I'm going to be making next gen crosses this grow for sure, there's some traits I really want to lock down, I do very little sensi grows I'm all about breeding man. I'll have some indoor stuff too, when I get things more organized I'll post them.

Same way here, seems like once one gets to breeding no plant is safe at my end either. Looking forward to seeing your indoor gear, and hearing about your breeding projects. Always interested in what others are playing with genetic wise.

Same way here, seems like once one gets to breeding no plant is safe at my end either. Looking forward to seeing your indoor gear, and hearing about your breeding projects. Always interested in what others are playing with genetic wise.


I know what you mean Stickman, I love my seeds. I'll be posting some pics of the indoor stuff when I get the room set up. But probably going to do a photo run first. Mostly do autos outside, but indoors I have to alternate between photos and autos. So I can keep up with all the projects.
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So the late phenos are starting to flower now, and are around six feet tall ( I'll check tomorrow) with the male doumping loads on the lady's. I always use multiple male\females per generation to keep diversity in the gene pool. Gave them a lite feeding of Koolbloom. I'll get some pics up for you guys as soon as I can.
tallest pheno is 6ft tall, short pheno is 4ft tall. cool flower shots:
Beauty plants bud!! Wow, they really look fantastic...no clue how i missed this thread! Ah now i see in the General Auto category not one of the outdoor categories...if you want it moved LMK.

thanks 912GreenSkell, their getting a little to big for the grow spot. makes me nervous. might have to cut down the ones im not going to breed with, but i just cant bring my self to do it.lol yeah i posted in the wrong category for sure. if you could move it that would be great. thanks again.
thanks 912GreenSkell, their getting a little to big for the grow spot. makes me nervous. might have to cut down the ones im not going to breed with, but i just cant bring my self to do it.lol yeah i posted in the wrong category for sure. if you could move it that would be great. thanks again.

No prob at all bud...moved to outdoor journals. Really looking fantastic...i know just what you mean about size getting out of hand sometimes!!