also i could use a good par meter for positioning the pots at the sweet spots...Another tool it will be good is a trustable soil ph meter and even an ec soil meter so i dont depent on the run offs everytime...
a "Lux" meter is usefull,............. we know though, the strongest photon flux is directly under the light, @24-26c at canopy height, and lux tends to fades as you move to the side etc......
water is the best run off meter !................. soil Ph meters are notorious for giving wrong readings !! a flush covers the soil from top to bottom.............. and is a reading of now, rather than from the end of a soil probe.....
Intake air from outside + aircooled reflector maybe will take me to 30C but i really dont think i can do it without a/c!!
I will get a portable a/c if not in this grow definetely in the next round...
we will see how the temp rises, when we have our Y piece system, (Out Flow Side) and the carbon filter in the tent also (In Flow Side), air flow "Into" the filter, so essentially you have a carbon filyter both ends of the fan !!........ on the outflow side two number carbon filters on the Y piece................ will give you high air flow, with "Proper" specs on the filtration speed...........................
pump air to "fast" through a filter................. aroma removal can drop to 40% or less.............................. if RH rises above 65%.................... carbon filter removal efficiency "Drops"................ by varying percentages......... relative to flow speeds............... to fast and to highan RH (Relative Humidity) will get "Aromatic Overflow"................... stink being pumped out, not treated................. if you get 32c to 35c.................... every year...................
you will need aircon in the room, same as teetee...................... to get the temp down in the grow cab to 32c max white ok......... if we have 35c air temp...................could rise to 28-40c !!................. that will shut down the stoma of the plant............. and slow growth (And Plant De-Hydration), plant protects it's self from de-hydration by closing breather holes "Stoma" under the leaf........ also 'VPd" goe's wild, another high temp consequence............ plus you dont want the HPS running in 35c plus...................... the bulb temp will rise above 600c at the rear of the 'Glass" envelope...................... not good.............................. just as a saftety alert,............ put a battery smoke allarm in the cab "At The Top" of tent ok white'ty mate................ common sense right..................... make it a loud one !!
didnt cover the 6 inch duct flange that i placed on the door. Should i put a 15 denier net there???
Is this where i will place the silencer? On the exit flange on the door?
no need to cover the hot air out vent through the door panel you "Lifted" up white ok..................... only on the intake duct in the house,........................ which is pulling in air from inside the room only at the moment................. when weather begins to hot up,......................... we can suck cold air into the cab from outaside, via the door panel, you used for the outake air, being pushed out,....................... we can duct from door to the top of the tent the cold outside "Night" air....................... and of course the warmer morning air up to midday when the lights go of at 12 midday................. not a prob
................. duct the cold outside night time air 'With 15 Denier" bug filter................ on the air in at the door, and also at where the exit end of the cold air in duct is at the top of the cab, cold air sinks through the hot then ok.......... 15 denier both ends of passive "External" intake air.........
now that in summer if my soil goes to 24-26C what will the feeding water Temp will be at??
Is there a rule? I am not sure i remember well but did you tell me that feeding water temp should always be +2C of the soil temp?? If soil 24C then feeding water temp 26C? Is this valid or??
AIR CON !!!!!!!!!.............(Control Room Temp, Controls CAB temp! Controls SOIL Temp !!).......... WE DONT WANT THE CULTURE TEWMP ABOVE 32C AS A max............... OTHERWISE SOIL TEMP WILL RISE ABOVE 26C.....................WHICH IS OUT MAX SOIL YTEMP OK............... AIR TEMP CAN GO TO 33C............. STOMA BEGIN TO CLOSE ABOVE 35C................ GROWTH WILL THEN SLOW................. DRINKING WILL SLOW, NUTE UPTAKE SLOWS..................
When plant starts staggering the intnodes i will give the Root Stims one more week and then i will not use them again. So we use Root Stims only until 5-6 week of autoflower or until 1 week after the plant has shown us the staggering effect....
Those jars are the ones they have a screwing cover right? Not the clip open/close type right?

" THE TRICHOMES BEFORE YOU CAN USE THEM !! UNDER THE EDGE YOU CAN SLIDE UNDER THE JAR DETAILS, LIKE "Gorrilla Girl, Supercrop Victim no2"............. cut 06/06/2019. trick here is to "Weigh" the jar empty, record it on the lid, then when you want to know how much "left" in jar, just weigh jar, deduct jar weight, leaves contents weight !!.................... minus, 1no or 2no, 10g "Boveda" pack each jar...... = weight green left in jar
I think i have to move wifes cothes from the drawers in the upper room now....
