Humboldt Seed Organization H.S.O. Grow Off - "Dedoverde Haze" - Frogster Grow


I have taken another test bud from each of the plants I am growing. I like to do this to look at the trics and see how advanced they are etc.

As I only grow for my own pleasure and consumption, I just run one tent nowadays, that tent is used not only to grow, but also to dry my plants.

I like to dry using the "Whole Plant - Slow Dry" method, that requires total darkness and a totally controlled environment with different Rh% & Temp.

Therefore, I have to chop all my plants in about a 36Hr slot and dry them together.

I am growing 3 plants, (2 of them Dedoverde Haze) I need to pick the best time to chop, in order to get the best overall bud from the 3.

They range about 2 weeks apart, for ideal individual harvest times.

So, looking at plant 1 (the most advanced), trics turning milky to cloudy, and starting to bend their heads over. this is where I like them for a balanced high.

She could come down anytime now, but won't hurt going a week maybe 10 days longer. I will reduce her feed to water only this week.

07th July 2019 Plant 1 Second Mid Level Test Bud 2.jpg

Plant 2 is about 10 days behind plant 1, but she won't hurt if taken after another week.

07th July 2019 Plant 2 Mid Level Test Bud 1.jpg

Plant 3 is a "Short Stuff - StarDawg", she is at least another 10 Days maybe 2 weeks behind plant 1.

So as they stand today, I will be looking to Harvest just after next weekend. However, it may change, depending on what I observe over the next few days

The environment has been difficult to hold where I would like it for this late stage of grow... But, I managed to get some good readings after tweaking humidifiers and dehumidifiers here and there.

Day:- Temp 29c, 54%Rh, VPD of 1.3 - Night:- Temp 24c, 58%Rh, (VPD not important).

Plants Night to Day Environment Transition - 7th July
Pulse 07th July 2019.jpg

I will keep them somewhere around this range for the next week, reducing the Temp & Rh% more if I can.

I will also reduce feed to "Water Only" towards the end of next week.

Not far to go now.



I have taken another test bud from each of the plants I am growing. I like to do this to look at the trics and see how advanced they are etc.

As I only grow for my own pleasure and consumption, I just run one tent nowadays, that tent is used not only to grow, but also to dry my plants.

I like to dry using the "Whole Plant - Slow Dry" method, that requires total darkness and a totally controlled environment with different Rh% & Temp.

Therefore, I have to chop all my plants in about a 36Hr slot and dry them together.

I am growing 3 plants, (2 of them Dedoverde Haze) I need to pick the best time to chop, in order to get the best overall bud from the 3.

They range about 2 weeks apart, for ideal individual harvest times.

So, looking at plant 1 (the most advanced), trics turning milky to cloudy, and starting to bend their heads over. this is where I like them for a balanced high.

She could come down anytime now, but won't hurt going a week maybe 10 days longer. I will reduce her feed to water only this week.

View attachment 1075565

Plant 2 is about 10 days behind plant 1, but she won't hurt if taken after another week.

View attachment 1075566

Plant 3 is a "Short Stuff - StarDawg", she is at least another 10 Days maybe 2 weeks behind plant 1.

So as they stand today, I will be looking to Harvest just after next weekend. However, it may change, depending on what I observe over the next few days

The environment has been difficult to hold where I would like it for this late stage of grow... But, I managed to get some good readings after tweaking humidifiers and dehumidifiers here and there.

Day:- Temp 29c, 54%Rh, VPD of 1.3 - Night:- Temp 24c, 58%Rh, (VPD not important).

Plants Night to Day Environment Transition - 7th July
View attachment 1075568

I will keep them somewhere around this range for the next week, reducing the Temp & Rh% more if I can.

I will also reduce feed to "Water Only" towards the end of next week.

Not far to go now.


By the sound of things it's time to start the ladies on a plane water diet in preparation for harvest :pass:

Love the close up macro shot mate :thumbsup:

Keep them coming as harvest is approaching fast :bong:

Kind regards


Prior to getting chopped, all plants have been on a "water only" diet for the last 5 days.

Environment has been steady, and VPD well within my target range.

Chart for the last 3 Days & Nights
Pulse 15th July 2019.jpg

There will be 2 seperate updates this week as I chop them, this one covers Plant 1.

85 Days from seed to chop, one of the easiest plants to rough trim, just tug the leaf off.

She is tall, stands 58" from top of soil to top of main bud, nothing wasted here either, there is usable bud from top to the very bottom of the plant.

The buds are plentiful, very hard, dense and sticky, she has retained her Sativa heritage.

Overall I am very happy with her (the test bud I took, dried & and smoked is exceptional).

She will be hung upside down as a full plant, to slow dry.





Update for Plant 2 will follow in a day or two.

Tag:- @HSO-Mark

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Update (Plant 2)

This is my H.S.O. battle plant, Week 11, and what a plant she has turned out to be...


Chopped at Day 78.

The thing about growing Monsters is there is always a hell of a lot of trimming to do.

5ft 5" of very nice and very full plant.

Luckily, like her sister, she was a lot easier to trim than some plants I have grown.

Leaf tugging worked well, and I have enough sticky "Finger Hash" for a few joints this evening... Bonus.

Here she is prior to 4Hrs of rough trimming.

I shall be drying her as a whole plant, upside down and very slow, and then a final trim when dry.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final A.jpg

Buds are heavy and the stems needed support for the photos.

After 4 Hrs she looks like this, a whole load of leaf taken off her.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final B.jpg

I measured her from the top of the soil.....

