Humboldt Seed Organization H.S.O. Grow Off - "Dedoverde Haze" - Frogster Grow


After my last post, I thought some my ask, "why use 2 x humidifiers & 1 x dehumidifier - doesn't it defeat the object ?"

This may help others, so let me explain....

Due to an unexpected mini heatwave, my local Temps, & %Rh were up.

My Tent temps were getting to the high end of where I wanted them for this grow.

Usually the fan controller can take care of it... lowering the tent temps to where I want, But my tent %Rh was also high

Resulting in, the fan being on continuously, causing wild swings in Temps & even more so in %Rh.

I decided if I increased the %RH even more, it would cool the air - lowering the Tent temp (Problem 1 solved).

Then by adding a dehumidifier I could bring it all back to my set levels (using a dehumidifier adds heat), taking the tent temp back to my desired levels (Problem 2 solved).

Using 2 x humidifiers one tied into "Lights On", and one tied to "Lights Off" and balancing them out gave me a smooth transition also (Resulting Problem 3 solved).

"Lights Off" Targets:- 22.5c Temp with around 60%Rh, VPD not really important.
"Lights On Targets": - 25c Temp with around 50% Rh, with a VPD of around 1.2

As you can see from the tracking graph below.... it worked fine.

Pulse 3rd June 2019.jpg

Just a couple of photos whilst I was in the tent today...

Clearly two different phenos, both interesting and developing nicely.

Photos taken 15 mins or so after "Lights On" the leaf is still lifting up.

03rd June 2019 Plant 1.jpg

03rd June 2019 Plant 2.jpg

All the plants in the tent are liking the environment.



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After my last post, I thought some my ask, "why use 2 x humidifiers & 1 x dehumidifier - doesn't it defeat the object ?"

This may help others, so let me explain....

Due to an unexpected mini heatwave, my local Temps, & %Rh were up.

My Tent temps were getting to the high end of where I wanted them for this grow.

Usually the fan controller can take care of it... lowering the tent temps to where I want, But my tent %Rh was also high

Resulting in, the fan being on continuously, causing wild swings in Temps & even more so in %Rh.

I decided if I increased the %RH even more, it would cool the air - lowering the Tent temp (Problem 1 solved).

Then by adding a dehumidifier I could bring it all back to my set levels (using a dehumidifier adds heat), taking the tent temp back to my desired levels (Problem 2 solved).

Using 2 x humidifiers one tied into "Lights On", and one tied to "Lights Off" and balancing them out gave me a smooth transition also (Resulting Problem 3 solved).

"Lights Off" Targets:- 22.5c Temp with around 60%Rh, VPD not really important.
"Lights On Targets": - 25c Temp with around 50% Rh, with a VPD of around 1.2

As you can see from the tracking graph below.... it worked fine.

View attachment 1067099

Just a couple of photos whilst I was in the tent today...

Clearly two different phenos, both interesting and developing nicely.

Photos taken 15 mins or so after "Lights On" the leaf is still lifting up.

View attachment 1067098

View attachment 1067097

All the plants in the tent are liking the environment.



Thanks for this week's update mate things look like they are progressing at a steady pace :thumbsup:

Nice description on why you use 2 humidifiers and only 1 dehumidifier , makes perfect sense and I'm sure other members will find this info her useful :pass:

Looking great in here :thumbsup:

Kind regards :bong:

Update Week 6

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Changes made :-

Not much happening this week, Just keeping my eye on things.

Added a few more "predators" (no problems) - just preventative maintenance against spider mite attack.

Gentle transition from Veg Nutes to Flower Nutes.

Daily fine tuning of the tent environment, to keep the VPD on track.


Plant 2 (below) is my "HSO Battle Plant"

Filling out nicely, lots of bud sites, nice shape & colour.

07th June 2019 Plant 2.jpg

Plant 1 (below) is also doing well, different pheno, as mentioned before.

She exhibits more of the sativa genetics, thinner longer leaf, height, etc...

07th June 2019 Plant 1.jpg

3 plants in a 8ft x 4ft tent, is about right for this grow.

Tent 07th June 2019.jpg

Very Happy, so far.


Update Week 7

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Changes made :-

Moved the plants about to make a bit more room for them.

They were left to their own devices on "Auto Pilot" for 3 days, as I have been away.

Looking good filling out nicely, no problems with taking full strength nutrients... they look to be going for it...


My Battle plant...

12th June 2019 Plant 2.jpg

12th June 2019 Plant 2 Bud.jpg

My other HSO plant (plant 1) is also doing well, but clearly different from plant 2.

12th June 2019 Plant 1.jpg

Update Week 7

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Changes made :-

Moved the plants about to make a bit more room for them.

They were left to their own devices on "Auto Pilot" for 3 days, as I have been away.

Looking good filling out nicely, no problems with taking full strength nutrients... they look to be going for it...


My Battle plant...

View attachment 1070400

View attachment 1070401

My other HSO plant (plant 1) is also doing well, but clearly different from plant 2.

