Dutch Passion Dutch Passion Auto Blueberry

Thanks Tony! I am currently seeking someone who has the unfortunate lot of having cancer or some other disease that Cannabis will help so I can unload some of it. Sadly my state has laws against this so it will have to be under the table. I really don't care though, since I will be donating this and not selling it. I am waiting for God/Fate/Karma etc. to put somebody in my path.
Well speaking of harvest here is the finished product in quart sized mason jars. I put a soda can in the first pic to show the size. I am sorry AFN family that I don't have a finished weight, since I am being a cheap ass! I can't justify buying a scale when I will only be using it to weigh my finished product... Like my last post says I don't sell the stuff so I don't have any other use for it...

And the pics:

DSCF0075 - Copy.jpg

DSCF0076 - Copy.jpg
Quart mason jars generally hold close to 30 grams MOL.
A lot depends on bud density.
Thanks Gtron! That is good info to know!
Hey mods how do I get a Dutch Passion badge? Don't really understand the badge system...
Thanks Tony! I am currently seeking someone who has the unfortunate lot of having cancer or some other disease that Cannabis will help so I can unload some of it. Sadly my state has laws against this so it will have to be under the table. I really don't care though, since I will be donating this and not selling it. I am waiting for God/Fate/Karma etc. to put somebody in my path.

Damn dude, looks like we just crossed paths!!! Yay me!!
After last night I am of the belief that auto strains are now right on par with photo's, and this strain taught me that.

I got home from work and decided that I really wanted to check these buds out now that they have been curing for a while. My vaporizer hasn't been filling the balloon with all that much so I checked the elbow screen (I have an Arizer Extreme Q). The thing was so plugged I couldn't even see light through it holding it up against a bulb. I burned it off and packed the bowl as usual.

The vapor going into the balloon was so white and thick I knew I had to stop at a level that would give me about 3 hits. I have a low tolerance these days to THC since I really don't get to indulge all that much anymore. What I really think happened was I forgot to turn the vape temp down since I had been increasing thinking it just needed to be hotter with this strain or something. That released a flood of Cannabinoids right into that balloon and then right into my bloodstream, between the clean screen and high heat.

What followed were about three hours of the terrifying Cannabis Overdose Roller Coaster. I experienced this before on an edible and swore I would never eat it again, and haven't. This was exactly the same. Heart racing, thoughts of impending doom, where is my life going, people hate me, my hearts going to explode and they will find me here dead, blah blah blah. When I get like that I always get down on myself and paranoid as all hell. It was not a fun experience. I kept looking at the time thinking I was going to sober up soon and only ten minutes would have passed. Tried getting something to eat but as I was eating I got the thought in my head that I might choke and die, so of course food got stuck in my throat. I can honestly say this was one of the worst trips and intense highs I have ever had from Cannabis.

I can't wait until tonight to turn that sucker down and have a better experience. I have never tried it but I really akin a good vapor high to Xanex. There is no paranoia or anything like that when our friend Moderation is present haha! Again, I am sure steady tokers would not have the experience I did, just wanted to share this story more for the fact that there is lethal potential in this particular strain if you consume enough and it needs to be respected. And we all know that this means that this particular strain has a full bouquet of viable Cannabinoids just like it's photo cousins.

Today looking at it through sober eyes it is almost like a pet biting me. I tended to this plant with so much care and detail that it's almost insulting that she would make me feel that way;)

Anyways, now that I know what to expect and tone it down I am sure these buds will give me an excellent experience when used as recommended! Not 480 degrees and fan speed at #2!!
High THC Cannabis is often a powerful psychedelic substance. That needs to be respected like any Psychedelic. Quite often when taken in high doses and in a tired stressed or undernourished state powerful and overwhelming feelings and confusion can occur 'this effects everyone differently depending on so many variables. Don't worry just take it easy it's all part of what makes cannabis fascinating it's not predictable like Beer.( though beer can help if you get a bit overwhelmed) :) Having said all that Cannabis isn't for everyone ,maybe try some CBD pot, for a more relaxing high.