New Grower Does nitrogen toxicity damage go away?

On a side note..i don't know if it matters..but at the end of week 4, neither plant has an odour at all! I can put my nose right over the top flowering part, and zero smell!

Doesn't matter.....
I don't think you will lose it if you feed proper strength.

Your pics show nothing more than a starved plant.
That's what I don't can it be starving for nitrogen, yet still have claws on it..even top growth.
That's what I don't can it be starving for nitrogen, yet still have claws on it..even top growth.

Can't answer that as I don't know what nutes you are using, how strong you mixed the one batch, what your medium is, etc...
Will give it twice as much of same nute..may lollipop the widow to get rid of leaves..less leaves less problems I guess. Gonna dump some Epsom salt in as well..will try to give it everything in my watering today.
Will give it twice as much of same nute..may lollipop the widow to get rid of leaves..less leaves less problems I guess. Gonna dump some Epsom salt in as well..will try to give it everything in my watering today.

Don't overdue it.

You normally start out with weaker nutes and work your way up
I did..only fed once at quarter strength..and one clawed within 2-3 days. But now it's starving? will double it..honestly I don't care if I lose the white likely wont produce much anyway.
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