View attachment 1070399


Starting to fill out a treat and trichome coverage looks to be kicking in :thumbsup:

Both your battle plant and plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] are progressing at a steady pace, definitely got 2 different phenotypes so the next few weeks are going to be very interesting :pass:

Keep the updates coming my friend :thumbsup:

Kind regards



These "Dedoverde Haze" Plants have me very interested, I am loving the change from day to day.

Both seem to be loving the same nutrient regime, no tip burn or deficiency/toxicity issues, taking 6 Ltrs a day between them, at 5.8ph with a 1.8 EC, Soil EC 6.2

Lights 20/4, Day Environment is 28C Rh52%, VPD 1.4, Night is around 22c Rh55%, (VPD - Not Important)

My observations so far (and a few pics taken today)

Plant 2 has now caught up to Plant 1 in height (plant 1 is a week older), both standing at 4ft 10" from top of soil to main cola tip.

Plant 1 has a thinner longer leaf, not as thickly covered, more Sativa like and covered in early Bud.

Started to develop some early frost too.

Plant 1



Plant 2 looks different, but not as much as she did, starting to look like a "fuller" version of Plant 1.

More Bushy Leaf. She is more indica, but still has sativa traits.

A week behind her sister, but on track & developing nicely, I just hope she has finished her stretch.

Plant 2


Very Happy with the development of both plants. Thanks @HSO-Mark - for the opportunity to grow these girls.

I will happily grow your girls again.



Update Week 8

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Changes made :-

Nothing much, upped the nutrients a tad, added an old Mars 300w Draw LED (for another plant in the tent) giving some reflective light for plant 2


My Battle plant... Plant 2

She has now out grown plant 1 and stands 5ft 2" in height, will have to bend her if she keeps stretching.

19th June 2019 Plant 2.jpg

19th June 2019 Plant 2 Bud.jpg

My other HSO plant (plant 1) is still doing well.

19th June 2019 Plant 1.jpg

19th June 2019 Plant 1 Mid Bud.jpg

19th June 2019 Plant 1 Bud.jpg


Update Week 8

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Changes made :-

Nothing much, upped the nutrients a tad, added an old Mars 300w Draw LED (for another plant in the tent) giving some reflective light for plant 2


My Battle plant... Plant 2

She has now out grown plant 1 and stands 5ft 2" in height, will have to bend her if she keeps stretching.

View attachment 1073088

View attachment 1073086

My other HSO plant (plant 1) is still doing well.

View attachment 1073087

View attachment 1073084

View attachment 1073085


Definitely 2 of the biggest Dedovered Haze Auto,s I've seen growing, there both showing different growth characteristics but they have one thing in common. There both HUGE :pass:

Can't wait to see both these lady's is in full bloom which is coming :thumbsup:

An other great update, Thank you @Frogster :pass:

Kind regards

they have one thing in common. There both HUGE

Update Week 9 & 10

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Yep, they are getting big, I had to break the neck of plant 2 (twice), to keep her from hitting the top of the tent.

As AFN has been having some issues, updates have been erratic. So here are two weeks updates in one post.

Changes made :-

Constant tinkering of the environmental control, trying to keep the Temps & Rh% on track, defoliation and neck breaking..


An assortment of photos over the last 2 weeks of both plants.

24th June 2019 Plant 1 Bud.jpg

24th June 2019 Plant 2 Bud.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 1 Bud.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 1.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 2.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 2 Mid Level Bud.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 1 Mid Level Test Bud Trics.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 1 Mid Level Test Bud Trimed.jpg

29th June 2019 Plant 1 Mid Level Test Bud Trics 2.jpg

01st July 2019 Plant 1 Mid Level Bud .jpg

The test bud has been "tested" and smokes well, hits hard, very nice !


Update Week 9 & 10

Tag:- @St. Tom
Tag:- @HSO-Mark

Yep, they are getting big, I had to break the neck of plant 2 (twice), to keep her from hitting the top of the tent.

As AFN has been having some issues, updates have been erratic. So here are two weeks updates in one post.

Changes made :-

Constant tinkering of the environmental control, trying to keep the Temps & Rh% on track, defoliation and neck breaking..


An assortment of photos over the last 2 weeks of both plants.

View attachment 1074400

View attachment 1074399

View attachment 1074398

View attachment 1074397

View attachment 1074396

View attachment 1074395

View attachment 1074394

View attachment 1074393

View attachment 1074392

View attachment 1074391

The test bud has been "tested" and smokes well, hits hard, very nice !


A double update, Fantastic :thumbsup:

Both of your Dedovered Haze Auto,s are huge mate, definitely 2 of the biggest Dedovered Haze Auto,s I've seen :pass:

Test buds look lush buddy taken at day 70 :thumbsup:

What would you say another 7 maybe 10 day's then harvest time?

Thanks for the double update mate, greatly appreciated :thumbsup:

Kind regards
