Indoor Short Stuff - StarDawg - Frogster Grow - 2019 Leg 2 Battle


Tag:- @bushmasterar15 for Short Stuff Battle


The "StarDawg" is now feeding from the bottle... The Autopots are starting to do their thing !

Lights raised to keep optimum distance from each plant in the tent (sharing with two others). I love the AutoCobs @BigSm0

From today she went onto a 20/4 Light cycle.

StarDawg 24th May 2019.jpg

Environment is holding well, Temps are good, although I had to add a humidifier to raise the RH to my desired target.

Pulse 24th May 2019.jpg


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Update Week 5


Increased Autocobs, now 110w per plant.

Also had to add 2 x humidifiers and a dehumidifier to balance Temps & Rh in the tent.


A bit behind the other plants in the tent, as seen below, but hey-ho..... A nice structure & I have empathy for her...

Lets see what she can do.





After my last post, I thought some my ask, "why use 2 x humidifiers & 1 x dehumidifier - doesn't it defeat the object ?"

This may help others, so let me explain....

Due to an unexpected mini heatwave, my local Temps, & %Rh were up.

My Tent temps were getting to the high end of where I wanted them for this grow.

Usually the fan controller can take care of it... lowering the tent temps to where I want, But my tent %Rh was also high

Resulting in, the fan being on continuously, causing wild swings in Temps & even more so in %Rh.

I decided if I increased the %RH even more, it would cool the air - lowering the Tent temp (Problem 1 solved).

Then by adding a dehumidifier I could bring it all back to my set levels (using a dehumidifier adds heat), taking the tent temp back to my desired levels (Problem 2 solved).

Using 2 x humidifiers one tied into "Lights On", and one tied to "Lights Off" and balancing them out gave me a smooth transition also (Resulting Problem 3 solved).

"Lights Off" Targets:- 22.5c Temp with around 60%Rh, VPD not really important.
"Lights On Targets": - 25c Temp with around 50% Rh, with a VPD of around 1.2

As you can see from the tracking graph below.... it worked fine.


Just a quick photo, when I was tending the tent today...

StarDawg 03rdt June 2019.jpg

I'm happy... And both her and my other plants in the tent, are liking the environment.

Update Week 6

My Short Stuff - "StarDawg", my chosen "Battle Plant".

Now reached the time when you just have to sit back, and wait.... and wait....

Changes this week:-

Some Leaf tucking, no defoliation as yet.

Added a couple more predator packs, preventative maintenance at this stage is better than having to deal with an infestation later.

1 week of gentle transition from Veg Nutes to Flower Nutes, Feed now at 5.8 Ph, 1.8 EC.

Fine tuning the tent environment daily, trying to keep the VPD on track.

StarDawg 07th June 2019.jpg

Happy with her, she has a lovely structure and colour.

No problems at all, no tip burn, toxicity, deficiencies, etc - all in all an easy plant to grow.

The tent as it stands today.

Tent 07th June 2019.jpg



Update - Week 7

Tag:- @bushmasterar15

This week I had to go away for a few days, so I topped up the reservoir with my flower nutrients, checked the autopot valves, set all my tent controls to Auto, and crossed my fingers.

On my return I saw the dehumidifier had stopped draining to waste, the internal water tank had filled and shut itself off.

This resulted in lower than anticipated temps and higher Rh, causing a low VPD.

However, no damage done, the "StarDawg" took it all in her stride and looks well.

No other changes, VPD is now back on track and she is turning into a very nicely structured plant.

Later in the week I will be doing some defoliation, to open up hidden budsites.

StarDawg12th June 2019.jpg


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And after a bit of defoliation she looks like this....

Day 44 and loads of hidden buds opened up....

I like her.

StarDawg13th June 2019.jpg

StarDawg13th June 2019 Bud.jpg


Update - Week 8

Tag:- @bushmasterar15 for Short Stuff Battle

Filling out nicely now, and the buds are starting to "stitch" together

I think she may take about another 4 weeks to finish where I want her, but we will re-evaluate as time gets nearer.

Taking feed well, EC 1.8 Ph 5.8 (Soil Ph 6.2). Around 3ft 6" tall, No tip burn, deficiencies or toxicity noted.

Added an old Mars (300w draw) LED for a bit of back and side fill.

StarDawg19th June 2019.jpg

StarDawg19th June 2019 Bud.jpg


Update Week 9 and week 10

Due to some AFN problems, Updates have been erratic.... So here we have a catch up post covering 2 weeks.

No Changes to report, but have had a bit of a testing time keeping Temps & Rh% where needed.

Photos taken on dates identified below.

24th June 2019
StarDawg 24th June 2019 Bud.jpg

29th June 2019
StarDawg 29th June 2019.jpg

StarDawg 29th June 2019 Mid Level Bud.jpg

StarDawg 29th June 2019 Bud.jpg

05th July 2019
StarDawg 05th July 2019.jpg

StarDawg 05th July 2019 Bud.jpg

Buds are very sticky and smelly, I anticipate another 2, maybe 3 weeks to go, 1 week of that will be on water only diet.



Took some test buds from all the plants in my current grow, here is the Short Stuff StarDawg one.

She may have to come down a tad early, to fit in with the harvest of my other plants. Maybe another 10 days, so she won't be far off ready.

StarDawg 07th July 2019 Mid Test Bud Trics 2.jpg

Looking good here...



At 79 Days, it was time to chop her down.

I usually grow tall monsters, but true to the Seedbank name (Short Stuff), this girl was one of the shortest plants I have grown.

Standing around 3ft 9" from top of soil to top of main cola.

But, she still packed it on. I am very happy with the quantity and quality of Bud she produced.

She also produced loads and loads of leaf, and rough trimming her took forever.

Not the easiest of plants to trim as a whole plant, but I want to dry her as a complete plant, upside down on a slow dry.

Here is a photo of her in full plumage.

StarDawg 17th July 2019 Chop A.jpg

And here are a couple 5Hrs later, rough trimmed.

StarDawg 17th July 2019 Chop B.jpg

StarDawg 17th July 2019 Chop C.jpg

Buds are Big, Fat, Smelly, Sticky and reasonably dense, but not as solid as some others I have grown. However, the slow dry will help them tighten up.

StarDawg 17th July 2019 Chop D.jpg

The plant is full, Buds everywhere, I am expecting a good weight when dry

StarDawg 17th July 2019 Chop E.jpg

StarDawg 17th July 2019 Chop F.jpg

She was easy to grow, no problems, no deficiencies or toxicity issues, and took my feed well.

So, that's it for now, I will update on the drying, and a smoke report will follow in due course.

