Dutch Passion Dutch Passion StarRyder grow by Seymour-buds

i just had to say thank you for sharing your time and expertise, i read through your TD thread yesterday and was blown away, now i am keen to give DWC and LED's ago just like so many of your followers. i have learnt so much in the last couple of days searching the net, from organic recycled soil to your method of DWC, wow im going to have so much fun experimenting with the different methods im learning (im old school sun and soil). keep up the good work and i look forward to learning more of your secrets as this thread continues to grow!
JM.........126 posts a week.........for 16 months..............Staff..................dose that mean your work for the boss "Howie" Dennis Marks......or the higher beings that live edit the threads son............take working days that's 25 posts per day son................thats dedication to a noble cause for sure ...........what time for "The Ladies Though ?".......and the other ladies to ??............is it all ladies and surfing 99% of the time throughout your living life "Jolly Manner" ??...............enlighten me............if you will sir !!.................are you really a "Gardener".......or surfing the "Garden Surfer For data" ??..................

I'm in n out between tasks / jobs.... spend as much time as possible with my ladies... no time for other ladies... long story(ies)

Jolly Manner! :crying:

I'm really a gardener / farmer at heart... working on expanding and getting land... its what I love... if I could grow and be around plants all day... I'd be in heaven... unfortunately, theres always bills to pay... and I havent gotten farming profitable yet....

and I'm always surfing for data... :toke: I love learning too! :toke:

cheers mate!
:dance2: :smokeit:
Cozmo Cracker............just wanted to say hello fella, should you be male............which is a high chance, it's likely lad........or ladette of course........ just like those picture in nL's "Soft Secrets" free mag............. the female gardener...........most lads dream i wouldn't bet !................ especially the low level watering !.........

I digress...........that is one cool entrance thread Cozmos,...................very chilled man..............old school sun & soil.......from the 80's like JM ??...............

This .net is the virtual Bible for knowledge of all kinds about females !!................green hairy one that stink in the morning son.............and can be bad mannered !!..............and you have to listen very quietly to them for a long time to make sense of what they are out-putting !.............."No change There Then".............however if you are very patient............they will reward you in physical kind at some point in the future,........not very often but it will happen !!..........the laws of "Probability" dictate it................"No Change There Then"........................good luck persuiding the ladies to flower !!.............................Tony is due at 6;30pm nL time........which in Tony's case is add 6Hrs due to testing further strains !!...........the world runs 6 hours behind ?....or is that Advance ??.....................In comes the "gene Master" for another valuable, believable & unbelievable lesson in genetic capture of the polymerize indent !!...............
We are all waiting for "God' to arive JM........what a superb reply........we must talk "Arable Yield"........this must be a bad year with all the rain.........However i must keep the chitter chatter down.......us S-B & "T" will not have the air space to ring out the new "Gene Line" on the biophere !!.........schoooooozee..................the world is our oyster !1............


I'm in n out between tasks / jobs.... spend as much time as possible with my ladies... no time for other ladies... long story(ies)

Jolly Manner! :crying:

I'm really a gardener / farmer at heart... working on expanding and getting land... its what I love... if I could grow and be around plants all day... I'd be in heaven... unfortunately, theres always bills to pay... and I havent gotten farming profitable yet....

and I'm always surfing for data... :toke: I love learning too! :toke:

cheers mate!
:dance2: :smokeit: