Indoor Fast Buds 'Tangie / Heavyweights Fruit Punch 1000w LED

Fruit Punch Harvested yesterday and today (Day 91-92)

Oh my, almost forgot how much work harvesting can be.

Very happy with this strain, I didn't get a wet weight, but I'm estimating 16-20 Oz between the two. Pics are of the smaller plant, forgot to take some of the larger gal before chopping. She looked a lot better anyway, I think the other one stretched a bit too much and had trouble supporting the weight (every cola was basically bent over sideways come chop time).

A lot of the buds turned a nice purple color toward the end, which from what I've read is a common trait with this strain, but I did lower temps for the last couple weeks.

One thing I was worried about was the density of the nugs using these blurple Meizhi panels, but that concern wasn't really warranted. The shorter gal was super dense, with very few popcorn nugs going to the trim bin (she actually got bud rot in the top1/3 of the main cola that I had to dispose of, probably 7-10g worth). The larger gal did have quite a few airy buds toward the bottom, but I was expecting that given her size.

They probably could have gone another couple weeks, but with how bad the larger plant was leaning and with the bud rot that I found on the other it's probably a good thing that I started the flush when I did.

Main Cola from the smaller plant down below, if you look closely at the top right you can see where the bud rot starts. Luckily it was the only case from what I've found so far. RH in the tent is about 65% right now, but everything is trimmed down and there's good air circulation, so I'm not too worried.

They were flushed for 13 days not counting a 48-72 hour dark period before chop.



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Great job man! Super looking buds on the Fruit Punch. How does it smoke? I have this on the way for the next grow and I am stoked about getting the eggs in the ground already.

Thanks for even more motivation. Let us know about the smoke or if you have a smoke report on this.
Thanks! :slap:
Amazing, the buds look so delicious:size:

Thanks man, can't wait to burn some!

Great job man! Super looking buds on the Fruit Punch. How does it smoke? I have this on the way for the next grow and I am stoked about getting the eggs in the ground already.

Thanks for even more motivation. Let us know about the smoke or if you have a smoke report on this.
Thanks! :slap:

Not yet, gonna let it hang for most likely another 3-4 days and then brown paper bag them for 2-3 days before jarring. Will probably smoke some after the paper bag stage.

Trichs were around 60/35/5 (clear/cloudy/amber) when starting flush, and I'd say the pistils were 50/50 white/orange. So I probably chopped them a week or two on the early side, hoping that this stuff will have more of a cerebral Sativa effect due to that. I think the 'Tangie went a bit too long, stuff puts me to sleep.

One thing I'll say about this strain, growth was SLOW early on for an auto (probably cause it's a 90+ day strain, even though it's advertised as 10-11 weeks). They were probably 50-75% the size of the 'Tangies up until day 40-45, but ended up being 2-3x larger than either of them. I also didn't realize how long these gals would need, and probably transitioned to bloom a bit too early (around day 35, should have been day 40-45). They really didn't start to explode and stretch until at least day 40, and vertical growth continued until around day 60-65, maybe a bit longer.

Their final size REALLY threw me off guard, and I'd say this grow was quite a ways from being ideal. They probably would have been 20-30% larger if I did a few things differently (longer on veg nutes, better LST, should have had bamboo stakes on hand to hold buds up).

I could barely fit 2 of these in a 5x5 space toward the end (in 5g equiv Air Pots, around 3.5g actual).
Just weighed and jarred everything.

The grand total is *drumroll*... 683g from the two Fruit Punch! Had to dispose of a nug that I'd guess was 7-10g due to bud rot, and a lot of the popcorn went to the trim bin. The larger gal must have put out close to a pound on her own.

Got around 6.5 - 7 Oz from the 'Tangies.

If I include the bud that I had to throw out, along with a lot of the smokable popcorn that I'm using to make bubble then I'd say final weight is a little over 2 lbs. What I actually ended up with was right around 31 Oz.

More than satisfied with these cheap Chinese LED panels at almost .9g per watt. I believe that I can easily break 1g per next time around.

My bubble bowls arrived today, hoping they'll be a lot more convenient to use than the bags. Also picked up the 100$ bubble machine from Amazon (by bubble man). Can't wait to do a run!