Indoor DWC/Fog LED/CFL/ HPS (Maxi, JH, blueberry x ak47)

  • Thread starter Thread starter gearbear
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this may be a great example of auto sensitivity.... notice the difference between the top 2 and bottom 2... top 2 are autos right? and the bottom 2 are photos right?
Top is definetly phosphorus defficeincy... I still think due to ph issues personally... but corrected ph issues take a few days to show usually... so hang on and see what they do... you could add a slight amount of flower nute to help offset this issue... but be careful.. flower nutes tend to drop ph drastically....

sounds like you caught it ok though... see what it does in the next 48 hrs

All are autos.
1st blueberrry x ak
2nd is maxi gom
3rd is a blueberry x ak
4th is Jock horror

I believe all pictures show ph stress in some way, the first two are just more progressed about by 2 days. They started to claw 2 days before the slight claw you see in the first pics.
Tested water tonight. Looking about PH 6. I added a bit of down to maybe get right under that to help treat the plants.
408 ppm

Good and OK news:
No signs of worsened conditions tonight, like I had yesterday. Maybe they are starting to get what they needed. But still no signs of improved conditions.
I cut a few fan leaves that were bad and let some light down in on some of those new branches.

JH showing Female hairs today. So that makes 3 confirmed females and 1 slightly sickly but very branchey blueberry x ak47 (that I think might be male, maybe I see a little sac?). Might be wishful thinking though. If he is, I don't have a problem cutting bad leaves and making him branch to the corner and let the females do their thing. I might Throw a 2 liter with holes over him to keep the pollen down.
The little BlueAk is throwing on some more little calyxes. I believe it might be trying to start flowering. Hope to start smelling that fruit scent soon.

All have taken 30 to 40 days to show sex. How long do ya'll think for flower?

I think it's time to name my 3 girls:
Lil Bee for my flowering blueberry x ak47
Jill for my Jock Horror
and I like Maxi for my grass-o-matic maxi gom
I ph before as a guess to adjustment and then add wait a bit to mix in and then check to see the overall outcome and repeat process of adding up or down as needed until I get where I want.
Thanks for the heads up TBM!

Well today the others are finally showing the damage that was done to them 2 days ago, not too bad but took a while to show through. Glad the others "told" me something was wrong with "the claw" and had time to start fixing it now. If not, they might have been regressed real bad and the others in the state they are in now.
I'm a bit dramatic too though, it's not ridiculous just a few dead/or dying leaves. Plants are still standing tall and putting on growth.

ph is in the upper 5 range (light orange almost yellow), I think that is where I really need to be right now for the girls to get some missing nutes.

I just want to stay and stare at them all day, look them over, pet them, and gently continue to spritz them.

I will be getting some of the Super Folliar Spray soon and will start using it to see what happens. I will mix with carbonated water for best results. Let's see if this stuff really does work and put on super healthy bushy growth.
Has anybody foliar fed epsom salt to Mg/ Phosphorus deprived plant?

Thinking about trying this and was wondering to what amount for foliar feed. It looks like I can add 1 Tbs per gal to my res for added benefits.
What about easy to find phosphorus only material to add for a spritz?

I am also going to add some Bioballs and Myco Madness to the mix. See if that helps keep all the nutrient uptake great.
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Can't help ya there mate. I've never been one for foliar feeding.
Thanks for trying Bailer.
I will put a bit (1/8 to in water solution) in some water and spritz this evening. I don't think it will hurt at the least it could help.
Tonights update:

5.6-5.9 ph
90 degree
50% humidity

Tonight added 2 Tbs of epsom salt to my water
misted plants with sprinkle of epsom salt and distilled water mix

Upgrade Achieved: (sometimes I feel like I'm in a grow videogame and the better I do and the more I deal with, the more upgrade and achievements I can get)
Tonight I "unlocked" silent fans

Check these buggers out $8 Dollar General special

plugged them up quiet! no sound but air flow, like a good pc fan without all the wiring
I was so astounded I grabbed 2 and replaced my air flow in with it and put one up top to hit the plants

Observations: Plants are trying to regenerate
The stems are getting crazy thick at the base, it's awesome. last grow I did, I got some pretty thick stems but they were very uniform. these are different and very nice. I'll get some pics of that tomorrow.
Has anybody foliar fed epsom salt to Mg/ Phosphorus deprived plant?

Thinking about trying this and was wondering to what amount for foliar feed. It looks like I can add 1 Tbs per gal to my res for added benefits.
What about easy to find phosphorus only material to add for a spritz?

I am also going to add some Bioballs and Myco Madness to the mix. See if that helps keep all the nutrient uptake great.​

I foliar feed my tomatoes and my weed in the summer (outdoor).... foliar tips:

always run a real WEAK solition.... ur 1/8 tsp per gal should b good...
ph adjust to 6.3-6.5 after nutes add
Fox farms Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom are fine foliars for all flowering and fruiting plants... particularly th tiger bloom... caution... its a PH diver :)
epsom foliar is a terrific way to feed epsoms (Magnesium)if you dont already have it amended in the root zone.
NEVER.... NEVER! foliar and leave in grow lights or sun light... allow to dry before intense light hits them or you will most likely see some phytoxicity (leaves burn)
When I foliar... I do it at sunset or just a hair before....
as a rue.. remember when you foliar feed, it will be dry in an hour or so... so that will be back to the full concentration without the water... this is why very small doses are needed... I woudn't foliar any more than 2X week max.

Hope this helps
