Live Stoner Chat Dr. Bubbles & Bushmasterar15's Food Network

Is that a Western Diamondback? I’ve never seen one of those in the wild. There is some monster Easterns down south here, I’ve seen a couple pushing 6 feet. I’ve seen some decent sized Cottonmouths in Florida …I even caught a juvenile on my fishing pole. He honestly scared me, them youngins will almost always give a full wet bite as they haven’t learned how to control their venom yet. I also caught a 3 foot baby gator on a top water frog at 7:00am on one of the Lake Course water hazards at Orange Lake Country Club. The guy mowing the grass came over and gave me hand. The little gator was surprisingly strong and quick. He was chirping for mama bear. He absolutely shredded my Berkeley foam frog in chartreuse. But we got the hook out and let the little guy live another day. Florida is like a different freaking country with all the crazy snakes and gators and birds and bugs and old folks and tourists and weirdos and Mickey Mouse and that French guy Ponce de León and his youthful fountain and Wikiwatchee Springs and that cave diver rescue guy Edd Sorensen who is a fucking ANIMAL. Listen to one of his stories…it’ll give you the heebieejeebs
Is that a Western Diamondback? I’ve never seen one of those in the wild. There is some monster Easterns down south here, I’ve seen a couple pushing 6 feet. I’ve seen some decent sized Cottonmouths in Florida …I even caught a juvenile on my fishing pole. He honestly scared me, them youngins will almost always give a full wet bite as they haven’t learned how to control their venom yet. I also caught a 3 foot baby gator on a top water frog at 7:00am on one of the Lake Course water hazards at Orange Lake Country Club. The guy mowing the grass came over and gave me hand. The little gator was surprisingly strong and quick. He was chirping for mama bear. He absolutely shredded my Berkeley foam frog in chartreuse. But we got the hook out and let the little guy live another day. Florida is like a different freaking country with all the crazy snakes and gators and birds and bugs and old folks and tourists and weirdos and Mickey Mouse and that French guy Ponce de León and his youthful fountain and Wikiwatchee Springs and that cave diver rescue guy Edd Sorensen who is a fucking ANIMAL. Listen to one of his stories…it’ll give you the heebieejeebs
Yes, baby western diamond back….only about a foot long. We’ve got several species of rattlers here.

If I had my phone this morning, I could’ve gotten a picture of a tarantula.:pass:
It hasn’t even sunk in yet. It’s like a dream….surreal. I’ve been looking over my shoulder since 2014. Every time I’m in a car and pass a cop sitting there…don’t pull out, don’t do it. Ever since 9/11, these traffic stops have gotten a lot worse and significantly more thorough.

One time….about a year and change ago, i was turning onto my road, about a mile up the road. I was just coming from my buddies house down the road, it was like 6:00pm. I didn’t have my seat belt on. As we pull up to make a right, there is a cop coming toward us from my road. I quickly threw it over my shoulder as we made the turn. This fuckin pig whips it around and follows us at 35 fucking miles an hour all the way to my house, about a foot off the bumper.


I though I was going away for sure. I can’t believe it’s fucking over. Holy shit.
Especially after dodging "court" yesterday.

This is the letter I received on the 9th from my attorney:

Shame me. Fuckin SHAME ME??? I've bent over fucking backwards for this bullshit. I've paid insane amounts of money, and this cowboy wants to shame me??? I was petrified when I woke up yesterday. I was 97% sure that I now had a contempt of court warrant that I couldn't buy my way out of. I even added extra measures of security and cleared out my hidey hole...which is behind my big bench down in the shop, behind my 75 year old Craftsman drill press that weighs about 250 pounds. It's like a crawl space that goes back up underneath my game closet. It's a real good spot, but you wouldn't want to be there with pigs sniffing around looking for you.

I'm free!!!!