Dutch Passion Dutch Passion StarRyder grow by Seymour-buds

day 34 from seed

i can hold my hands up and say with all honesty that i forgot the number 1 basic rule with this grow...... ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE PLANTS

for some unknown reason (probably ego) ive been trying to dominate the plants right from the word go instead of taking the proper approach which is listening to their needs , in full credit to the starRyder she hasnt punished me which im amazed by because usually with autos if you mess things up it can stunt their growth and slow them down but she is determined to go all the way by my side for which i bow down before her, she does like slightly battered around the edges but is growing at around 1" per day and drinking 1-2ltrs in 24 hours

ive dropped her ec right down to 1.0 and this seems to be her g-spot with the ph 5.8-5.9, im hoping if i keep tapping her sweet spot she will climax hard for me lol

its easy to forget that different strains require different needs, after my last couple of grows i was so used to feeding high ec's that i forgot the basic rule of thumb

the starRyder is standing at 26" tall and still has no staggered growth on the main stem which is a sign that she isnt anywhere near finished her pre-flower stretch, im used to autos going till around day 40 and then onto full floral production im not 100% sure which direction she is gonna take

the yum yums are coming along nicely although ive dropped them back also in the nutrient department, they smell great already












ive dropped her ec right down to 1.0 and this seems to be her g-spot with the ph 5.8-5.9, im hoping if i keep tapping her sweet spot she will climax hard for me lol

Lolz.... Ha ha love it... Keep ur pecker up Seymour & I'm sure that climax will cum... Eer come!! ;)
Have you been reading '50 shades of grey' or something Seymour?? Lol! Looking good mate. I think I may be having a break through with my grow but not 100% yet need to monitor over the next week or so. Fingers crossed!!
you were so excited to get those babies growing you forgot to take off the upc/barcode! that's enthusiasm! thanks for the continued lessons.
Beautiful root mass. Plants not to shabby herself. :thumbs: Listen to the plants bro she will tell you how hard she likes it. When you get a couple that like it rough in a row you start hammering right out the gate. I been there. Then you get the one that just wants to make slow lovin.
nice 1 people lol

in case anybody reading this has no idea what im talking about ill explain...........

basically the sweet spot is where the plants ec and the plants ph remain stable, its easy to do in hydro because all you have to do is monitor the ec and ph

ec up and ph down = less feed
ec down and ph up = more feed
ec stable ph stable = sweet spot

every plant will have a sweet spot and the sooner you find it the better it is because you can then manipulate her quite a bit and see how hard you can push her, some plants can take quite a bit of abuse but others can be fussy, im not to sure how this works in soil grows but im guessing thats why you get bigger results with hydro cause you can get dialed right in to exactly what they want and can adapt with the plant as it grows

you can even get more deeper into this.....

in veg plants dont like much phophorus so its good to keep the ph below 5.8 and then in flower keep the ph above 5.8 , phosphorus becomes available to the plant in higher quantities above 5.8 so i always aim for 6.0 in flower and the same applies to calicum and magnesium, calcium is available below 5.8 where as mag is available above 5.8 but its a fine line between both these elements

you will see me keep my ph @ 5.8 because this is the middle ground where pretty much everything is available to the plants but if you wanna maximise then you can tweak the ph to compensate the stage of growth i.e veg or flower

some growers like to have the ph swinging between 5.5 - 6.1 but im really anal about my ph and like it to be point perfect

the same with the ec, its always better to under feed than over feed because an underfeed plant can easily be fixed where as an overfed plant can take time to recover , ive been really lucky with the starRyder has she didnt punish me to bad where as other strains might have stopped growing and become stunted of even started to throw balls cause its stressing them out

obviously ive left quite a bit of other stuff out but that is kinda the gist of how it works, different growers will have different methods of how they go about growing and every setup is different because these levels of ph wouldnt apply to soil grown plants as the ph needs to be higher etc etc its purley a dwc perspective
Thanks for the explanation. Question for you. Do you have to monitor your ph everyday? Do you absolutely need an EC meter for a hydro grow? Or can you get by using just a ph meter?
Thanks for all the info on how you grow seymour. I am about to try a DWC grow and you are helping out alot. You da man!
Thanks for the explanation. Question for you. Do you have to monitor your ph everyday? Do you absolutely need an EC meter for a hydro grow? Or can you get by using just a ph meter?

i monitor my ph every day at least twice a day purely because it can be the difference between a healthy plant and a unhealthy plant, you can actually get digital ph meters that monitor all day long so you dont have to ph check all the time and just adjust as required, these work great if you are using a header tank to feed multiple buckets, another reason for checking ph daily is because the plants go through different stages of growth

seedling - veg - fast veg- pre flower- floral formation - weight gain - muturation - end of life

at every stage of the grow the plants will require a different ec and ph and a different ratio of nutrients if you dont monitor the ec activity then you dont know when to increase her feed and if she is crying out for more feed and your slow to react she will start pulling off her own reserves,this can make the plant look like she has a deficeiency but the fact is she isnt being fed enough,a prime example of this is soil grown plants can start to yellow in flower quite early on because they dont have enough magnesium to sustain growth and some growers have their soil out of ph range another argument is that plants dont use much magnesium in flower and some growers will say that its natural for a plant to do this in flower but with hydro you can keep her green right untill you flush because you have full control of the ph and her feed and then at flush time you can make her use up every last nutrient she has in reserve, by keeping her healthy your gonna get the bigger reward

something else that can catch you out when growing is the colour of the plants leaves, some plants like sativas do look slightly pale where as indica plants can be dark green, if you have any indy/sativa cross this can catch you out even more lol hence why the ec and ph meter prove to be an invaluable tool

i wouldnt say that you absoloutle need an ec meter but you definatly need some form of reading the ph, the ec meter is a great piece of kit to have if your growing different strains, i know a guy who has grown the same strain for the past 30 years in hydro and he knows that cut like the back of his hand but he never uses an ec meter to grow he can just tell whats wrong with the plant by looking at the colour of her or even the root system to determine if she needs more of less feed, some growers like to get the plant to show slight tip burn which is a sign they are on the verge of over feed and then back off slightly again its all to do with skill level and knowing what to look for, i sometimes forget shit as i have a full time job and growing is my hobby so i tend to make mistakes

the need for an ec meter helps when you are growing from seed, as mentioned above if your growing from clones then they will all require the same feed at the same time because they are all the same pheno and if you have grown that strain more than once you will have a feel for what she likes, growing from seed is different because you can end up with a varied amount of phenos all wanting different ec's , this is also another reason why i choose to grow in single buckets as oppose to a re-circulating because you can get dialed right in to each 1

in my past grows you will see me remove plants and i know that pisses people off cause some of the plants ive removed have looked great and healthy but what im actually doing is choosing the strongest 1 and by this i mean colour and structure also the roots and the feed level + i have limited space , this also has the oppposite effect as some of the plants i remove may well be a better flavour or even stronger hitting while yielding slighlty less, in fact thats probably bullshit as i think all plants have the potenial to grow big its just a case of finiding each individuals sweet spot and then let her do her thing but as i grow for a hobby i dont have the time to spend getting fully integrated with each plants specific needs, i need to give up my day job and become a full time horticulturist lol

ive probably put a lot of people off hydro by posting all that stuff but growing can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be thats why we have soil for the more laid back gardner lol although alot of the principals still apply hydro is just about getting more in-tune with the plants

soil for show hydro for pro

sorry for the long winded reply but sometimes i roll deep :D remeber this is only MY perspective and other growers will have theirs
