Dutch Passion Dutch Passion StarRyder grow by Seymour-buds

Hey Mr Seymour I came to this sight because I saw your name in StonerHaven you are becoming modern day legend and after a few days of reading your all your journals on this sight I have learned quite a lot more about autos than I knew before ! I thank you for the knowledge and wish you well with the rest of this run you sure do have a beauty here and you also have another follower Thanks for the show Smoke Well
cheers for the comments, its appreciated :thumbs:

as expected i reiceved a couple of these badboys in the post today


rubber air diffusers, i was using ceramic type stones which produce micro bubbles but they do get build up of calcium and nutrient deposits so they always take a bit of maintaining , these rubber diffusers are supposed to be maitinece free and still produce micro bubbles just as well as the ceramic stones, although they are a little more expensive im sure they will pay for themselves in the long run , their made by aqua angel if anybody is intreseted and are available in varying sizes , the ones i ordered are 25cm, i do get a few people asking me "what air stones do you use in your buckets?" so now you know :D

just as an added extra, i know a lot of growers use 4mm air hose but as you can see in my pic i opt for the bigger 8mm and the diffuers also have an 8mm attachment so if you are running 4mm air lines then these diffusers wont fit

your DWC bucket is fizzing like a deep fat fryer with some donuts in !
Hi Seymour, wonderful stuff as always!

couple of questions for you, how often do you do a water change? do you flush the roots? if your checking your nutrient level daily and need to replace a few litres, are you making up a mini batch of nutrients and adding that to the bucket?

now that we have seen your air stones can we see your air pump? maybe some shots of your buckets, do you have a sight gauge or drain hole on them?

i know you have mentioned this before, but i cant remember where, can we have a list of the nutrients you use and at what stage, a rough ratio or measurement of said nutrients?

i look forward to your next update

here's to high times!
I suggest you read the entire thread, everything you want to know is already writen down and in context. Apart from the pump picture, wich has been mentioned as a 65lpm feeding two pots.
I believe seymour tops the buckets up with plain ph adjusted water as necessary then prepares a whole new bucket each week that he then transplants the plant into.
seymour are you able to provide a link to where you picked up those rubber diffusers? Ive looked for aqua angel stones before but seems hard to find them at UK hydro suppliers?
i think my list of nutrients are mentioned on page 5 or 6 of this journal , nothing to extravagent for this grow and trying to keep it simple although i do like to experiment

as above i change the res every 7 days and depending on what the ec is doing determines on how i refill the buckets, normally when they are drinking around 5ltrs + a day is when topping up will become an issue, if it gets to low ill just opt for a fresh res, again different growers will use different methods its all personal preference

you wont get the stones in hydro shops because they are koi air diffuers made for outdoor ponds, i used koi supplies direct