Outdoor Fast & Vast Outdoor grow

Oct 28, 2013
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Just recently finished up 2 Fast & Vast plants indoors yielding a total of 9.8 ounces. Time to see what they will do outdoors.

I have planted 1 Fast & Vast seed that sprouted today. Using a 5 gallon smartpot with 100% coco.

Will out some pics up soon.
I cant wait to see this, i have fast and vast ot 4 weeks now inside, dont think i will match your yield tho ( on this grow anyway). Will be interesting to see the outside results
Just recently finished up 2 Fast & Vast plants indoors yielding a total of 9.8 ounces. Time to see what they will do outdoors.

I have planted 1 Fast & Vast seed that sprouted today. Using a 5 gallon smartpot with 100% coco.

Will out some pics up soon.

Congrats on the harvest!
I have been using your online journal of your first fast and vast grow as a reference to mine. I have found they love the nutes. I wont get 9 zips but I am thinking 6 or 7 is possible. I have on that is almost 4ft and the the is about two feet tall. I will be posting pics tomorrow. They are at day 52. How was the smoke from it? Was that any good??
I have been using your online journal of your first fast and vast grow as a reference to mine. I have found they love the nutes. I wont get 9 zips but I am thinking 6 or 7 is possible. I have on that is almost 4ft and the the is about two feet tall. I will be posting pics tomorrow. They are at day 52. How was the smoke from it? Was that any good??

Sorry been busy here lately. The smoke is very good. Very nice taste and high. I tried some today that I have been letting cure for almost 2 months now and it was damn good. Good luck on your grow, I will check it out

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I have been using your online journal of your first fast and vast grow as a reference to mine. I have found they love the nutes. I wont get 9 zips but I am thinking 6 or 7 is possible. I have on that is almost 4ft and the the is about two feet tall. I will be posting pics tomorrow. They are at day 52. How was the smoke from it? Was that any good??

Sorry been busy here lately. The smoke is very good. Very nice taste and high. I tried some today that I have been letting cure for almost 2 months now and it was damn good. Good luck on your grow, I will check it out

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Here are a few pics from day 13. Looking good so far. beginning of 2nd set of leaves are there. We had some days where it was cloudy and rainy and even dropped to freezing temps (damn Texas weather), so had to bring her inside and missed out on some sun light.

So far just one watering of plain 5.8ph water on day 10


Here are some updated pictures from last time. Growth has been really slow outdoors so far. Seems like she is picking up a bit last few days, but is far behind what my fast & vast were at indoors.

4/10 - Sprouted

4/20 - watered with plain water @5.8 PH

4/28 - watered with plain water @5.8 PH

5/7 - 3rd set of leaves showing, watered with 1/4 nutes @ 5.8 PH

5/17 - watered with 1/2 strength nutes @ 5.8PH

So here we are at Day 37
3.jpg2 (1).jpg2 (3).jpg

And these were day 33 Fast & vast indoors
Updated pics

Here are some new pictures. Shes starting to grow a little faster now...kinda disappointed with this grow so far, starting to think this strain just doesnt like outdoors

Updated pics

Here is how she is looking now. not a whole lot of growth since last time, but she is starting to put on some flowers now. Looks like thats about as big as she will get. Is it normal for Autos to stay this small outdoors? or is it strain specific? I just keep comparing to my indoor grow getting 5 oz per plant and this one probably wont even come out to 1 oz
