Holy shit fam...what a fucking week. I don't even know where to start. Let's shift back to Monday evening when shit started. Holy shit, I don't even know how to say this so I guess I'm just gonna spit it out. My fucking dad died, and I am now an orphan. I'm a fucking orphan at 43. My dad was like Hank Hill. He had good friends that all have that quality. Holy shit. I just met with the funeral home yesterday morning and got that all ironed out.
If that's not enough to make me quit, my fucking cat is missing. I put him out on a leash (yeah, I'm a paranoid weirdo... he is like me and NB's kid. We don't have kids together, he's our fur baby. I put him on the leash, and the wrong end got unclipped and now he is out and about dragging this leash behind him. It's making me sick on top of puking and being sick. I just don't know how much more bullshit I can take before Iose it. And I got stung by a yellow jacket to add some icing to the cake. Fuckin hell.
I was alone in the house yesterday and almost had a nervous breakdown. I just want everything to go back to last weekend. Can we do that? Y'all cool with just rewinding a few days? I got into some nasty Captain Morgan's and Skol Vodka. Everyone knows I'm a toasted marshmallow vodka and white wine spritzer guy. A typical savage...no tequila, whiskey or beer for me, just bitch drinks. I gotta buy something this evening...well, on the plus side, I'm gonna start growing some dope again...like within a week or so hopefully.
My neighbor just rang and printed up some flyers for my guy. Man. What the fuck yo??
My neighbors came over and brought me dinner last night. They saw all the commotion. Spaghetti, and meatball dinner from Wegmans... romaine salad, ciabatta loaf, and a thing of chocolate chip cookies. I made homemade croutons with Aldi Sourdough Square loaf that came out tip top. That salad was A1 bonkers....I made my own vinaigrette with some oil, white wine vinegar, rice wine vinegar, Greek herbs, lime juice, and a smidge of sugar. Tossed in that and then added Marie's Blue Cheese. Phenomenal salad. The cookies were lit too, as was the ciabatta. Wasn't huge on the meatballs and spaghetti as much. It's the thought that counts...and it wasn't bad, I'm just sorta picky. Make that very picky...I like my girls bouncy, my weed sticky, and my food puby.
I made my last chocolate cake last night, right before I noticed my kitty missing. Jesus guys, I'm really having trouble here. I need my cat back now
On Wednesday night, we decided to get some quick frozen pizza. Y'all know that Motor City Pizza Company kick we've been on. We go to the bazaar, and they only had 3 MCPC pizzas!! More luck. They were the cheese variety, so I bought a stick of Margherita, and brought it home. I then remembered that I also like onions and bacon and proceeded to cook up a few sticks of that thicc maple lovin. Shaved up some onions, and busted out a few ounces of Polly-O Whole Milk Mozz, along with some crushed red pepper and crafted this absolute fucking masterpiece.
Sorry I'm not as chipper as ushe. Here is some pics of my life as it's unfolding around me. Fuck me runnin