Hindu pheno is 4 feet tall, sativa pheno is 5 feet tall. their hitting the shade cover now!! what do? top them??

Primo growing brother! I can see why you continue to run this auto x. Size is almost more like a true semi-auto.

I was blown away and devastated for you when I saw your plants after the wind storm. I am still amazed at times how resilient Cannabis plants are. Still remember my first OD grow in a 10' x 20' x 8' tall. I live @ Lat 48N., so we have a very short growing season. Had some very nice sized photos going. We had a pretty hard frost. I thought Cannabis was more like tomatoes and peppers. One frost and they are done. Cannabis plants looked toast, so hastily harvested,everything was finished, but would have like one strain to go a bit longer for more narcotic effect. The next year, had a huge patch of Blockhead out in the open on my land. One morning it got down to 26F. The girls looked toast big time. Soon as it warmed up, one could never tell how dead they looked just hours before.

Had a historic wind storm in my neck of the woods in 14. 80-110 sustained winds for just 5 minutes or so. My hoop house is one I purchased (I could not have build one this nice for what I paid for it). Anyway, frame is 3/4' aluminum, and fastened securely to a wood frame. The sustained winds bent the frame, and tore the covering. A huge pine tree that fell came within inches of taking out the front. Only lost a couple of freshly planted autos that came out of their pots. Have some pictures, but can't find them atm. I will and post,if you don't mind.

Anyway, glad I found your thread, and am now subbed up. There is nothing like growing our favorite plant OD. Very nice work by the way.
Is another generation in order for this grow, or 100% sinse grow?

Also very glad to meet you through your thread. Always nice to see other OD growers that have been at it for a while.

What a great set up! The hoop/shade structure combo is an excellent design.

I have to ask, are you shading the plants to protect them from the sun or public view?

Thanks cayennecuervo, the shading acts as both protection from the sun (gets intense here) and from public view, this is more of a urben guerrilla garden and I have a high amount enemy air traffic. Look up "Civil air patrol" They scare the shit out of me.

Primo growing brother! I can see why you continue to run this auto x. Size is almost more like a true semi-auto.

I was blown away and devastated for you when I saw your plants after the wind storm. I am still amazed at times how resilient Cannabis plants are. Still remember my first OD grow in a 10' x 20' x 8' tall. I live @ Lat 48N., so we have a very short growing season. Had some very nice sized photos going. We had a pretty hard frost. I thought Cannabis was more like tomatoes and peppers. One frost and they are done. Cannabis plants looked toast, so hastily harvested,everything was finished, but would have like one strain to go a bit longer for more narcotic effect. The next year, had a huge patch of Blockhead out in the open on my land. One morning it got down to 26F. The girls looked toast big time. Soon as it warmed up, one could never tell how dead they looked just hours before.

Had a historic wind storm in my neck of the woods in 14. 80-110 sustained winds for just 5 minutes or so. My hoop house is one I purchased (I could not have build one this nice for what I paid for it). Anyway, frame is 3/4' aluminum, and fastened securely to a wood frame. The sustained winds bent the frame, and tore the covering. A huge pine tree that fell came within inches of taking out the front. Only lost a couple of freshly planted autos that came out of their pots. Have some pictures, but can't find them atm. I will and post,if you don't mind.

Anyway, glad I found your thread, and am now subbed up. There is nothing like growing our favorite plant OD. Very nice work by the way.
Is another generation in order for this grow, or 100% sinse grow?

Also very glad to meet you through your thread. Always nice to see other OD growers that have been at it for a while.


Thanks for the kind words and for sharing your weather stories, love to hear about plants growing in different climates. They blow me away too ( no pun intended) how resilient they are. You and anyone else is more then welcomed to post pics or comment on here no problem. Would love to see them.

So wasn't expecting them to get this size, I usually put them one or two gallon pot/bags and they get about 2 feet tall. But this year I decided to put them in the rised bed and I think the extra root space is to thank for their size. They look great but man their hard to hide and they stink.

I'm going to be making next gen crosses this grow for sure, there's some traits I really want to lock down, I do very little sensi grows I'm all about breeding man. I'll have some indoor stuff too, when I get things more organized I'll post them.