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final C.jpg

.... to the top of the main cola.

I had to break her neck twice during the grow as she was getting to the top of my tent.

When the bends are accounted for, she measured 5ft 5" to the top, but I couldn't hold her straight and take the photo, hence the rule shows 5ft 2"

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final D.jpg

Buds are dense and hard, and there is a lot of it.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final E.jpg

Some nice swelling has been going on this last week, I think "Mammoth P" has something to do with that.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final F.jpg

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final G.jpg

And finally, here is a shot with the obligatory "Coke Can" for scale.... I needed that after 4 Hrs of trimming.

16th July 2019 Plant 2 Final H.jpg

Tag:- @HSO-Mark @St. Tom

I have been very impressed with the easy grow, no problems encountered, took feed well, no deficiency or toxicity issues

not a tip burn to be seen and she drank like an alcoholic on a bender.

The test bud smokes nice.... Overall, I'm very happy and would grow again without hesitation.


Update (Plant 2)

This is my H.S.O. battle plant, Week 11, and what a plant she has turned out to be...


Chopped at Day 78.

The thing about growing Monsters is there is always a hell of a lot of trimming to do.

5ft 5" of very nice and very full plant.

Luckily, like her sister, she was a lot easier to trim than some plants I have grown.

Leaf tugging worked well, and I have enough sticky "Finger Hash" for a few joints this evening... Bonus.

Here she is prior to 4Hrs of rough trimming.

I shall be drying her as a whole plant, upside down and very slow, and then a final trim when dry.

View attachment 1079120

Buds are heavy and the stems needed support for the photos.

After 4 Hrs she looks like this, a whole load of leaf taken off her.

View attachment 1079119

I measured her from the top of the soil.....

View attachment 1079118

.... to the top of the main cola.

I had to break her neck twice during the grow as she was getting to the top of my tent.

When the bends are accounted for, she measured 5ft 5" to the top, but I couldn't hold her straight and take the photo, hence the rule shows 5ft 2"

View attachment 1079117

Buds are dense and hard, and there is a lot of it.

View attachment 1079133

Some nice swelling has been going on this last week, I think "Mammoth P" has something to do with that.

View attachment 1079116

View attachment 1079115

And finally, here is a shot with the obligatory "Coke Can" for scale.... I needed that after 4 Hrs of trimming.

View attachment 1079132

Tag:- @HSO-Mark @St. Tom

I have been very impressed with the easy grow, no problems encountered, took feed well, no deficiency or toxicity issues

not a tip burn to be seen and she drank like an alcoholic on a bender.

The test bud smokes nice.... Overall, I'm very happy and would grow again without hesitation.


Both plants look stunning mate but no2 is the winner in my eyes :pass:

Some crazy HUGE flowers and love their sturucte :thumbsup:

You smashed this grow out of the park buddy :slap:

Thanks for taking part in the 1st HSO grow battle on AFN mate, it's been a blast :pass:

Kind regards

Drying Update

Both Girls have been slowly drying now for just over a week. 2 more days yet.

Moving on to more interesting stuff....

Today, I decided to play with my new toy, a Dabpress, and sample a little of my bounty (As Rosin).

This was only my 4th time using my press, and still a very new concept to me.... But WOW !

First pressing chart.jpg

First Rosin HSO Dedoverde Haze 1.jpg

First Rosin HSO Dedoverde Haze 2.jpg

This stuff (as we British say) is "The Dogs Bollocks".

Absolutely Top class, Flavour, Hit, Everything, Vaped in a Rosin Atomiser.


:bow: @HSO-Mark


Post Harvest Update (Plant 1)

After 10 Days of slow drying it was time to final trim and jar the buds from plant 1.

The slow dry was difficult, keeping the temps down to where wanted.... But with the aid of humidifiers etc, the Buds ended up perfect, around Rh 60% when they hit the Jar for cure.

This was the smaller plant of the 2 Dedoverde Haze grown.

28th July 2019 Plant 1 A.jpg

10g already taken as a trial when pressing live bud. So 196g total Bud weight with 5g kief screened.

28th July 2019 Plant 1 B.jpg

On to Plant 2, for final trim and into jars, will maybe start this one tomorrow....


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Post Harvest Update (Plant 2)

After 13 Days of slow drying it was time to final trim and jar the buds from plant 2.

The Temp & Humidity has been difficult to maintain for drying, ended up pumping 70%rh into the tent, to rehydrate the buds before final trim & jarring.

But, "All's well that Ends well", I have a nice lot of dense hard bud, a load of popcorn and tric heavy sugar leaf trim for pressing into Rosin, and some screened kief.

Trimmed Dry bud = 325g
Kief = 12.7g
Popcorn trim for Bubble Hash = 104g
Popcorn Pre Pressed into Pucks for Rosin Press = 135g (15 x 9g to extract)

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 F.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 G.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 H.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 A.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 B.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 C.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 D.jpg

Press Trim HSO Dedoverde Haze plant 2 E.jpg

So tomorrow I will be pressing Rosin.... Happy Days

deffo a grower with a lot of style i honestly dont think anyone especially from are place is as skilled and thorough as you and keeping it undercover :pass: also i swear to god your my fav grower theres only slater who comes close :worship:
deffo a grower with a lot of style i honestly dont think anyone especially from are place is as skilled and thorough as you and keeping it undercover :pass: also i swear to god your my fav grower theres only slater who comes close :worship:

Thank you Sir..... Appreciated. :toke: