DOGS LIFE indoor

What have ya done this time DOG?!:yoinks:

This Mozambiquen is such a beauty, you are perfecting your breeder skills now and i'm very glad it is so mate:)

Can't wait what comes next and what ya show us next outdoor season my friend:thumbsup:

Hey Mongol, thanks man I like her too. I didn't do much outdoors this year but I'm thinking ill run some more autos in the beds in spring/summer. I'll tag you in the outdoor journal when I start it up.
Cool work you are doing with the genetics you have, I'll keep watching to see what you come up with as time goes on.

Gross on the mold tho, lol. That's what makes me nervous about making them but I guess ya gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Swamp boys "LayerCake"and Dark Heart Nurserys "Whooody" got hit with LayerCake male pollen today. Hoping the pollen didn't go bad we had some rain last week and the humidity went up. You can see in the pic pollen looks a bit clumpy But not all of it was like that. I'll know in a few days.
Great bud shots, I bet that MB #1 hits like that baseball bat too.