the way i germ seeds to the way i harvest and everything in between.

ill cover my soil mixes, teas, water adjustments, feeding schedules as well as the recipes for the soil and teas that i use. My goal is to teach how to grow the bud lumps you see in the small pots i use. I feel if you use this you may have the same success that i do when it comes to autos in small places.

Bare with me as i will update this on the regular, but will be locking it to get it all organized.
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pictures of the mesh pot u have going would be awesome and what is the ingredients and way to make this nutrient tea you were talking about??
i will be switching to 3 gal pots fabric grow bags to help with oxygen what do u think of the fabric grow bags have u heard of them.? Or i saw some industrial 3gal grow bags on ebay and since i read this i may do the industrial grow bags and rig it with the mesh kinda of the same concept the fabric grow bags are doing and see how those work.. and opinions on the two or should i go with the fabric they seem like a good idea?
I will also be trying some of you soil mixture on my next babys i have started them and they are in first days of seedling stage so a quick response would be soo appreciated
i will need your advice before i do transplant around next week sometime so i dont disturb the root ball. im using ocean forest and humboldt organic line of grow, bloom and deuce deuce and honey es. so looking to do what ur doing and go alllll natural so whatsup on the tea?
I start the plants in either a 16oz cup or one of the biodegradable planters that you can get from Jiffy. I germ the seed to the soil directly here. I use a paper towel every now and then but either way will work. Once the seed has cracked and it is above soil, ill let it grow for 4 to 5 days before i begin the next step. After they have established a little bit of size you can prep for the transplant. i usually fill the 6" pot all the way and then remove the dirt from the middle of the pot about 2.5 in deep or enough to set the bottom of the cup in with out worry of it tipping. Then i take the cup that the seedling is in and i cut away the bottom. This leaves the plant intact and no chance of disturbing the root ball at all. Then i place the cup with the removed bottom into the larger 6"pot. Pack the dirt around the newly inserted cup lightly and then move to the next plant.

Hey FD. So I want to make sure I'm getting this correctly. You start them in the 16oz, cut the bottoms off and place into 6" pots on day 3-4 and they stay in the "6 pots the WHOLE way after right? I'm sorry if I'm asking a stupid question. I'm just trying to get some things right in my grow. After re-reading this guide, especially the tiered transplanting part, and what was discussed in my Assassin thread between us all I think I will try this in my next run. It's a lot simpler than I remembered. Thanks again for sharing this information and schooling us noobs.
confusion nutes

Ok i need to clarify here, i went and looked at the FF bottle it is TEAspoons so i had them right just the worded out ones were wrong.
Im going to change it back to what i had and correct the end ones. Sorry for the confusion guys.

Week1- pH water only 1.5 add in Big Bloom to the mix at 1/2 table spoon, 2- 1/2tsp Grow Big 1/2 tsp Big Bloom, 2.5- 3/4 tsp of grow big, 3- 1tsp grow big and 1/2 Tiger bloom 1/2 table spoon Big Bloom, 3.5- 1/2 tsp Grow Big 1/2tsp Tiger bloom, 4- 1tsp Tiger bloom 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 4.5- Clean pH'ed water to clear out salt build up, 5- 2tsp tiger bloom 1/2 grow big, 5.5- 1 Tablespoon Grow Big, 6- Begin Flush for the final weeks. At this point i can flush for a week before i begin to see yellowing of the fans Is this correct? I have been usin FF nutes but this is first auto grow. Have to wait for current grow, about 4-6 weeks, before I start. Doin my research. Also, if plant takes longer to mature, as some growers report auto grows 60 days, continue with week 5.5 or what do you suggest? Planning for contingecies!
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Hi again FD, I had a quick question about auto's. Im at about day 40 with some Afghan Kush and RRF. When do these plants start producing sugar/crystals?

They seem pretty far along and the buds are swelling, but there are 0 crystals on the forming buds or surrounding leaves.
Week1- pH water only 1.5 add in Big Bloom to the mix at 1/2 table spoon, 2- 1/2tsp Grow Big 1/2 tsp Big Bloom, 2.5- 3/4 tsp of grow big, 3- 1tsp grow big and 1/2 Tiger bloom 1/2 table spoon Big Bloom, 3.5- 1/2 tsp Grow Big 1/2tsp Tiger bloom, 4- 1tsp Tiger bloom 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 4.5- Clean pH'ed water to clear out salt build up, 5- 2tsp tiger bloom 1/2 grow big, 5.5- 1 Tablespoon Grow Big, 6- Begin Flush for the final weeks. At this point i can flush for a week before i begin to see yellowing of the fans Is this correct? I have been usin FF nutes but this is first auto grow. Have to wait for current grow, about 4-6 weeks, before I start. Doin my research. Also, if plant takes longer to mature, as some growers report auto grows 60 days, continue with week 5.5 or what do you suggest? Planning for contingecies!

I usually just keep going with the water. The plants leaves will be terrible looking as she reaches her end. the smoke how ever will be pretty clear of the chems used for ferts.

Hi again FD, I had a quick question about auto's. Im at about day 40 with some Afghan Kush and RRF. When do these plants start producing sugar/crystals?

They seem pretty far along and the buds are swelling, but there are 0 crystals on the forming buds or surrounding leaves.

now this is interesting, id love to see a pic of this. It would help me get a better idea of what is going on
Here are a couple pics of the larger Afghan Kush Ryder from WOS, it is at day 41 from seed.

I have a digital thermostat in the room the tent is in, and it is set at 73. When the light is on the temps are at about 75-78, with humidity around 50%. With the lights off the temps drop to 70-73.
You're at Day 40, so still a bit early. I've never grown the strain you're running nor do I know much about it. It would seem though WOS's seed quality may be starting to suffer. Some local growers this past weekend were complaining about them - seems folks are having trouble with some of WOS strains (locals were discussing photo strains though). I hope that's not the case for you.

I'm on day 40 with my WOS Pakistan Ryder, and it's flowering well but hardly has any crystals. Meanwhile my DinaFem Fruit that's a few days younger is frosty from to to bottom. For what it's worth, I've read that the WOS Ryder strains often have a late growth spurt, so I'm hopeful that it will take off over the next 3 weeks.
Well that's about perfect. So I went back & reread your post. You're at Day 40, so still a bit early. I've never grown the strain you're running nor do I know much about it. It would seem though WOS's seed quality may be starting to suffer. Some local growers this past weekend were complaining about them - seems folks are having trouble with some of WOS strains (locals were discussing photo strains though). I hope that's not the case for you.
Are you letting the growing medium get dry between waterings?
Cannabis does better when it's gets thirsty every once in a while - seems to trigger survival response or something (don't over-stress though as it might hermie on you).

I was watering the 5 g pots once a week for the first 4 weeks. This AKR got a little nute burn and was flushed just under two weeks ago. Since then it has recovered, and bud production has picked up.

---------- Post added 08-23-2011 at 08:03 PM ----------

I'm on day 40 with my WOS Pakistan Ryder, and it's flowering well but hardly has any crystals. Meanwhile my DinaFem Fruit that's a few days younger is frosty from to to bottom. For what it's worth, I've read that the WOS Ryder strains often have a late growth spurt, so I'm hopeful that it will take off over the next 3 weeks.

I sure hope so Andy. Not really any potent smell from mine yet either. I read some reviews on this forum that this was a really nice strain. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that it will finish strong.

Lol, and I thought my troubles were over when it actually autoflowered on 20/4.