Indoor Fast Buds 'Tangie / Heavyweights Fruit Punch 1000w LED

I might would run veg only right now. Would definitely help the temps
Day 31/24

The biggest gal (back right) is showing some signs of mag def in some of the lower growth, think I took a bit too long to notice it, but seems I stopped it from spreading. Surprised that the other one didn't show any signs, she's shorter, but seems to have a lot more mass, and looks 100% healthy. Think I had the lights too low early on and that it hurt their stretch, they should be a lot taller by now. Not used to these panels, coming from a 400w HID setup. Oh yeah, and I ended up ripping one of them up about a week ago, because she was looking like a waste of time.

The second set that I planted also seems really small for day 24, but they all look healthy. Think they may have been stunted due to some watering issues early on.

Think I'm going to start alternating B52 with Calmag starting at 3 - 3 1/2 weeks from now on, seems like some of my gals always start showing signs of def around that time.

Going to start mixing in bloom nutes for the big gals, 10 ml veg / 6 ml bloom (in 10L of water) next feed, then I'll keep it 8 ml/8 ml, and then I'll flush before going full bloom (prob around day 35)

I'm having a really hard time deciding on when to water these air pots this time around. It gets to the point where the pots feel very light, almost bone dry weight, while the top 2-3" of soil is still damp. Almost seems like they're drying from the middle out. They all got fed last night, the two larger gals got watered until about 20% runoff. The 3 in the front got about 1/2 gal, and they all feel like they could use another soaking if I'm going by weight, but the top 2" of soil still damp.

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They look great!
Day 35

Took some pics of the two older gals today while I had them out for their mid grow flush.

I've been mixing Grow and Bloom for the past 5 days, decided to try tapering off this time. Seems like they're still doing a lot of veg growth, might give them 50/50 Grow/Bloom for the next 5-7 days before using all Bloom.

The other 3 are on day 28 and have exploded in the past week, they were really slow going for a while had me worried.

Okay so these 2 plants have had the EXACT same treatment and they're both 'tangiematic, but the first one here got a moderate case of what appears to be Cal deficiency, I think? Seems like it hasn't been spreading as fast since starting Calmag which was about 5-7 days ago. The other one looks 100% healthy with no visible damage to any of her foliage, and I've been keeping her right on the edge of nute burn. The tips on a lot of her new growth would come in slightly burned up until a few days ago, but it would fade away fairly fast, as of now she isn't showing any signs at all.

So this does look like Cal deficiency or am I mistaken?




This gal is A LOT more compact, soooo bushy, wondering if I should worry about mold, she's gonna be 1 big ball of buds!

Could be P def, but I'm not that good. Did you post in the infirmary or look at the photos in there ? The second plant is amazing. Are they getting bloom nutes?
Could be P def, but I'm not that good. Did you post in the infirmary or look at the photos in there ? The second plant is amazing. Are they getting bloom nutes?

Thanks man!

I've been tapering them off veg nutes from about day 30, using both veg/bloom right now 50/50 at 1/4 strength of each with every watering. Prob going to do that for another 4-5 days before dropping veg and going 1/2 strength on bloom. Seems like they're still putting on a lot of size.

Really wanted to have a 6 plant LST going, my dreams of using a net and filling this whole space with a mini field of buds might have to wait until the next round. Think I'll still have a pretty good turn out either way, they're all tied down but with 3 of them being a week behind it's a bit awkward.

What I find odd is that in the past, my plants usually took 2-3 days to fully recover from a mid grow flush. These gals bounced back and were reaching for the light within hours. Seems like they grew A LOT last night as well.
Are they doing better? I've been out of town and not online much.
Are they doing better? I've been out of town and not online much.

I've been feeling pretty lazy, will prob update in a few days. So one of the older gals (one of the two I didn't have to replant), , has what appears to be cal deficiency or nute burn that's been spreading since around week 4-5 and I can't seem to stop it. Otherwise she looks healthy with 3 main colas that appear to be packing on weight. Problem is she's losing healthy leaf surface day by day so, we'll have to see.

Funny thing is the other one got the same exact treatment and has to be the most beautiful plant that I've grown to date. SUPER bushy and a real nice shade of green all around with no visible damage.

The 3 that I replanted were really slow going, but seem to be picking up after their mid grow flush (which was a bit late, day 38). Wanted to give them a little more time on veg nutes.

Think I'll make out pretty well. Haven't grown in a while and this is my first run with LEDs. Pretty sure I had them way too low early on, and had some temp issues that have been sorted out.

My next run think I'm going to only do 4 plants in this space. If I run 6 in this 5x5 and they all turn out super healthy like this one gal, it would be PACKED.
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Day 76

So, I've been kinda busy/lazy lately so I haven't got around to updating, but figured I'd pop back in to show off these beasts!

Ripped the two Tangie up 7-8 days ago and got approx 6.5 Oz from the two combined, however, they were both dwarfed by the FPs weeks ago and were fighting for light ever since. Didn't realize how vast the size difference would be.

The larger FP is approx 3' tall and 2'x3' wide. I could easily fill this entire 5x5 space with 2 plants, (which is what I think my plan is for the next round) if I use a net and LST better. Didn't bother with it this time because of the other 2 plants and it would have been a huge pain when watering with 2 rows.

They both got flushed today (10 gallons each). Decided to do both a mid and end grow flush, also used Flawless Finish and I must say that the Tangie seems a lot smoother than nugs I've grown previously. It's also only been curing for about 3 days.

Going to continue to give them plain tap water for the next 10-14 days.

Will do a harvest update for the Tangie in the following post!

This gal is the larger of the two, they've both been bent over and tied down about 90 degrees 4-5 times btw.



This one here is shorter, with much tighter node spacing and noticeably denser nugs.


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Tangie Harvest Update

Here is some of the Tangie that I jarred to smoke while I wait on the rest.

Total weight was around 6.5 Oz harvested on day 75, but like I said they were dwarfed by the FPs for about 3-4 weeks maybe longer. As you can tell from the previous post they pretty much took over the entire tent.

Very happy with the quality of the smoke, some of the nugs are a bit fluffy but it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it'd be considering their distance from the light. INCREDIBLY sticky and probably the dankest smelling nugs I've grown so far.

Think that the Bud Candy may have messed with the smell which I thought would be more citrusy, but I'm definitely not complaining.

Seems to give a fast hitting head high with a mild body stone that picks up over time, which makes sense since I think it's 60/20/20.

Here are some close-ups!

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And then...

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