Indoor Fast Buds 'Tangie / Heavyweights Fruit Punch 1000w LED

I hate a staggered start too. You can always just dig, but either way will have different times going
I hate a staggered start too. You can always just dig, but either way will have different times going

Welp I started soaking another 3 last night, went digging this morning and found that at least 2 of the seeds germinated and got stuck. They fully shed the casing and were rooted, but couldn't break through. Think maybe I wasn't gentle enough while misting and the soil got too compacted, that's what it seemed like, or planted a tad too deep maybe. The sad thing is if I went digging 2-3 days ago I probably could have saved them. One of them looked like it may have still been viable, but I'm just going to replant at this point. I found the casing for the third ( one of the FPs ), but no sprout.

On the plus side, I opened my second Tangie'Matic 5 pack to pick out a winner, and it seems they mispacked it with 8 seeds. It's labeled as a 5 pack and that's what I paid for haha.

3 failed sprouts and 3 free seeds lol I'll take it!
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Dang bud, it happens but at least there were extras! What soil are you using?
Dang bud, it happens but at least there were extras! What soil are you using?

Pro Mix HP CC - each container has about 1/2 gallon perlite and 3g medium, it already has a decent amount of perlite in it.

I've always used this stuff and never had trouble before. This time I loosened the top few inches of soil after the initial soaking and took extra care while planting, so hopefully all 3 pop up this time. Dropped them about 7 hours ago.
Day 7

( in tent ) - @ Soil 83-84F and 79-80F 12" under lights (probably because there's more of a breeze in this area, or because the hygrometer isn't directly facing the lights?)

RH - around 25-32% Before/After Watering. Humidifier running full blast, filling it twice a day and still can't get it as high as I'd like.

Lights are still running veg mode only (750w total) @ 28", thinking about raising them a bit but don't think it will matter much.

The one FP that popped seems a bit runty, I think she isn't handling the heat as well as the two Tangies. She has some pretty bad curling on the incoming set of leaves. One of the Tangies is showing very minor signs of heat stress, the other looks healthy as can be.

Tangie 1

The room is set to 70F right now, I could drop temps a bit, but don't want the air that's coming in at soil level to be too cold. Once the other 3 pop, I'll set the room to 68F which should help.

The 3 that popped all came up within 48-72 hours, and it's been about 43 hours since I replanted the others. Going to give them 3-4 days tops before I do some light digging this time, but keeping my fingers crossed.

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Humidity for seedlings makes a big difference. This next round will come up.
Humidity for seedlings makes a big difference. This next round will come up.

I was actually running the humidifier the whole time xD.

I think what killed the last 3 is not loosening the soil after the initial soaking, it was too compacted.

2 of them popped up this morning with the husk/membrane barely hanging on.

Decided to go digging for the third, because yesterday I saw it coming up root first and reburied it. Looks like it was sprouting sideways (seems like I planted too shallow and/or medium was too loose and it couldn't get leverage). I covered the root with some medium and used an eye dropper to moisten it while keeping the cotyledons exposed, and it seems like she's already starting to stand up. Really thought that one was a goner though.

Gonna call it day 2 for the new gals, since they started popping last night, and because that will make them offset by exactly 1 week. Still plan to rip them all at once, so maybe I'll get some nice variance with 3 of them going a week longer.

It's day 8 for the first 3, think I'm going to give them a VERY light taste of A+B and Voodoo Juice later today, like 3-4 ml/10L. Next feed will be 1 ml/L

I'm trying to find the best temp to set my room at. Two of these Meizhi 1200's actually put out more heat than I expected in a 5x5 tent.

The swing between Day/Night is going to be about 10-12F... So if the room that the tent is located in is set to 69-70, night temps will be 66-68 which is a bit low from my understanding.

If you had to choose between 82-84F day and 70-72F night, or 78-80F day and 66-68F night what would you go with?
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82-84, day but that's me. I like it a tad warmer.
Day 16

Temps for last 24 hours are 83F high and 67F Low.

RH seems to be in a better range now.

It's Day 9 for the second set of 3, think I may have stunted them a bit by giving them their first watering too soon (at around 4-5 days). It was definitely dry enough tonight and I gave them their first feeding (just under 1/4 strength).

There were a couple damaged leaves on 2 of the older gals (think they drooped low enough to hit the medium after feeding). Clipped the damaged parts away and haven't noticed anything else, they all look healthy aside from the FP being ultra runty. It stopped growing for what seemed like 5-7 days and then picked up again.

All the FPs look a bit odd IMO, compared to how uniform and healthy the Tangies and other strains that I've grown have looked, unstable genetics maybe? With how healthy the Tangies look I'm starting to wish that I went with 6 of those xD.

Also thinking that maybe I should keep the light a bit further away early on, to cause a little stretching. These gals are so short and compact that I have to worry about some of their leaves touching the medium if they get droopy.

I find it odd how everyone else that uses Meizhi claims they put off little to no heat, but I can't keep my temps low with both veg and bloom on. Room is set to 68F and it's 85F about 20" under the lights, which is also killing my RH (about 25% now). When I was running only veg mode I had the room set to 70-71F and temps in the tent would stay around 78-81 with 35-40% RH. I'm running a 400cfm fan set on high and it's being exhausted directly outside.

The thing is that the lights really don't put off much heat, I can hold my hand 6" under the lights for an indefinite amount of time without discomfort. I think it's the light intensity from running two of these panels in a 5x5 space. Wondering if maybe I should just run veg mode for now until they get a little bigger.