That does look really premium. Lovin' the Berkshire hogs. I've had some Berkshire and Iberico, both of which are top shelf lovely for not that much. Compared to






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Just to be CRYSTAL clear, that is a 1½" cube

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You following along?

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You seeing that number? That INSANE number? This number
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Jesus fucking holy shit. This is my first time even being in the same zip code of beef of that caliber. I've been a non offending wagyuphile for years. This is some of the most marbled Japanese beef I've ever laid eyes on. Just incredible.

Meanwhile, I'm over here eating this literal dog shit beef sammich that is somehow sharing the post with the fucking king of 1.5" inches³ of beefy squares. I need some squares in my life guys. Fuckin hell

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Dude. C'mon.. C'MON. C'MON!!!
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If you cooked that would there be anything left besides a puddle in the pan?
If you cooked that would there be anything left besides a puddle in the pan?
HAHAHAHHAHA....bro I seriously don't even know. That thing is more marble than muscle for fucks sake.

Just imagine some dude completely melting that thing trying to show off to his buddies or some chick.

That comment was fucking hilarious bro, it almost made me drop my phone
I'm sweating right now from devouring a few ears of corn, picked last night, just beautiful perfect big chunky ears. I love a lots of sea salt and fresh cracked blacked with my Korn. Enough t do make me sweat or it's not right.

So this little mealski came together lovely. I made some lemon pepper white bbq chicken skewers with some peppers, onions and whole crimini mushrooms. Also made an herbed focaccia that was just ripe for abuse. Quite the tasty little spread.




I'm stufft like pinatas. Bam.
My Golden Cross Bantam corn has failed. The tassels simply did not produce any pollen. I was reading up on it and it seems hot night time temperatures can cause this? I did not know that as this has never happened to me. :shrug:
Ohh shit kids...check these babies out




85/15 ground chuck, jasmine rice, eggs, onions, garlic, roma tomatoes, salt, pepper and marinara, with the rest of the sauce poured over top. Cover tight with phoyl and bake for a couple hours.

The real secret of stuff pepps is use a rack. You can literally put just about anything inside and bake em up and it will be decent, but try doing em on a rack. The peppers stay a tad firmer and you can pick them up with your hands like a caveman if you so desire. I don't eat them with my hands, but I do really appreciate having the pepper not be a soggy mess. They are still super soft, just not that completely dead texture they get from being braised. Try it.

Big day tomorrow. More news as the story unfolds. Back to you Janet.
PS. Ohh, and that beefy pepper juice floating underneath is like fucking gold. Haha. I bet you could make a MEAN ass gravy with it.
Tomorrow is my mom's party thing. I just got back from shopping. Literally every store in town....twice in the past 24 hours....and I still gotta pick up meat from BJs in the morning. I changed the menu...between the baby being born (sorry if I didn't say anything....healthy premie, her uterus and womb were basically half size, so the baby is freaking tiny at 4 lbs, she was 3-12 at birth, but she is 100% healthy, just a little early)

...anyway, that kinda put a damper in my help for the party, so I dumbed the menu down and traded pork for lump charcoal burgers, dogs and sausages, Cole slaw, Mac salad, fruit salad, chips of many varieties, and earthquake cake for dessert. My mom's besty is bringing some baked penne or something like that and some other folks are bringing some crackers and shit. I scored a $20 bag of lump from BJs and the venue has a pretty nice 4'x2' charcoal grill that is gonna get a workout. The burgers look phenomenal though....none of that baby shower discount meat for me and momma. It's been WAY too long to make this happen and the fucking county is still up our asses about capacity and masks and shit. Fuck the fuck off. You got our thousand kindly gimme the fucking keys and fuck right off for 14 hours. They even wanted to know who is catering this shindig...because they are trying to FORCE you to support local businesses. I love small business, I fucking own one, but that's some serious bullshit. You wanna know who's catering?

There ya go...

Look at my poor fridge....she can hardly walk for fucks sake

We were like an inch away from bottoming out the car...we had 7 cases of beer, 3 cases of water, 3 cases of pop, and all the food for 70 people in the car with 4 heads. We spent like $800 and for some reason we didn't feel like we needed to take the truck. We shoulda took the truck. Haha...I bought a new kitchen garbage can at Wallieworld and we had to fill it with chips because we didn't have any room. We shoulda took the trucky.

BUT....guess who is going to make Earthquake Cake for way too many people? It's Bushy and Greeny!!!, but that would be epic. Pictures boys if that ever happened. I watched that video with that cute little southern lady with the nice new cake pan making the German chocolate earthquake cake with Baker's brand coconut. I got all that and more. I put coconut milk in the cake mix and I got some semi sweet chocolate pieces throughout. Pictures are coming. Wish me luck!!! Here we go...