Again saved me from trouble xD
if there are clothes in the room where the cab is, then yea, move em out bro..................... shoes to, we have air being pulled into the room from under, and around the edge of the room door at the mo right ?............. so no stink can get out into the house this is a good method, same as i use, neg pressure in the culture room.............. all you have to do next is use the room instead of the cab !!...................... as you have a room inside a room !!....................
same as i started, room in a room !! wernt long before the room became the culture room !!................................ as you only need 4 plants....................... you probably better off in the tent in the room....................... i went from 4 plants to 9 in the whole room !!...................... 480 to 600g will do you two !! for the grow period 90 days auto's or up to 115 days on fems........
ALR please just tell me i didnt fuk up the topping...Please tell me i did the right thing....I didnt know exactly what to do so i followed the structure of the plant to give the 'top cut'
you did fine white'ty mate, no panick........................ you just cut the top shoot out, at just above the intyernode, the little shoot in the middles as you did........................ and as the pic i posted you................. i can see the bow strengthening already, with energy divert.................... cool..... the effect is "Bushing" out........... height control, you can, and i do on occasion, pinch out the larger side bows............. "before Staggering" begins........... but not necessary,....................unless you have an UN-ruly and unduely massive shooter side bow, pinch it out at the top, stop it shooting up...................
I just read that a woman who is from my country and she lives and working as an academic in the UK is responsible for starting a sign petition counting more than 4 million signatures to make a new public vote....
MP Leyla moran = daughter of mother, Randa, and English father "Jimmy" James Moran........... quite a character by all accounts....................
800,000 citizens (Check)
English did run it (Check)
Was on the pound (Check)
People round here notice everything (Check)
White'ty is Palestinian (Check)................ correct ?/........
Born to a British father and a "
Palestinian mother" from Jerusalem,
Leyla Moran will be the only standing MP with
Arab heritage in the June 8 general elections in Uk in 2021................
Could never get a better picture of what is causing hermies in the cannabis plant!! A world class explenation xD Amazing how everything is working in nature....
here are the "Bollox" = "Hermie Nannas" = "Canna Gonads" = "Skunk Testicles"........... = KEEP YOUR EYE'S PEELED DOUBLE TIME, FOR THESE LITTLE "MALE ORGANELLE'S" !!
If you get them before they open, pinch em out, "NO HARM Done"................if they open, and yellow pollen get blown around the room on numerous fans, that are "NOT" needed............... fertilization will occur" !!
the male and female organelle's
this is a "Fem" that has thrown a gender identity crisis... female, turning male.....
a full blow 100% "Regular Photo-period" male..... 100% male usually a thin streak of piss from the start............ in the end you spot them before they sex !!!!!!!! we have all had them , willl again no doubt................ you will get them at some stage in your culture life white ok......................... keep your environs on spec................ give "NO" reason to trigger a hermaphrodite,........................that way, when it do happen, know it was "Nothing" to do with your culture parameters, just was one that threw the bollox just for the sake of it, about sums it up........................ some just do it for the sake of it......................... like a backwashed spasticus plant..............
allway's keep an eye on the "Internode" sections, is where the bollox show up 1st white, can happen any time, but "usually" just after 12/12 with fems, and auto's just after the 1st flowers show, day 21 to 35............. all auto's should flower before day 35,..................
White'ty, when we do "Regulars" (Not Auto's Or Fems), they are beans with female and male seeds mixed in together, after 40 to 50 day veg !! we switch 12/12 with Regulars........... then we wait for the males to show the bollox, then we "Kill" them asap !!...........BEFORE THE BOLLOX OPEN AND SPILL THE MALE'S YELLOW POLLEN INTO THE AIR FROM THE LITTLE "STAMINATE" PARCELS !!........ as long as we kill the "Regular" males, all is wel, with the female regulars......they go on to produce lots of flowers..... white'ty mate, whats the weather like in Palestine today bruv ??.......
two day's to next update on 27th................cant wait !!............... now we have topped em white'ty KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR BOLLOX OK.................. SOME CAN TAKE THE BE HEADING THE WRONG WAY !! LOL......keep a watch on internodes though ok........ i am off to order me next set of dutch passion beans.................. what they will be is the hard bit !! fems or auto's !!................. tee's got me on the auto's now !! he is returning to auto's his next grow,........................... i have to decide now !!.............ALR