First Cook on the BGE.

View attachment 1478094

Pellets were added for smoke. 1/2 pork lois dry brined in montreal chicken for 24hr.

View attachment 1478095
Added the Tri Tip after a 40 minute headstart at 275.

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Crisping the Loin up while the grill heats up for sear on Tri Tip.

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Finished to hot to take pictures, also put on some piccanas .

View attachment 1478098

Meat fest! with Harissa rice with sumac, Fresh lettuce from the garden with homegrown endive, Tri-Tip, Picanna, Pork Loin, and a piece of Naan grilled til crispy. My new chihuahua Chip which I adopted about a month ago jumped up and grabbed a piece of meat off my plate. He is quick.
He was a stray so he has been a lot more work.

View attachment 1478099
Chip is in the Back 7.5 lbs of trouble. Loki is in front, he is a JRT and Chi.
Great looking food man! Everything looks freaking tasty! Good looking pups,
What the gentleman above me said. I think his name is ‘Franklin’ or something…I honestly think it’s a bot. I’ve done extensive research on his posts, I’ve even been in contact with several of my esteemed colleagues . We doctors are like a cult, don’t fuck with us. It’s an elite club and we get what we want. Just a bit of advice to file away in your thinkers.
:deadhorse: This was Gearhead being pummeled by a poltergeist. All the horse did was buck a little. Ohh well, off to the glue factory.

Nice looking spread ya old bobcat hammerhead. That Egg thing is nice...not a bad haul for five hundies. That foods looks cramable into my mouth parts. I eat like a octopus with my beak. It's very powerful.
First Cook on the BGE.

View attachment 1478094

Pellets were added for smoke. 1/2 pork lois dry brined in montreal chicken for 24hr.

View attachment 1478095
Added the Tri Tip after a 40 minute headstart at 275.

View attachment 1478096

Crisping the Loin up while the grill heats up for sear on Tri Tip.

View attachment 1478097

Finished to hot to take pictures, also put on some piccanas .

View attachment 1478098

Meat fest! with Harissa rice with sumac, Fresh lettuce from the garden with homegrown endive, Tri-Tip, Picanna, Pork Loin, and a piece of Naan grilled til crispy. My new chihuahua Chip which I adopted about a month ago jumped up and grabbed a piece of meat off my plate. He is quick.
He was a stray so he has been a lot more work.

View attachment 1478099
Chip is in the Back 7.5 lbs of trouble. Loki is in front, he is a JRT and Chi.
So Appetizing............ :bow:
Chicken fried rice
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You guys….YOU GUYS!,,,,YOU GUYS!!!!!! I am using the Kong right now….holy shit this thing is so easy to use. It’s been sitting at 250F for like 3 and a half hours. I used about $2 worth of Kamado Joe Big Block XXL Lump charcoal and about $1 worth of Weber cherry chunks. I set the top vent to 1 and the bottom vent is about a quarter the way open. It’s just sitting there like a rock. The vents work so freaking good. When I made that beer a couple summers ago…a delicious IPA by the way….with that beer guy, I brought over a 10# pack of fresh chicken thigh/leg quarters that I scored for that insane 1970s price of $1.99 a bag or 20 cents a pound. He had a new premium 2” Weber Kettle with the new shiny bottom vent with the big slide thing. I loved it. It was easily the best charcoal grill I’ve ever used…until yes. Hahaha. This thing grills itself peoples…I am pretty sure it will just smolder there until I decide it’s time to go out. Hopefully.

I saw a couple tips for this grill. First one is bring it up to the desired temp rather than go past it. It’s easier to add than to take away. The other tip was about lighting the charcoal. He said not to overdue it and let them light slowly. It worked lovely. Man this thing is gonna be great. More pics to come when it's done.

Its so easy
Check this fellasasas

One seven pound Boston Butt cut into triples. I love the extra bark, I shoulda done quads. Cherry smoked with that Kamado Joe XXL Big Block Lump made from 3 species of trees. They only use the stumps, which is extra dense from the weight of the tree sitting smack on top...take it from a tree guy, stumps can suck. I like that they aren't cutting any trees as well, it's a very non invasive model they are using.

I always just grabbed whatever was at the hypermart or gigabodega. You know what I'm talking about... that Cowboy stuff, Brand X, Henry's Lump Bonanza Extravaganza Legabonza. Whatever they had.

That ended yesterday. Wow. I'm sure it's a bit of Kamado and a bit of high end charcoal, but WOW. That rainforest blend is phenomenal!!!! The smell is absolutely unique, but very pleasant. And the burn factor? The BURN FACTOR?? I started with two big hunks and a couple little pieces. I didn't have any of those starter things yet, and I haven't gone to get a small propane cylinder yet, so I used my Weber Rapidfire Chimney. I put the couple hunks and few pieces in and fired it up with a few sheets of paper. I've never had it so empty before. I let it go for about 20 mins and dumped it on top of a few more pieces that were not lit, along with a handful of the cherry nuggets. Weber makes some really nice smoking wood chunks. Best ones I've played for easy. Perfect size too. I tossed those in right out the bag and shut her down to preheat for a solid 35 mins. After that, I put the pork butt in and walked away. That was the easiest smoking I've ever done. I let em go for 7 hours and then shut her down and let em rest wrapped in foil inside the grill. I closed both vents and smothered the fire, and they tested there for about 3 hours. They were still hot when I chopped the first one.

Fucking fan fucking tastic. That is some slammin sammincheches. JeeEzUuS, I can't
even see. I'm brakes.

WOWOWOWOW. Incredible. And a super bonus: I don't smell like a campfire. The Kamado is AMAZING!!!!!