Indoor Duckster gives Wilma a go

Forgot to say the set up lpoks great ducks!
I had a blue auto mazar that done that curly stem thing. Turned into a great plant in the end

Why thank you Sanger. Was wondering if anyone had ever seen that before. Good to hear that yours turned out good. Had visions of her strangling herself.
That's a great setup you got going pal, hope it's a easy learning curve for you:d5: to get it up and running.

Hey Hairy how they hanging bud. In hindsight I'm thinking a 4 pot single res system may not be best for my slipshod style but WTF I had to give a go or two.:cheers:
Hey Hairy how they hanging bud. In hindsight I'm thinking a 4 pot single res system may not be best for my slipshod style but WTF I had to give a go or two.:cheers:

Don't you fret pal, sanguine can hold your hand through this one :thumbsup:

They ain't hanging,,,, we got another blast from the east ,,it's cold
Maybe a bit of a chuckle is in order





Don't you fret pal, sanguine can hold your hand through this one :thumbsup:

They ain't hanging,,,, we got another blast from the east ,,it's cold

Oh yeah Sanger, Wile, Itisi, and Elle all have or do use wilmas - a host of fine growers all - I should be able to learn a little something. Stay warm bro.