Dutch Passion Dutch Passion StarRyder grow by Seymour-buds

i've heard that adding silica and cal/mag in the same res can create a negative chemical reaction and cause a micro nutrient lockout (if i'm remembering correctly). it doesn't appear to have had any negative effect on any of your grows so it may have been false info, or your green thumb keeping them happy. :o)
i've heard that adding silica and cal/mag in the same res can create a negative chemical reaction and cause a micro nutrient lockout (if i'm remembering correctly). it doesn't appear to have had any negative effect on any of your grows so it may have been false info, or your green thumb keeping them happy. :o)

The silica (SiO2) content in the leaves (etc.) of 'soil grown' plants ranges from 1-10% of their dry weight. This silica is potentially supplied from both the feed water and the soil:
Feed water: Natural (i.e. uncontaminated) waters commonly contain around 5 mg/L soluble silica. Hence soil grown plants potentially enjoy a feed of soluble silica each time the plant is watered.
Soil: Sand is composed largely of silica, therefore, the roots of soil grown plants are immersed in a potential "silica reservoir". Although this form of silica is very insoluble it does dissolve slowly - especially with alkaline waters.

However, plants grown in hydroponic systems without soluble silica supplements, typically contain much less silica in their cells. This occurs because, unlike soil grown plants, silica is virtually absent at the root-zone:
Recycling systems: Once the plant consumes the silica present in the make-up water, no more silica is available. Of course if either rainwater or RO (reverse osmosis) water is used, no soluble silica is present.
Inert mediums: Unlike 'soil', inert mediums are unable to yield silica.

Research shows that the absence of silica in hydroponics can cause plant health to be less than optimum.
*Note, silica cannot be included in concentrated nutrient formulations because stable silica solutions are by nature highly alkaline. It must therefore be added separately.

When to use Silica? Silica should be used from seed to harvest: To benefit new growth, silica must be present at all times in the nutrient solution. Electron microscopy and x-ray analysis both confirm that once silica is deposited, it can no longer be redistributed within the plant.

looking at some of the nutrients that i have used in the past their is only canna that has added silica to their feed but not very much probably due to the alkalinity, you can use the silica as a ph up substitute also , id rather have it and not need it than not have it at all

i suppose every grower is different and will run different things in their res but you really gotta understand what each nutrient does and the effect it will have on the plant, you can keep it simple and just use a 2 part mix from seed to weed or you can get indepth and tailor feeds to suit you as the grower

their is no right or wrong and you will always get conflicting answers from growers trying to diagnose someone elses plants purely because of their own growing perspective, im not a massive fan of cannazym or hydrogen peroxide being used in my res throughout the grow cycle purely because you should be keeping the roots in pristine health yourself as the grower and if you cant manage that then your shit but other growers swear by it

the number 1 rule is to enjoy the pleasure of growing and reap the rewards, you only get back the effort you put in :thumbs:
Well said Bro! I grow in soil/mixes but i am a firm believer in silica supplements. Keeps plants healthy and happy...just the way i like 'em! :peace:
Are you gonna give these girls the full 600w? Also was wondering your views on UV spectrum? I have been told its not great for a plants health but if used in he last 3 weeks can help produce more resin.:peace:
seymour, you rule! thanks for such an in depth reply!! please, please plllleasssssee keep dropping knowledge on us! these grows of yours are the 'how to' guide of autos and dwc, and will be *the* standard referenced grows for years to come! thank you! :wiz:
Seymour, i second the above post. you are a tremendous help to many people here the way that you lay out your grows in your journals and reply to as many people as you do. :peace:

On another note, waaay off topic....what are your thoughts on vegging autos on a 24/0 light schedule if they are to be placed outdoors after sex is established? i am running a 4', 4 bulb T5 light fixture at 220 watts. Forgive me for asking a question that has nothing to do with your grow, but there is a pretty good debate going on regarding this in my grow journal, and i would be thrilled to have your input. Thanks so much! :peace:
cheers for the comments,

i will be blazing these girls with the full 600 watts from seed to weed , as far as uvb goes i dont have any of this spectrum in my lights but at the same time i dont really have a probelm with resin production either, i find that carbo-load will increase resin production on the plants so thats what i use

im a massive fan in having a dark period for the plants purely because i like to give them a rest, my plants automatically know when its getting close to lights out as they tend to drop their leaves slightly as a sign of taking a break, 20/4 is my preffered light schedule but im sure some people may argue against, just do what ever you thinks best for your plants, im 100% certain that the plants do react or behave different when in the dark, probably not as indepth as you wanted but it may make for a great discussion in the general part of the forum or you may even wanna run a poll and ask people to vote on it

day 10 from seed

i know you guys probably aint bothered about the blue cheese but this will be my last update on them as they will be getting removed from the grow, all 4 plants have been potted up in canna terra soil mix and watered with atami root stimulator , im not a massive fan of soil and didnt like getting my hands dirty lol they will be in a new home by the time i next update

my 3 "unknown strain" are doing great, the speed at which they are growing is awesome i couldnt of asked for a better start, no change to any of the res's










Thanks for that excellent explanation!

That is the thing with ceramics, Hugo, the back pressure (Air Pump Push) required is usually minimum 2bar. 14.7psi per bar. The bubbles are "Special" as with ceramic, they are micro at 100-300microns, this give masive surface area for "Diffusion".

They lookin great Seymour!
Looks like someones already in the lead root wise, hmmmmm... They are looking good mate. Humming Jukebox hero by Foreigner subbing the words Growbox hero!!!!! The wait is almost up, come on Tony!!!!!
Looks like someones already in the lead root wise, hmmmmm... They are looking good mate. Humming Jukebox hero by Foreigner subbing the words Growbox hero!!!!! The wait is almost up, come on Tony!!!!!

lol, its still early days mate , ive had smaller plants that have gone on to be the biggest

the anticipation of waiting for the strain details is a bit of a shitter, im hoping its a skywalker thats been made into an auto (blueberry x mazar) sounds plush or it could be an auto widow

the suspense continues.......