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So after 103 times makin Grilt Skramp Scimpi I think I finally figurt out the secret what THEY don’t want YOU to know. But I honestly can’t stand THEY, ever since I got my ‘fireman’ all twisted up in a bad guitar accident on stage. It was like SO totally humiliating and I remember some guy saying how I fuckin nailed that solo before passing out from blood loss and embarrassment. Lemme just say that THEY were the ones who caused that accident, so now I’m sharing their secret recipe that I sorta kinda stolled from some dude in a van. Long story…

The secrets:
  • Use WILD CAUGHT 16-20s or U15s Raw - SHELL ON
  • Pink Shrimp or Tiger Prawns are what you want
  • Butterfly them EXTRA deep, from the thick part to right in front of the tail
  • Marinate for 24 hours in a zesty Italian with some Old Bay + Garlic added
  • Charcoal is king here…so are Grill Grates. Get em 500-600 degrees
  • The Scampi Sauce is CRITICAL for the grill, 5oz butter/pound skramps

**Scampi Grill Sauce**
  • 5oz Salted Butter - smelted
  • Juice + Zest from a ripe ass lemon
  • 1 Tablespoon of McCormick Granulated Garlic or Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Pecorino Romano Granulated
  • 1.5oz Dry White Wine
  • A healthy pinch of fresh cracked black pepper
  • A healthy pinch of Dried Greek Herbs
Melt butter and get everything in there while the grill is heating up and let it steep for at least 20 mins, or however long. Just make sure that it’s more than 20 mins.

Remove Skramps from the Italian Zesty marinadado and place directly onto scorching hot grill so they go “Tsssssss” when you put em down. Close the cover and let ‘em go for about 5-6 mins. Open, flip em, and start sloppin that sauce in. Another 5 mins on side B, open and slop that shit in as good as you can…this is why you butterfly extra deep and leave the shells on. Save a quarter cup of the sauce or more to dump directly onto the finished SKRAMPS and vigorously shake a baby like a serious baby predator. Let em sit for 5 mins and then prepare to be absolutely blown the fuck away. Unreal guys.
I think I also figured out how to make: Professional grade guitar pedalboards. I cut wires, and solder wires to XLR jacks and TRS jacks and make custom cables and drill holes and use tape measures…twice….so I cut once and it fit right, and drill more holes, and use my Micrometer under the magnifying glass so I can figure out what size bolts are being used in random gear, and then ordering new longer bolts and warshers from that online place what sells the bolts and wharshers and then like 18 more things so I could have this:


12.5” tall x 34” long weighing in at just shy of 26lbs. Guitar plugs into the right side orange part via locking Neutrik TRS jack and is wired directly underneath out the left side via a second Neutrik locking TRS, the rest of the board is signal less and is running FAS Link via XLR, which provides two way communication, all three expression pedals positions and power on one cable. I’m waiting for a 1” loom which is going to be the ‘umbilical’ and carry all that, plus 12v DC for my supplemental LED lighting which looks sick at night. Like this:

Here is a couple quick shots of my modifications and wiring and stuff. Pancake:


She’s clean as fuck I think. That gold color piece on the bottom is my handy dandy addition to make it super rigid for all the weight. It’s perfect. I added some extra rubber feet as well, so it stays put. It does. Now, to figure out how to get back at THEY.
I had to grab another. This was half the price of the first, effectively making the pair cost roughly the same price they would have back in 2015 or so. The first was brand new, this one is brand new, but “used”…it still has the tags on it for fucks sake. Now I have a pair of Boogie straight cabs so I can run in stereo. My plans for world domination are almost complete. Excellent.