Sorry to hear about your dad. I was about that age when my dad passed. I still think about him often as you will about your father.

:karmacloud: :bighug:
Thanks least I got family. I got NB family, and then I got my mom's siblings, two brothers and a sister.

I am hoping to get my aunt up here next week. I need a mommy figure, and my mom's younger sister will do just fine. They even sound alike. I'm just in fucking limbo. I organized a pretty good search party for the morning. It's raining out, and it makes me hurt. I am gonna look at every house in a 5 ring outward. I got like 7 or so heads though, so HOPEFULLY we are successful. Cross your fingers please. I've never felt this vulnerable. I always had my folks as a net and that shit is gone. I've had nightmares about this day. I hope I can get through this.

What a fucking shitty day...I used to like Halloween too. I was even gonna try and get in on your pumpkin contest. I'm just not up to it at the moment.

And to top of off, I am trying to get this fucking Samsung sound bar working properly. Jeezless. I can wire up a studio of rack gear with Wordclock, AD/DA converters and get that all working happy, but I can't figure out this fucking sound bar. All this HDMI ARC and weird shit. I just want to use a Toslink fiber optic cable and have that be the source.

I need a fucking vacation

Why does every thing have to be so fucking hard??
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    Green Hornet

    points: 10
    My Father passed away two months ago We have to keep it together I keep telling myself
Thanks least I got family. I got NB family, and then I got my mom's siblings, two brothers and a sister.

I am hoping to get my aunt up here next week. I need a mommy figure, and my mom's younger sister will do just fine. They even sound alike. I'm just in fucking limbo. I organized a pretty good search party for the morning. It's raining out, and it makes me hurt. I am gonna look at every house in a 5 ring outward. I got like 7 or so heads though, so HOPEFULLY we are successful. Cross your fingers please. I've never felt this vulnerable. I always had my folks as a net and that shit is gone. I've had nightmares about this day. I hope I can get through this.

What a fucking shitty day...I used to like Halloween too. I was even gonna try and get in on your pumpkin contest. I'm just not up to it at the moment.

And to top of off, I am trying to get this fucking Samsung sound bar working properly. Jeezless. I can wire up a studio of rack gear with Wordclock, AD/DA converters and get that all working happy, but I can't figure out this fucking sound bar. All this HDMI ARC and weird shit. I just want to use a Toslink fiber optic cable and have that be the source.

I need a fucking vacation
View attachment 1383031

Why does every thing have to be so fucking hard??
Well because you only have one nerve left and that sound bar is stepping on it!

Breath in deep through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. Close your eyes. Breath in deep through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. imagine you are on that beach. Breath in deep through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. Feel the warm sea breeze on your face smell the salt. Breath in deep through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. Feel the warm grains of sand under your feet and between your toes. Breath in deep through your nose and slowly out through your mouth. Of course you need to memorize this shit because you are supposed to have your eyes closed. :crying: It is a good relaxation technique but you have to calm down to use it and really just concentrate on and "feel" your breath.

I used it as attitude adjustment when I was employed now I just hit the vape Dabs3.png.

I went and bought a Toslink fiber optic cable. I'm a bit of an audiophile, being a recording studio dork and stereo installer. I thoroughly enjoy how fiber is not subject to RF/EMI as most regular cables are. My first marketable skill was being a car stereo installer...I was deep into that for awhile. I went to trade school in Toronto and landed a job at one of the most prestigious shops in town. Not too shabby at 19, most of my coworkers were 10 years older, I felt like a kid. Too bad all that came crashing down when I illegally got fired. I got caught sleeping while I was upside down with my head under the steering column...when we did alarms and remote starts, there was a nice moving blanket we would put down first, and then they had a pillow that you could set up by the pedals. We would usually take the driver's seat out and by the time you got all this bedding and pillahs down, it's pretty comfy. I mean, you're gonna be there for a good 35-45 mins, with a flashlight in your teeth and your trusty Fluke multimeter...I think I had to be there at 8:00am, and it was a full time gig. So all these sleep apnea (that I didn't even know about yet, I got that diagnosed and then surgery 1.5 years later. I probably could have sued that's not my style. I've never even collected unemployment for fucks sake.

