Indoor Duckster gives Wilma a go

I planned for a strain mix as I like variety, but most of the strains did not crack. I had hoped to get them about the same age. Guess the smart thing to do would be to cull the cheese and go with the four little ones but been dying for some cheese and never been know to do the "smart" thing.:greenthumb:
I would try replanting the Cheese first before culling her hydroton floats just put the whole pot in a big bucket of water see what happens (but only if your going to cull her) [emoji106]

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Whats the current ppm? I would guess the tk is stunted cause the res is too strong for a seedling. The ss will prob go the same way mate

About 600 Sang. That's a bit hotter than my seedling blend but weaker than my 4 week blend.
Bloody hell ducks in at the deep end and what sang and Itisi say you loon [emoji16]subbed up for your grow dude [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

:crying::crying:Yeah you know me - head for the deepest part, load my pockets up with rocks, and dive right in.:smoking:
Hi mate hope all is well and thanks for the tag you know i am in for the ride, look forward to seeing what kind of monsters you create with the new toys.

Peace and have a good ol :slap: to get the show on the road ;)

Spanglish all good on my end bro, hoping to same is true for you. Thanks for the slap - I need a bit of abuse every now and again. Monsters as in big, probably not gonna happen this time. Monsters as in freaks, already got one. Never seen a plant with a 360 in her stem, I'm wondering how that is gonna turn out.
I would try replanting the Cheese first before culling her hydroton floats just put the whole pot in a big bucket of water see what happens (but only if your going to cull her) [emoji106]

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

Ah Wile now yer making me think ya bastard.:crying::crying:Could work though. Float most of the pellets away and drop the rest into a big net pot and put it in a bubble bucket.