Grow Mediums Dutch passion Auto X DWC + Royal Cheese Coco Autopot 690w LED

Sorry for the lack of updates. I spent the last 2 nights in the hospital due to a major car accident that totaled the shit out of my car. I'm in one piece.. but I'm scraped up with a couple of stitches and bruises all over my left side to my face. Got slammed to my driver side by someone driving an SUV... who happened to drive away immediately after.. but was caught on cameras, so they're on the lookout for the driver. I'll be doing some R&R in bed for a while.. As for my girls.. they are doing fine.. I'll post up pics tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing fine.

ahhh mate sorry to here about that happend to me last year and the driver also made of but was brought back by the police shortly after Karma cloud your way and a speedy recovery :thumbs:
:eek: Get well Vick:thumbs: .... flea ridden dirtbox karma to the other twat !:mad::finger:
Get well soon brother.. Fucking wankers everywhere!! :cuss:
That is all that is don't we kept telling our kids with their write-offs..

as for the scumbag hit and run driver...:no:..I Hope a thousand fleas infest his arse-hole....:wiz:

:rofl::rofl::crying::crying: your funny!!

But yeah infest that anus!!... Agreed :toke:
Faaaaack!! Sorry to hear that Vira.

All the best and hope you have a speedy recovery! (Absolutely no pun intended)
Hope they catch that asshole & you get some justice!! Although its not the best way to get some r&r im sure your like the rest of us and needed some r&r. so make the best of it. feel better and have a speedy recovery :ama:
I am sorry to hear that and i hope you get well soon.;)
Heal up Vick, the driver who hit you will get his, all things in this life come full circle, it's just not always apparent from the start. I found some magical healing herbs, here try this... :smokebuds: L4
Damn Vic that's a real blower glad you are ok tho, it's really scary isn't it!! I jus totaled my car on 4/19th str8 into a concrete wall head on going 60...I prayed to everything above for sparing my life and my passenger who is my life and I haven't driven since! I am glad you are ok and that everything above was watching over you.