Not one time. I got sued once though. Small claims, got the full $5000 thrown at me. My landlord broke into my house and stole my fucking rent receipts...I had a whole years $1100 a month. Absolutely insane woman...I got weird vibes within a month of signing that lease. She still gives me the hooboo jeebies. Turns out she has sued every single person that has ever rented from her...and she still won against me and my ex wife, because I didn't have my receipts, and she told like 37 lies on the stand. One of the most fucked up people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.

My god my stories start one direction and get tangented right in the opposite...this whole thing started about how I got my new soundbar working, and here I am talking about Val. That's her name. She will forever be known as Val. The house was insane though...2500 square feet with a 600 ft² bedroom on the third floor...with two giant picture windows and a sliding door with a little deck...where I had my old charbroil grill. And my room was 70 feet from the edge of Lake I had an absolutely perfect unobstructed endless view, with a sick telescope.

Oohh...check this: One night, I see this light over the water that was like a fireball...except it was just parked in the air. So still in fact, that I located it through the telescope and got it to where the "flaming ball" was dead centered in the scope. Which made immediately apparent that the flame thing was also a perfect circle against the smooth continuous curve of the aperture. Both my kids and my roommate had a chance to observe the flamebeu through the scope... must have been a good 4 mins for everyone to get their fill looking at weirdo flam. It wasn't doing anything...except remaining perfectly stationary and making the crazy trippy flaming ball that it was quite good at, which is remarkable in its own right. Good show old bean. Tally ho.

And then it was no more. I don't know if I blinked, or had some gas or something, but one second there...and then no more.

It's tough to estimate distances over water at night, but it was DEFINITELY at least 500 feet out, and it was also a good 50+ feet off the water. To this day I have a pretty good image of that night burned into my mind.

One other thing worth noting...we had a failed high speed car toter called The Fast Ferry, and for the weeks prior to official launch, they were doing dry runs, getting the route down, breaking in the brand new high performance boat, etc...the Ferry came through a minute or two after the flambeau went kaput. It was madness I tells yas.

And that's the story of how I hooked up my new soundbar...which sounds pretty massive by the way!! Wow.
I have a sound bar now and that is all I use. The room is wired for 9-2 but I could never afford the speakers or amp to drive it properly. I had 7-1 for a while but the acoustics of the room are shit for good surround until the volume is just too high for the neighbors snicker3.gif

The sound bar does ok but voices are not clear enough sometimes. Could just be I need a hearing aid?
I got a pretty good deal, I got a last year model closeout from BJs. It rang up at $430, but it was $150 off. I'm seriously thinking about pulling the trigger on a guitar. This has been the week from hell, and the one I want is a limited 20th anniversary and will be gone soon. It's literally got every single spec I want. I am full of GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome). Maybe spending way too much money will help me feel better? Sounds about right.

PS: Mephisto is selling seeds tomorrow. I'm gonna get a few pakags. It's about time to fire up the dope show!!
Smoking cheese . I have smoked many many kg of it . The best temp is below - 30 celsius - 86 fahrenheit . This stops it from melting , but the important thing is it stops it from separating . I hit it hard with smoke for a hour then see what the colour is like , if I want it stronger in wood flavour I go a bit longer . The wood chip I use and like is pecan . Today I am going to make some more pork brawn . This is the last one I made . I like it for lunch on fresh bread .

This time I am going to try it wih a curry flavour . Never done it before and I always brine cure the pork when I make brawn , I will report back when it is done , the next day . :thumbsup:
We made a lasagna yesterday to bake for tonight. We sit out front and pass out candy and eat hot foods.

The GF lasagna noodle we use is this one


It is a no par-cook noodle. I tried to par-cook it the first time I used them and they turned into a dough ball :doh: So this time i followed the instructions and did not cook them but we did make the sauce thinner than normal. I am hungry just thinking about it. In fact it is time to go put it in the oven.
I have a sound bar now and that is all I use. The room is wired for 9-2 but I could never afford the speakers or amp to drive it properly. I had 7-1 for a while but the acoustics of the room are shit for good surround until the volume is just too high for the neighbors View attachment 1383289

The sound bar does ok but voices are not clear enough sometimes. Could just be I need a hearing aid?
Your ears might need a good cleaning. My one ear was so packed with wax they could not see my eardrum. Now I can hear the music again.