Grow Mediums Dutch passion Auto X DWC + Royal Cheese Coco Autopot 690w LED

Not sure how I missed this thread for this long. Subbed, and eager to learn here, my first DIY DWC turned out good, but not great. Ready to go again as soon as I upgrade some equipment, so I'll be here for some time. :group: L4
Sorry for the lack of updates. I spent the last 2 nights in the hospital due to a major car accident that totaled the shit out of my car. I'm in one piece.. but I'm scraped up with a couple of stitches and bruises all over my left side to my face. Got slammed to my driver side by someone driving an SUV... who happened to drive away immediately after.. but was caught on cameras, so they're on the lookout for the driver. I'll be doing some R&R in bed for a while.. As for my girls.. they are doing fine.. I'll post up pics tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing fine.
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that sucks, i hope they catch that scumbag. at least you have ample access to non addicting pain meds. :spark:
Hey man, heal up. Coulda lost you. Glad you're still here. No. 1, fuck that guy, check his paint on your car. Auto body shops in your area would be a good place to post notices. Didn't even stop to make sure he didn't kill anyone... Dude rest up and make sure your nerves are alright.

Get better bro.
I'm in one piece

That is all that is don't we kept telling our kids with their write-offs..

as for the scumbag hit and run driver...:no:..I Hope a thousand fleas infest his arse-hole....:wiz:
Whoa! Brother Vick, that is alarming news,...I'm relieved to hear that you're not badly hurt!... So, some honorless shit-stain t-boned you and ran,...Hmmm, well, that would be felony hit-and-run with bodily injury, which means fines are just the start when they catch this douchebag....when you see 'it' in court, feel free to advise them to swab their poop deck, pre-lube their Brown Cave Starfish, and "har-harrrrghh! prepare to be boarded...!" because the pirates where they're going only use their own fetid spit... :firedevil: "..c'mere, Prag..." :roflcry: Seriously though, no mercy, merci', ... this kind and depth of selfish cowardice warrants 'maximum penalty under the law'....! Meanwhile, take good care, get well, medicated,.... and lawyered! :smoke: :hump:
Fuck the other guy Vick as long as your ok thats what matters mate just rest up and take care and get well soon buddie , oh dont forget to water your girls, lol :vibe::vibe::vibe: all the way mate :buds::peace:

:no:..I Hope a thousand fleas infest his arse-hole....:wiz: , i thought this was brill Mossy :D