Live Stoner Chat Dr. Bubbles & Bushmasterar15's Food Network

:hothot:Looks like tasty spicy goodness @Mañ'O'Green. The Thai green curry simmer sauce sounds like it would work in my chutney also since I left out that for my (spicy taste) I add 1 teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper and 1 teaspoon of red curry powder.
Yes I would think that a perfect pairing.
Ms. MOG made Potatoes O'Brien from scratch this morning....... Oooooh La La the whole house was fragrent with the aroma of onion, peppers and potatoes frying.

I have flashed this breakfast of Champion Reincarnated Sea Otters before:

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I'm so jealous of the seafood. I'm from the east coast where I got to eat it all the time, but transplanted to out west. Now nothing that great and fresh. Plus the better half is allergic to shellfish so it gets to be a no go most the time. I was barely lucky to have shrimp on the grill the last time. Had to cook it separate from other food and clean the grill after I was done.
just a quickie post... Hungarian Goulash, butter noodles and 'slaw!
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Meal of Kings that stick to your ribs when done.
King Arthur Gluten Free Baking Mix pancakes. I don't eat pancakes often because of the carb count. These were surprisingly good.


First really hot days for the coming summer 90°F+ in the valley today. So a cool chicken salad for dinner.
