Outdoor Fast & Vast Outdoor grow

The only time i used plain water was untill I had 3 true leaves showing, I then worked up from 1/4 nutes and now using full nutes each time i feed. Im following the same feeding schedule I did with this strain indoors and produced 10 ounces from 2 plants...see where im a little confused of whats going on?

As far as I know the pot has not dried up, I got out and check the weight of the pot each morning. If it still has some weight to it, i leave it alone. if its starting to feel light, then i feed.
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Its not anything to do with them being outside if they are getting at least 8 to 10 hours of direct sunlight a day. I have been growing them outdoors for a couple years now and mine do fine they get about 9 hours of direct sunlight. I have though grown some that were just mutants like this not sure why or what causes it the seeds all came from the same plant but still had little ones like yours. Don't let this discourage you from growing outdoors. What size pot do you have them in?
It is in a 5 gallon smart pot. I had a candy kush do something similar awhile back indoors, but it also kept going back and forth between flower/veg
Sometimes due to the feminized aspect of breeding seeds ie: only the genetics from only the mother plant(all good and ALL BAD) will be transferred into the seeds instead of the male's aspects as well. So you may have just gotten that 1 out of 1000 that would end up being a mutant with the bad traits of straight ruderalis.
They remind me of the original lowryder by DR joint same height when grown outdoors. turned me off of autos until I saw a think different and a magnum.
updated pics


Some updated pics of the mini fast & vast. Other than being small, she is looking good and the flowers are starting to pack on now
That sucks!
you go threw all that work, put in the time and its like SHIT! what did I do wrong?
Had a syrup do this to me.
Dont give up.

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That sucks!
you go threw all that work, put in the time and its like SHIT! what did I do wrong?
Had a syrup do this to me.
Dont give up.
That sucks!
you go threw all that work, put in the time and its like SHIT! what did I do wrong?
Had a syrup do this to me.
Dont give up.

Yea I guess its one of those things that just happens every once in awhile. Not giving up, she will get smoked! Was just hoping for a little bit better yield than this... I have a couple more Fast & Vast seeds Ill probably try again outdoors before winter comes around, then back inside for my winter grow
The only time i used plain water was untill I had 3 true leaves showing, I then worked up from 1/4 nutes and now using full nutes each time i feed. Im following the same feeding schedule I did with this strain indoors and produced 10 ounces from 2 plants...see where im a little confused of whats going on?

As far as I know the pot has not dried up, I got out and check the weight of the pot each morning. If it still has some weight to it, i leave it alone. if its starting to feel light, then i feed.

because you don't know your soil's PH, you my have ph issues. 5.8 going in on a soil grow sounds low to me, and if you don't know the ph of your runoff, you could have a very low ph in the soil, it happens. That's the only reason I can think of for a healthy looking plant to be stunted like that, but I'm certainly no expert. Also, was it exposed to that cold snap you had? that can stunt them also. But think of it this way, she looks very nice and will likely give you some very nice bud, so enjoy her, no matter the volume you get!

:Sharing One: