Indoor Dutch Passion's Auto White Widow & Think Different

Hey man sorry for the seeds but i'm pretty sure the next batch will be high quality! I really envy your setup especially the variety of nutrients you have !! :drool:
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You will love it. I grow only TD.

Seems that you had an accident with your seeds, this time everything will be just fine.

I'm sure it will man first time it has happened to me since i have started growing last year. Thanks for the supportive words man.

Hey man sorry for the seeds but i'm pretty sure the next batch will be high quality! I really envy your setup especially the variety of nutrients you have !! :drool:

Thanks man i hope so. hope to see you around more often as everyone is always welcome.
Thanks Hazy i should be all going with an update in a little while.
Round 2


First of all before i start this update i would really like to make a point of saying Thanks to the great guys at Dutch Passion for giving me these seeds after the problems with the last lot, especially Dutch Passion tony your a legend man thank you so much.The Guys at Dp even put 5 free bags into my parcel and a free catalog, they didn't have to do that, but there just that good. Id also like to say Thanks to Tang for changing the name of my thread.​

Right so this time its four seeds, Two Auto White Widow and Two think Different.
The Seeds are in A glass of ph 6.2 pre- bubbled water with 2.5ml of Rhizotonic to 1 Litre.


Sorry i don't know why some of my pictures arent showing its probably something with the new maintenance of the site. Well i hope you's can see some of the pictures.
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I guess you're just lucky mate, my Taigas and BAMs didn't even germ with exeption of 1 Taiga seed and DP never got back to me =)
Anyways I wish you luck with this grow :peace:
Hey Briain - Glad to find this thread and I've subscribed. I usually use the paper towel method. I get a layer of 3-4 thick paper towels and put them on a side plate. I then pour some distilled water onto the papers and saturate (but not flood) them. I put the seeds then on the towels about an inch and a half apart. I place 3-4 more paper towels on top of the seeds and saturate these paper towels as well. Then I put another side plate upside down on top of the first side plate. So they're creating a little humidity enclosure, with the seeds sandwiched between the two layers of moist towel. I check them then every 12 hours and usually after 24-48 hours all my seeds would have popped. I then use flat tweezers and gentlely pick the seed up and place it with the root facing down into the medium. You can place the seed with the root facing down, or even sideways but never up. If it's soil and coco I'll put in into a hole about 1.5 - 2.0 cm deep. That works flawlessly for me 90%+ of the time. Sorry to hear about your problems but am really happy to hear Dutch Passion have been so sound and sorted you out. I look forward to tagging along with your grow mate :)