Grow Mediums Dutch passion Auto X DWC + Royal Cheese Coco Autopot 690w LED

If your gonna use any cal/mg supplement.. Always ALWAYS..dissolve this into your res first before ANYTHING else.. Another reason NOT to be dropping the A part of your feed.. A has the calcium in it.. Plant needs cal Vick.. Especially under LED.. Simple.. ( kush Ts post )

Kush T , hows you mate , what is the script with the cal/Mg going in first mate sometimes i put my root stim in first then the Mg but this is then shaken vigerously then the a&b, cheers buddie :peace:

Oh yeah.. about my procedure on the calmag. I buffer my RO water first, then I add calmag before any nutes and bring it up to 50ppm for the seedling stage. Basically like kush said to do. You guys act like I've nixed out calmag completely! lol.. I wasn't clear with explaining that it has to be added before nutes, so thanks for adding that kush and dex. :five::slap: when I spread em around more :lick::brow:

I'll add some photos later.

Day 3 from seed:
The seeds are in rapid rooters and are slowly making their way up to the sprout stage.
Vick ,won't the filter just leave all the bits in the res just to keep the pump unblocked ? . That grasscity scrog looked good .. I like the idea ,but hes still only getting 7/8 zips with more than 1 bucket & could have taken a long time to organize & refine that setup ?.I doubt it was his 1st try !. I think theres a reason Insert ,Ko & Seymour & others arnt doing a DWC scrog .. They can get 8 zips from 1 plant with LST ect ,plus changing the res once a week ?.If you think you can do it 1st try then good on you bro ,it will be an AFN 1st !.But I think you need to get your 1st grow DONE ... as simply as innovation free as possible ... then once your sat there with a load of bud & practical experience ,you will know what will work & not for your set up .

Dex,I think the cal/mg in 1st as it doesn't dissolve/mix with other nutes well, so needs to be fully mixed/diluted with the res 1st before they go in .

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Whats good Vick!!! I was on ur thread yesterday and had an extremely long post and my mac jus cut off again & it wasnt even half way finished. Ill touch on some stuff wanted to mention.

Glad to see you got things up & going again & ur set up and preparation is superb as always.

I know you did the beenies thing on your last run. I was going to suggest VooDoo juice it has 12 different beneficial organisms & I have had extremely great results with no problems. AN states never use High Ox in your res with beneficial organisms its kills the culture. I also have used bcuzz root stim and Rapidstart in the past in EBB&Flow setup and Voodoo blows them away with the results I have experienced, Bcuzz root stim 2nd. I have also used Liquid Karma in the past as well I truly loved that additive it really works, faster growth overnight and more of a organic taste in the end especially when you use all chems.

I touched on the res changing and all that good stuff, but long story short I havent scrubbed the inside of my res in like 20 days bc i scrogged for a lil than they just got to big. But i siphon out with my hand pump every 6 days and add 3% stabilized peroxide (as you suggested). I also never get my nute mix ready the night before, i make the mix siphon out the res and pour in new mix....takes about 30 min and i take my time. But I have AN Ph perfect and RO water thats 5.7-5.9 ph at the highest so im always good to go at first.

Whats the point of mixing and setting airstone in the mix the night before of res change? Oxygenate the mix maybe, but it would be immediately de-oxygenated as soon as you unplug the pump and pour into the res? Im still a noob when it comes to DWC.

Glad to see your back growing homie :smokebuds:

I would def try to keep things as simple as possible to bruh bruh my worst grows where when i was over-thinking everything and all ocd in the room.
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I like to get things ready the night before,just so the nutes fully desolve & everything has settled when you take readings really .Ive done quick res changes & been way off with the ec & ph by the morning . Plus its already oxygenated & that wont change in the time it takes to swap the buckets i would not have thought ?:shrug::group:
ooo ok maybe thats why when i do a fresh res change i feel like my ladies are kind of stuck there and then in like 20-30 hrs the just shoot up inches & my ph raises the next morning but the ph raising every day is pretty constant. Im going to try this on my next res change thanks Viracocha :smokebuds:
could be OG ?,A good bubble for 24 hours can only be a good thing as well , Get the temps the same if poss ect .The more stable & like the last the res is,before she goes in the better for her IMO .
Sorry.. My bad.. If your throwing root stim in & it's just root stim.. Then that'll be cool going in first dex.. The cal first thing.. It's something that Seymour Buds taught me.. Calcium apparently can have trouble mixing with other nutes (NPK) if they're already in the res.. That genesis 3 part stuff I used on my mazar grow had cal in both the grow & bloom parts.. But more in the Grow.. So it went in first then bloom then micro.. Until eventually only the bloom & micro parts during bloom.

Ok Vick it's not impossible.. I haven't checked that link yet.. But I'll bet you it's a complete pain in the arse.. If you have a big girl in a DWC bucket Vick.. It's quite a bit of work as it is.. Never mind having to try & swap out res's from under a static canopy..
You can bet your last cent that you'll be doing the odd emergency res change or two.. Seems crazy to me..
But maybe I'm just lazy.. Lol..

Anyways.. I'm just trying to help brother.. Pass on what I've learned.. Y'know.. I'm no master.. Just a mere novice spreading the love. :wiz:

Ok... I wrote that & posted before I'd read all these posts.. Lolz.. :smokebuds:

EDIT:.. Yeah Vick I shoulda remembered that your using RO water.. & you buffer it with cal/mg first.. So... Yeah.. I forgot.. Sorry blood... Friends??.. Lol
Amere novice :Dyour too modest Kush :bow:
Kush T,
Sorry.. My bad.. If your throwing root stim in & it's just root stim.. Then that'll be cool going in first dex.. The cal first thing.. It's something that Seymour Buds taught me.. Calcium apparently can have trouble mixing with other nutes (NPK) if they're already in the res.. That genesis 3 part stuff I used on my mazar grow had cal in both the grow & bloom parts.. But more in the Grow.. So it went in first then bloom then micro.. Until eventually only the bloom & micro parts during bloom.

Dex,I think the cal/mg in 1st as it doesn't dissolve/mix with other nutes well, so needs to be fully mixed/diluted with the res 1st before they go in .

Superb guys i did'nt know that but as you said kush its only root stim from now on its in first before anything :peace: