sterile system wont stay sterile if you don't sterilize it :booya::smokebuds:
I really like the wire this dude has attached to the bucket lid :group:Vick I have not seen any of the top boys do a DWC scrog with an oxypot yet ?

Good point. I did notice that some lucas formula formula growers top off without ever changing the res and then work from there... But you never really know what minerals are in there when it's all mixed up while the plant is eating.. so I'd rather have the reassurance by switching the water out.. Here's one thread with the dwc bubble bucket/oxypot scrog user:
Dwc scrog
The only possible ways to do water changes (you won't be able to scrub the bucket after scrogging starts) are:
Method 1: Fixing a valve to the bottom of the bucket then cutting an "inspection hole" onto the lid to feed a siphon tube through to refill it, that way you're not drenching your hydroton all at once with a 3.5L mixture. With this method, you need to raise the bucket, losing height space :/
Method 2: Fixing a powerhead/small pump to the very bottom of the bucket with a filter to prevent roots from getting sucked in. (a light powered powerhead will do fine because they are compact and very inexpensive)... Then attach a hose tightly with a clip onto the exit hole of the powerhead and run that hose outside through a small hole on the top side of the bucket. (make sure it's long enough to empty into a second bucket). The venturi type powerheads for aquariums usually have a 3/8"/about 10mm diameter exit hole for the water flow.. Refill the water through the hole on the lid using a siphon pump from one bucket to your res (obviously, plug the hose and hole when done. threaded pvc plugs with o-rings are probably the best way). I will write up a step by step tutorial with pics for this method.
Since I have an extra small powerhead laying around, I am going to try method 2.
I just read this quote by heisenberg, since I'm using beneficial microbes:
"Outdoors in nature, some microbes (bacteria and fungi) are present in the soil which help a plant eat and grow roots. You can use these microbes in a DWC to help keep roots protected and help minimize gunky build up. Once I finish a grow I give my bucket a quick two minute scrub and rinse and it goes right back into another cycle, so it gets scrubbed once every 8 weeks."
all the best with this one vick. Amazing spec on your growroom, this will be fun to see, enjoy!
Thanks for the support Tony! Gonna do my best with it!
