Indoor Fast Buds 'Tangie / Heavyweights Fruit Punch 1000w LED


Gate Keeper
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've been able to grow due to moving recently, but I'm back at it again!

I've upgraded my lighting to x2 Meizhi 1200w blurples (about 505-510 true watts each), and I now have a 5x5 space to work with! Going for x3 'Tangie and x3 Fruit Punch this time around.

My tent is located in a small room and is being exhausted directly outside using a 400 cfm inline fan. There's a mini-split system in this room which allows me a lot more control, as I'm able to control the climate separately from the rest of the house.

Still running Pro Mix HP CC (1/7 perlite added), this time around in 5g equiv air pots (3.6 actual). Using Tang's Feeding Schedule, but I'll be alternating Carboload with Bud Candy later on.

I'm currently running one panel with only veg mode powered up (375 watts) @ 33".

Will ramp up light gradually starting with the second panel in veg, plan to be going full throttle with both on veg and bloom by day 10-12.

Germinated by soaking in spring water for about 20 hours (all seeds sank, most had taproot showing). Have a 100% success rate so far with this method, but think I may have killed one of the gals while planting (I'm a brute with tweezers). Time will tell!

Still need to add the finishing touches (secure wires, add a couple more fans, etc).

You have hit the ground running and that's a good thing. Hopefully you will have a big smile come harvest time.
You have hit the ground running and that's a good thing. Hopefully you will have a big smile come harvest time.

Thanks man, I sure hope so! My ventilation is killer this time around, I have the room set to 80F, but inside the tent at soil level it's only 75F (77-78 15" under the light). Really wanted to keep it at 80 around soil level until they pop, but having a hard time getting myself to set the room to 85 lol. Afraid the temp might fluctuate during the night, but it's been rock steady so far.
They started popping Friday night. 3 up so far (2 'Tangie 1 Fruit Punch), they all look healthy and seem to be handling the single Meizhi 1200 fine @ 26". Two of them came up with the membrane still covering their cotyledons, but they were both easily removed.

I'm starting to get a bit worried about the other three, I've never had sproutings offset by more than 1-2 days. I don't really pay attention to which direction they're planted in, never have, and I haven't had any issues aside from having to remove a few husks. Really like to keep things uniform across my grows (calling day 1 either when the first or last seed pops, depending on how far they're offset). Might not be able to do that this time around.

Temps currently stable 77F (was keeping it at 80F until yesterday), RH has been 32-40%. I'm using a pretty heavy duty evaporative humidifier, but it doesn't seem to be doing much (5-10% increase on max setting, rated for 700 sq ft., 1.5 gal capacity, 2.3 gal/24h output). Think my ventilation is too strong, maybe once I get fan speed controller and set it to medium it will help. Air is currently being exchanged 1-1.5x per minute, which I think is sucking out all the moisture.
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I am smoking Fruit Punch right now.
Subbed for this.
I know there were a lot of germination failures in the Heavyweight Seeds grower of the year competition. You may have the same issue :(
I am smoking Fruit Punch right now.
Subbed for this.
I know there were a lot of germination failures in the Heavyweight Seeds grower of the year competition. You may have the same issue :(

Hoping that isn't the case. It's been 4 1/2 days (Planted Wednesday night) and 1 'Tangie / 2 Fruit Punch haven't popped. I'll give them 7-8 days (likely until Thursday morning), if they don't pop by then I'm assuming they're duds, don't want to wait too long to replant. The first 3 all popped within about 48-60 hours. Didn't have any issues when I grew 2 Fast 2 Vast, but the genetics on that are probably a little more stable.

I was able to keep the tent at 80F / 35-40% RH for the first few days, but now even with the room set to 84 it's only 75F/30% RH at soil level, not sure what happened. Fan speed controller should be here tomorrow, I'm guessing setting it to medium will help a bit with the RH.

Sure is going to be a huge pain if I have to replant 3, they'll be offset by at least 10 days.

Have the feeling that this is going to fuck with my plans to LST/Scrog

P.s. The one Fruit Punch that popped is the one that I thought I killed while planting lol. It was the first seed I picked up ( it had been a while ), and I was a bit rough with the tweezers. I heard a pop, and the seed casing had fully opened exposing the seedling. This is the only FP that popped so far and within 48 hours lol, maybe I should have manhandled them all to wake them up a bit.
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Day 2

Think I'm gonna call it day two for the 3 that have popped. Might roll it back a day if by some stroke of luck the other 3 pop by tomorrow, really would like to keep everything as uniform as possible. Planned to LST/Scrog, but that might be difficult if half the plants are 10+ days behind.

Decided to turn on the second panel, both running veg mode only atm ( 750w @ 28" ).

I covered the three that haven't popped with saran wrap after a moderate misting and poked some holes for air. I'll probably remove the saran wrap and go back to cups later tonight or in the morning. Hoping the added heat and moisture will help them push through.

Temp at soil level is 80F, RH 30-35%. It's actually 1 degree cooler 12" under the lights ( 79F ) believe it or not with 25-30% RH.

I hung 1 fan on each side (offset to cover the length of the panels), to get a nice cross breeze going underneath the lights / above the plants. Have a small oscillating fan going in the back, all of them on low settings for now. Thinking I'll be able to get the lights as close as 10-12" eventually without causing any stress.

I'll be keeping temps @ 77-78F with lights on once all 6 are up and running, temp drops about 9-10 degrees during night cycle ( running 20/4 this time around ). Fan speed controller will be here tomorrow, hoping that setting it to medium will help to keep a little more moisture in the tent.


Hello, cruel world!

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Welp, 5 1/2 days and the other 3 ( 2 FP 1 Tangie ) still haven't popped.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how long I should let them go before digging around and potentially replanting?

Only have 3-4 grows under me belt and haven't had this issue before. I see a lot of varying opinions, a lot of people saying 7-8 days, but I have a feeling these 3 are either gone or need help breaking through.
What are your temps? If cool i would give another day or 2
What are your temps? If cool i would give another day or 2

79-80 lights on and 71-72 lights off. Added a bit more water earlier today, going to give them another 24-36 hours I think.

I had 1 light going 24/7 early on to help keep them warm and temps were right around 78 until a day after the last of the first 3 popped.

Really hoping they make it, going to be a pain in the long run if half of them are a week or more behind.